
  • 网络scenedesmus obliquus;Scenedesmus obliquu
  1. 高氯酸盐与铬复合污染对斜生栅藻的急性毒理效应

    The Acute Toxicity of Combined Pollution of Perchlorate and Chromium to Scenedesmus Obliquus

  2. 邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯对斜生栅藻的生态毒性作用

    Ecological Toxicity of Di ( - 2-Ethylhexyl ) Phthalate on Scenedesmus Obliquus

  3. ℃下,当吸附达到平衡后,斜生栅藻对Ag(I)离子的平均吸附量为15mg/g,而汉氏菱形藻为27mg/g。

    , respectively when the adsorption balance was reached .

  4. 透射电镜观察了斜生栅藻的细胞超微结构。

    The ultrastructure of Scnedesmus obliquus were studied by transmission electron microscope .

  5. 应用斜生栅藻生长抑制实验对重金属污染土壤的毒性进行诊断

    Toxicity assessment of soil contaminated by heavy metals using algae growth inhibition test

  6. 斜生栅藻中虾青素的积累过程及其光合活性变化

    The accumulation of astaxanthin and the response of photosynthetic activity in Scenedesmus obliquus

  7. 汞对固定化斜生栅藻净化污水及其生理特征的影响

    Effect of mercury on sewage purification of immobilized Scenedesmus obliquus and its physiological characteristics

  8. 4种杀虫药物对斜生栅藻生长的影响

    The Effects of Four Kinds of Insecticides on Growth of Green Alga Scenedesmus obliquus

  9. 烷基酚对斜生栅藻的毒性效应及构效相关研究

    Toxic Effect of Restrain Growth of Scenedesmus Obliquus by Alkyl Phenols and the QSAR Study

  10. 在高浓度组,斜生栅藻的生长在暴露实验中一直处于高度受抑制的状态,镜检该组呈现被胁迫状态。

    At the high concentration groups , the growth of algae had been highly inhibited during the whole test .

  11. 研究结果表明,斜生栅藻对铜最敏感,而月形藻对铜有很强的抵抗能力。

    It was found that S.obliquus was most sensitive to copper but C.lunula had a strong resistibility to copper .

  12. 鱼类对藻类消化吸收的研究&(Ⅰ)白鲢对斜生栅藻的消化与吸收

    Studies on the digestion of algae by fish (ⅰ) the digestion and absorption of Scenedesmus obliquus by silver carp

  13. 淡水斜生栅藻的特征脂肪酸为16:0、18:1和18:3;

    The freshwater alga Scenedesmus obliquus is characterized by high content of 16 : 0 , 18 : 1 and 18 : 3 ;

  14. 蛋白核小球藻及斜生栅藻经镉处理后,从细胞可溶性成分中,分离出镉结合蛋白,分子量各为12600及12000。

    The molecular weights of Cd-binding proteins isolated from the cell lysates of Cd-treated Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Scenedesmus obliquus were 12600 and 12000 respectively .

  15. 当添加高浓度氮磷时,四个湖泊水体均能促进铜绿微囊藻和斜生栅藻生长,揭示氮磷浓度是湖泊水体藻类生长潜力的重要限制因素。

    After addition of high concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus , four kinds of lake water all could stimulate growth of M. aeruginosa and S. obliquus , indicating that nitrogen and phosphorus were the limiting factors of algal growth of four lakes .

  16. 硝基芳烃对斜生栅列藻毒性的定量构效关系研究

    QSAR Study on the Toxicity of Nitroaromatic Compounds to Scenedesmus obliquus

  17. 硝基芳烃对斜生栅列藻的毒性与结构相关性研究

    The Structure and Toxicity Relationship Study for Nitroaromatics to Scenedesmus obliquus

  18. 以生物监测方法,利用国际标准指示生物斜生栅列藻研究酚及其衍生物和丁醇及其异构体的急性毒性规律。

    By means of biological monitoring method , using international standard indicator organism-inclined grate algae , the acute toxic laws of phenol and its derivatives , and alcohol and its isomers are studied .