
xié yánɡ
  • setting sun
斜阳 [xié yáng]
  • [setting sun] 黄昏前要落山的太阳

  1. 看日落的斜阳,就想到你。

    When I watch the the sunset close to the horizon .

  2. 涠洲岛和斜阳岛附近海域浮游植物初步调查

    Preliminary Investigation of Phytoplanktons in the Seas Near Weizhou and Xieyang Islands

  3. 斜阳中悬浮着尘埃(安妮泰勒)

    Dust motes hung in a slant of sunlight ( Anne Tyler )

  4. 《斜阳》中的人物直治是一个无赖。

    Naoji in Setting Sun is actually a rascal .

  5. 一般认为《斜阳》中的母亲是没落贵族的全权代表。

    Mother in Setting Sun is generally recognized as one of representatives of declining aristocracy .

  6. 她对我而言一直是个废墟之城,充满了帝国斜阳的忧伤。

    For me it has always been a city of ruins and of end-of-empire melancholy .

  7. 马格纳斯;那,我想这里的露天空气和斜阳会给他们点安神的效果。

    Well , I think the open air and the evening light will have a quieting effect on them .

  8. 村前村后的野草刚起始变黄,一抹斜阳映照之下,更增了几分萧索。

    Weed around the village had just changed yellow , under the setting sun , it looked more desolate .

  9. 唯有独自心伤那一缕哭得颤抖的斜阳,痛惜一个始终不愿意放下的童话。

    Only the heartache that alone a cry of atoms , trembling a always reluctant to put deplore the fairy tale .

  10. 广西涠洲岛和斜阳岛沉凝灰岩母质发育土壤的系统分类初深

    A Preliminary Study on the System Classification of the Soils Developing from Sedimentary Tuff on Weizhou and Xieyang Islands of Guangxi

  11. 涠洲岛和斜阳岛红色风化壳粘土矿物和化学特征及成土环境研究

    Characteristics of clay minerals and geochemistry and soil-forming environment of the red weathering crusts in Weizhou Island and Xieyang Island , Guangxi

  12. 薄暮的永定河水被留在他们身后。在黄色的斜阳照耀下闪跳。

    The dusky water of the Yongding remained behind them , flashing and dancing in the yellow rays of the westering sun .

  13. 她画的《斜阳萧寺图》,在很多老辈的诗集里见得到题咏。

    The inscription on her painting , the'setting sun Buddhist temple , 'can be found in many collections owned by the older generation .

  14. 按照开发的时间次序,以古塔斜阳为主题的人文景观区率先破土动工。

    According to the development chronologically , the Humanities Scenery with the theme as " Ancient Pagoda and Setting Sun " is first started .

  15. 斜阳落下,在放学回家的路上拾到一只纸飞机,一切由此开始。

    Under the setting sun , the protagonist picks up a paper aeroplane on the way home from school , and the story starts from there .

  16. 斜阳的金光,长蛇般自天边直接到阑旁人立处。

    The golden glowing rays of the setting sun , like long snakes , radiated directly from the horizon on the people standing behind the railings .

  17. 他咬着嘴唇不再理睬她,只顾盯着斜阳下闪烁的满溢一川的滚滚黄河。

    Biting his lip , he paid no more attention to her , looking only at the brimming river glinting in the rays of the setting sun .

  18. 这部电影改编自莫言1986年的同名小说,它再现了火红斜阳下一片红高粱地的景象。

    It was adapted from his 1986 novel of the same name , bringing to life a visual landscape of red sorghum fields and a fiery setting sun .

  19. 我在无人的候车室坐了好久,看着斜阳射入古旧车站内,步步逼近又渐渐黯去。

    I was sitting in the empty waiting room for long , looking at the sun shining into the old station , stepping closer and leaving dark gradually .

  20. 他望着墙边立着的漆黑闪亮的钢琴,那钢琴在斜阳柔和的光线中呈着一种凝重高雅的光泽。

    He gazed at ' the shiny black piano standing next to the wall ; in the slanting rays of the sun it shone with an elegant brilliance .

  21. 一大早,你就被这些马达吵得浮气躁,愈发感觉溽热难耐;向晚时分,斜阳夕照,湖面波光流动,这嗡嗡声却还像一团蚊子般不绝于耳。

    In the daytime , in the hot mornings , thesemotors made a petulant , irritable sound ; at night , in the still evening whenthe afterglow lit the water , they whined about one 's ears like mosquitoes .

  22. 细香无意中随着风过拂在短墙,丝丝在斜阳前挂着留恋是谁笑成这百层塔高耸,让不知名鸟雀来盘旋?

    The mindless , subtle fragrance drifts with wind , Whiffs over a low wall , and sojourns In the air Around the sun . Whose smile is it ? It built this hundred story tower With unknown birds flying around ?