
  • brothers;boy;whoremaster
哥儿 [gē ér]
  • (1) [brothers]∶兄弟与哥哥的全部

  • 你们家哥儿几个?

  • (2) [boys]∶旧指官宦人家的子弟

  • 浪荡公子哥儿

  • (3) [boy]∶对男童的称呼

  • 哥儿越发发福了。--《红楼梦》

  • (4) [whoremaster]∶妓女对嫖客的称呼

  • 咱休惹他,哥儿拿出急来了。--《金瓶梅词话》

  1. 你们哥儿几个?

    How many of you boys are there altogether in your family ?

  2. 今天有许多可爱的姑娘,哥儿们。

    There 's a lot of lovely ladies here today , boys .

  3. 行吗,哥儿们?

    All right , mate ?

  4. 好漂亮的衬衣啊,哥儿们!

    Nice shirt , man !

  5. 唉,真不走运,哥儿们。

    Well , hard luck , mate .

  6. 他跟哥儿们出去喝酒了。

    He 's off drinking with his mates

  7. 他们哥儿仨都是运动员。

    All three brothers are athletes .

  8. 办公室的哥儿们给你寄来了明信片。

    The lads at the office have sent you a post card .

  9. 琼斯并不是那么一个不自量,没头没脑的浪荡哥儿。

    Jones was not so vain and senseless a coxcomb as to expect .

  10. 战友,战时同袍。buddy是「哥儿们,兄弟」同袍是最持久的朋友。

    war buddy3 War buddies are the longest lasting4 friends .

  11. 真棒啊,哥儿们。我真为你高兴。

    Good job , man . I 'm happy for you .

  12. 虽被家人和哥儿们围绕着。

    Here I was surrounded by my family and my so-called mates .

  13. 我们哥儿仨异口同声地叫道,但是没有用。

    All three of us called . But it did no good .

  14. 我猜我会死在这儿,哥儿们。

    I think I 'm dying here , man .

  15. 哥儿们,你们究竟想不想宴请我呀?

    Are you chaps giving me dinner or not ?

  16. 我们立刻会成为知心的哥儿们。

    We 'll be bosom buddies in no time .

  17. 我真替这哥儿们担心。

    I actually feel bad for this guy .

  18. 哥儿们我不知道你们来了

    Oh , hi , guys . I didn 't know you were here .

  19. 嘿放开我哥儿们!

    hey , Get Off Me , Dawg !

  20. 哥儿们,你干嘛为个小妞做这么多?

    Dude , why are you going through all this trouble for one chick ?

  21. 我们在上大学时是铁哥儿们。

    We were great friends at college .

  22. 你们哥儿几个在干什么?

    What are you guys up to ?

  23. 我想我会感到非常孤立,如果没有我的网上博客哥儿们。

    I think I would feel very isolated if didn 't have my online blog buddies .

  24. 我前面那哥儿们,为了等一杯摩卡星冰,都错过了他的肾脏移植手术了

    The guy in front of me missed his kidney transplant waiting for a mocha frappuccino .

  25. 但卢卡和他的哥儿们并未上酒吧让自己快活起来。

    But Luca and his friends didn 't go out to a bar to cheer themselves up .

  26. 当我走来给她看见的时候,她一定会说:“哥儿,你放学回来了吗?”

    Whenever she spotted me , she would always say : " hey kid , back from school ?"

  27. 烨哥儿要住出去,定是有自己道理的!

    Elder sibling Ye 's son wants to live to work out , bench is have oneself the fact !

  28. 喂,哥儿们,我弄到了许多桔子,随便拿吧。

    Hi , guy , I have got a lot of oranges , take as many as you like .

  29. 哥儿们注意我最好的朋友闪电麦昆需要完美安静

    All right . You got it buddy Hey , every buddy , listen up . My best friend Lightning McQueen need quiet . Perfect quiet

  30. 不论烨哥儿在外头多风光,不孝母亲便是头一条罪过的。

    Whether the elder brother Ye son is many to is colossal in the outside or not , the not filial mother would is head a fault .