
  • 网络Gori;Goris;Gregory
  1. 那它为什么轰炸并占领格鲁吉亚的城市,譬如哥里(gori)?

    Why then did it bomb and occupy Georgian cities such as Gori ?

  2. 哥里市,警察正在救援受上的士兵。

    Policemen are helping the wounded soldier in Gori .

  3. 哥里绝对应该有座斯大林的雕像。”

    There absolutely should be a statue of Stalin in Gori . "

  4. 斯大林是哥里的头号旅游景点。

    Stalin is Gori 's number-one tourist attraction .

  5. 但3年前哥里对于斯大林的爱慕发生了些摩擦。

    But Gori 's love affair with Stalin took a jolt three years ago .

  6. 但是在哥里市,约瑟夫·维萨里奥诺维奇,即斯大林,是一个家乡的小男孩。

    But here in Gori , Iosif Dzhugashvili , or Stalin , is a hometown boy .

  7. 哥里居民迫切地向记者们介绍抢劫和破坏的规模。

    Gori residents were eager to show visiting journalists the extent of the looting and destruction .

  8. 斯平德勒说,哥里以北地区村落的局势及需求基本相仿。

    Spindler says the situation and the needs in the villages north of Gori are similar .

  9. 抗议和请愿运动过后,哥里市议会称斯大林雕像将再次竖立起来。

    After protests and a petition drive , Gori 's city council said Stalin will rise again .

  10. 哥里市打算移除斯大林雕像,以纪念2008年俄罗斯-格鲁尼亚战争中“俄罗斯侵略的受害者”。

    Gori is to get a replacement commemorating " the victims of Russian aggression " in the2008 Russia-Georgia war .

  11. 但是仍有少数自称为“维和人员”的军人留在重镇哥里以南的一条主要公路上。

    But a small group of soldiers calling themselves'peacekeepers'remained on a main highway south of the key town of Gori .

  12. “论地面在哥里,他的教训”如何俄罗斯已部署了一个高度蓄意的宣传策略。

    " On the ground in Gori , he learned " how Russia has deployed a highly deliberate propaganda strategy .

  13. 在斯大林大街,哥里市的斯大林博物馆保存着斯大林婴儿时期度过头一个4年的简陋砖屋。

    On Stalin Avenue , Gori 's Stalin Museum preserves the humble brick cottage where baby Stalin spent his first four years .

  14. 斯大林粉丝之一的贾迪·夏达莎莉说道:“我们很仰慕斯大林的个性—在哥里的每个人都是这样。

    Jugi Xidasheli , a Stalin fan , said , " Stalin 's personality is very dear to us-for everyone in Gori .

  15. 在约瑟夫•斯大林的故乡格鲁吉亚哥里市,一尊自20世纪50年代以来一直坐落于市里的斯大林雕像,一夜之间被当地机构悄悄地搬进了博物馆。

    A statue of Joseph Stalin that had stood in his hometown in Georgia since the1950s was quietly removed to a museum overnight by the authorities .

  16. 俄罗斯军队星期五撤离了哥里,结束了对那里一个多星期的占领,不过,俄军在哥里市外的一条主要道路上依然保留着一个检查站。

    Russian troops withdrew from Gori Friday after more than a week of occupation , but still maintain a checkpoint on a main road just outside the city .

  17. 在另一方面,一列格鲁吉亚火车星期六在哥里附近触雷,那里位于首都第比利斯西北55公里的地方。

    In another development , a Georgian train struck what authorities say was a mine Sunday near the town of Gori , 55 kilometers northwest of the capital , Tbilisi .

  18. 目击者说,俄罗斯军队继续留在格鲁吉亚境内远离阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯边界的地方。另外,俄军仍然包围着格鲁吉亚的主要城市哥里。

    Witnesses say Russian troops remain entrenched deep in Georgian territory , away from the Abkhazian and South Ossetian borders , and that they still surround the key city of Gori .

  19. 影片讲述“二战”期间,英国伦敦饱受空袭威胁。彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙、露西四兄妹被安排到一位老教授狄哥里寇克的乡间大宅暂住。

    During the German air raids of World WarII , the four Pevensie children-Peter , Susan , Edmund and Lucy-are sent out of London to take shelter at the country home of eccentric Prof.

  20. 韩国教育和科学技术部长李鞠浩说,市民应得到保证哥里-1号尽管它机龄高和以前有些问题,但是不构成危险。

    South Korea 's Minister of Education , Science and Technology , Lee Ju-ho , says the public should be assured Gori-1 , despite its age and previous problems , is not a hazard .

  21. 乔治亚州官方说在上周,俄罗斯不断扩张侵入乔治亚州,坦克和军队穿过了奥赛梯南部正在向这个国家的中心城市哥里前进。

    Over the weekend , Russia expanded its attacks on Georgia , moving tanks and troops through South Ossetia and advancing toward the city of Gori in the centre of the country , Georgian officials said .

  22. 站在哥里的广场上,很难让人忽视斯大林塑像的讽刺意义,就好像斯大林的目光越过广场凝视着被俄罗斯士兵砸碎的玻璃和被他们洗劫的一幢幢大楼。

    Standing in the town square here in Gori , it is hard to miss the irony of the statue of Stalin , peering out over the square at the smashed windows and buildings looted by Russian soldiers .

  23. 2002年的《女篮辣哥》里,一位NBA篮球明星失业后决定加入美国女子篮球联赛。

    When a NBA star loses his job , he decides to join the WNBA instead in2002 's Juwanna Mann .