
  • 网络oblique derivative problem
  1. 论述了多连通区域上可测系数的二阶非线性抛物型方程组的初-正则斜微商问题。

    The initial regular oblique derivative problem for nonlinear parabolic systems of several second order complex equations with measurable coefficients in a multiply connected domain is discussed .

  2. 本文用复分析方法处理单连通区域上二阶线性椭圆型复方程非正则斜微商问题的数值解。

    In this paper , the complex function method is used to deal with numerical solutions of the irregular oblique derivative problem for linear elliptic complex equations of second order in a simply connected domain .

  3. 广义超解析函数的斜微商问题

    The skew derivative problem for generalized Hyperanalytic functions

  4. 二阶椭圆型复方程斜微商问题的有限元解

    Finite element solutions of the oblique derivative problem for elliptic complex equations of second order

  5. 一类半线性椭圆方程解的存在性问题讨论了二阶拟线性退化椭圆型方程的斜微商问题。

    The present work deals with oblique derivative problems for second order quasilinear elliptic equations with parabolic degeneracy .

  6. 讨论了一阶非线性椭圆型方程组斜微商问题解的稳定性,这个结果是借助于有关边值问题解的先验估计而导出的。

    This paper discusses the stability of solution of the oblique derivative problem for the nonlinear elliptic system of first order equations . This result is derived with the help of a priori estimation of solution for relative boundary value problem .

  7. 讨论带抛物退化线的二阶混合型方程的斜微商边值问题,这个问题包括空气动力学中Chaplygin方程的Tricomi问题作为特殊情况。

    The present paper deals with oblique derivative problems for second order equations of mixed type with degenerate rank 0 , which include the Tricomi problem for the Chaplygin equation in gas dynamics as a special case .

  8. 拟线性椭圆组的一类广义斜微商边值问题

    A generalized oblique derivative boundary value problem of Quasilinear Elliptic System

  9. 二阶双曲型方程的斜微商边值问题

    Oblique Derivative Boundary Value Problems for Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations of Second Order

  10. 四元数广义正则函数的斜微商边值问题

    The obligue Derivative Boundary Value Problem forthe Generalized Regular Function with Value in Quaternions

  11. 研究了二阶拟线性双曲型方程在一般单连通区域上的斜微商边值问题。

    The oblique derivative problem for quasilinear hyperbolic equations of second order in general simply connected domains is discussed .

  12. 二阶非线性椭圆型复方程的非正则斜微商边值问题的一种近似解法

    An approximate solution methods of an irregular oblique derivative problem for the nonlinear elliptic type complex equation of second order

  13. 讨论了多连通区域上的三阶非线性椭圆型复方程的斜微商边值问题的可解性。

    In the case of multiply connected domain , the solvability of the oblique derivative boundary value problem for elliptic complex equation of third order was discussed .

  14. 一阶非线性椭圆组的非线性斜微商的边值问题

    The Nonlinear Skew Derivative Problem for First Order Nonlinear Elliptic Equations