
  • 网络lacrosse;Buick Lacrosse
  1. 热销款别克君越(LaCrosse)的内饰就是由通用上海设计工作室设计的。

    The interior of the popular Buick LaCrosse was executed in GM 's Shanghai design studio .

  2. 通用汽车也开发出了不使用稀土磁铁的产品,比如2012年款别克君越(buicklacrosse)将搭载的eassist混合动力引擎。

    GM has also developed products without rare earth magnets such as the eassist hybrid engine available in the 2012 Buick LaCrosse .

  3. 别克君越(LaCrosse),富于灵感创意的设计,加之其在中国所获成功的光环效应,令市场为之一振。

    Inspired new designs lacrosse , Regal combined with the halo effect of success in China have supercharged results .

  4. 庞帝克和土星推出了跑车,别克君越(LaCrosse),庞帝克G6和土星Aura中型轿车面市,而雪佛兰则不得不等待新的Malibu车型。

    Pontiac and Saturn each got a roadster , the Buick LaCrosse , Pontiac G6 and Saturn Aura mid-size sedans arrived while Chevrolet had to wait for a new Malibu .