
  1. 在甑别第三方物流私有信息的情况下,制造商可以根据第三方物流的选择来制定和零售商的契约,此时零售商由于不具备信息优势,其利润始终等于其保留利润。

    In screening private information of the 3PL , the manufacturer can contract with the retailer based on the choice of 3PL . The retailer will gain his reservation profit for no information advantage .

  2. 同样的错误别再犯第二回

    Don 't make the same mistake .

  3. 建设工程分包各方当事人关系复杂,其法律性质既不同于并存债务转移,也有别于第三人代替履行。

    The relationship among parties concerned of contract for construction projects is complicated , the legal feature of which is not only different from transformation of debt , but also different from the third person replacement .

  4. 文章依据Palmer和易仲良教授对情态动词相别和级第的划分,研究情态动词的语义特征、语用含义和翻译特点;

    The present thesis studies the translation method as well as the semantic features and pragmatic implications of the English modals based on the classification of the phase and grade of the English modals by Palmer and Prof.

  5. 别忘了第二段中的和声,好吗?

    Don 't forget the harmony in the second verse , okay ?

  6. 当听录音材料时,你别指望听第一遍就能全部听懂。

    When listening to recorded material , you aren 't expected to understand everything first time round .

  7. 按相别和级第对其语义和用法进行分析和研究有利于正确理解和使用。

    An analysis and study of the English modal verbs from the perspective of phase and grade are very helpful to the correct understanding and using of them .

  8. 别忘了把第四幕的舞台布景绑扎好。

    Don 't forget to lash the scenery up ready for the fourth act .

  9. 别让我再说第二遍了。

    Don 't make me say it again .

  10. 大别山南麓晚第三纪为炎热潮湿的气候环境,酸性黄红壤土上生长着海南红豆、秋枫等被子植物。

    The climate at the southern foot of the Dabie Mountains was hot and humid during the Late Tertiary Period .

  11. 木化石的解剖学特征显示了大别山地区在第三纪时气候倾向更温暖湿润。

    Anatomical characters of the species indicate a more humid and warm climate in the Dabie Mountains during the Tertiary period .

  12. 社会募捐既不同于一般赠与、公益捐赠,亦有别于信托与第三人利益合同,它是一种颇具特色的民事行为。

    It differs from both bequeathal , charity donation , and trust or third person contract , and is a civil act with unique features .

  13. 至于查尔斯和戴安娜,别指望会在第三季初见到晚年的威尔士王妃——据说她将在第三季结束时首次亮相,并在第四季中扮演重要角色。

    As for Charles and Diana , don 't expect to meet the late Princess of Wales early in the season - she 'll reportedly make her debut at the end of season three and play a big part in season four .