
  1. 天哪,思嘉,这实在无法忍受,也不能忍受了!

    By god , scarlett , it isn 't to be borne !

  2. 一日,天恒再遇敏嘉,得知敏嘉将与男友结婚,天恒才赫然发现不想失去敏嘉。

    However , his belief is suddenly shattered when he learns that MAN is going to get married .

  3. “天晓得,思嘉小姐,俺还以为除非进天堂就再也不会醒来了!”

    " Fo'gawd , miss scarlett , ah din'spec ter wake up agin'cept in de promise lan ' . "

  4. 至于他是怎样引起麻烦的,她却永远也不甚明白,天哪,思嘉在他身上看出了什么道理呢?亲爱的媚兰为什么也要袒护他呢?

    Just how he started it , she never exactly understood . dear ! Dear ! What did Scarlett see in the man ? And how could dear Melly defend him ?

  5. 一天下午,思嘉的马车追上了雷内皮卡德的馅饼车,看见瘸子托米韦尔伯恩因搭便车回家也坐在雷内的车上,于是她就跟他俩打招呼。

    One afternoon , Scarlett pulled up her buggy beside Rene picard 's pie wagon and hailed Rene and the crippled Tommy wellburn , who was catching a ride home with his friend .