
zhì yǎng jī
  • oxygenerator
制氧机[zhì yǎng jī]
  1. 氧气厂6000m~3/h制氧机改造工程工艺设计

    Process Design of Transforming 6000 m ~ 3 / h Oxygenerator

  2. 济钢20000m~3/h制氧机工程投资控制

    Investment Control on 20000m ~ 3 / h Oxygenerator Project of Jigang

  3. 专家PID控制器在航空制氧机加温过程中的应用

    Application of expert PID controllers in the course of heating aviation oxygen generators

  4. 10000m~3/h制氧机膨胀机应用PLC

    Application of PLC in Expansion Machine of 10000m ~ 3 / h Oxygen Making Machine

  5. 制氧机敞开式循环水系统低pH值波动及处理

    Fluctuation of Low pH in the Open Circulation Water System of Oxygen Making Machine and the Solutions

  6. 730TPD制氧机DCS系统通信故障的处理

    Treatment of Communication Fault of 730 TPD Oxygenerator 's DCS System

  7. 制氧机DCS系统的接地设计与施工

    Grounding Design and Construction of DCS System of Air Separator

  8. 大型制氧机DCS系统的应用与调试

    Application and Debugging about Large Oxygen erator 's DCS

  9. DCS与PLC技术在莱钢9~制氧机控制系统中的应用

    Application of DCS and PLC Technology in the Control System of 9 # Oxygen Making Machine

  10. SARS患者专用PSA制氧机变压吸附过程的数值模拟

    Mathematical Simulation of PSA Processes of a Special Miniature Oxygen Concentrator for SARS Patients

  11. 微型变压吸附制氧机FTA与FMEA分析

    The risk analysis of PSA miniature oxygen concentrator with FTA and FMEA

  12. 进气温度与湿度对微型PSA制氧机产品气浓度影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Influences of Feed temperature and Humidity for a Small-scale PSA Oxygen Unit

  13. HONEYWELLTPS在本钢5~制氧机上的应用

    Application of Honeywell TPS in No.5 Oxygen Making Machine

  14. PTSI医用制氧机原理

    Principle of PTSI medical oxygen generator

  15. 结合方框图介绍了PTSI型制氧机原理及常见故障。

    This paper introduces the principle and usual faults of PTSI medical oxygen generator with the block diagram .

  16. Quantum控制系统的投入提高了控制系统的可靠性,简化了操作过程,保证了制氧机长期稳定运行。

    Also how it communicates with the other devices is introduced . The usage of the Quantum control system improves the reliability of control system , making it easy to operate , assuring the long steadily running of oxygen plant .

  17. 所有的PZC系列单元系统附配制氧机,并且大多数情况下配空压机系统。

    All PZC units come with an onboard Oxygen Concentrator feature and most offer an onboard Air Compressor System .

  18. 介绍了FTA和FMEA分析方法,并对微型变压吸附制氧机进行了风险分析。

    In this paper , the risk analysis of PSA miniature oxygen concentrator is carried out by means of fault tree analysis ( FTA ) and failure modes and effects analysis ( FMEA ) .

  19. 所建立的数学模型可以较为准确地模拟微型变压吸附条件下的氧氮分离过程,为深入研究SARS患者专用PSA制氧机及其吸附器结构优化打下了基础。

    The model developed can simulate exactly the PSA processes of separation of oxygen and nitrogen . It can be used to a further study of special oxygen concentrator for SARS patients and to optimization of the adsorber structure .

  20. KDO6500Ⅰ型低纯制氧机特点及改进

    Characteristics and Improvement of KDO-6500 - ⅰ Type Low-Purity Oxygen Making Machine

  21. 10000m3/h制氧机板式换热器损坏修复后,热端跑冷严重,氧气取出量不足,制氧机工况恶化,通过分析找出了原因是因某单元氧通道堵塞,并采取了处理措施。

    The plate heat exchangers of 10000m3 / h oxygen making machine was damaged . After maintenance of it cold air releasing in the heat-end was serious and oxygen amount made decreased . The working state of the oxygen making machine deteriorated .

  22. 微控制器的软件部分,编程实现了制氧机控制程序。

    The control of oxygen generator is realized in MCU program .

  23. 大功率制氧机控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Control System for the High-power Oxygen Machine

  24. 超低压制氧机的流程方案及其理论分析

    Flow Chart Proposed and Theoretical Analysis on the Super-Low-Pressure Air Separation Plant

  25. 国产制氧机运行中的若干问题及改进

    Problems in Operation of China-Made Oxygen Making Machines and the Improvement Measures

  26. 高原环境对小型医用制氧机性能的影响

    Influence on The Performance of Oxygen Concentrator in Plateau Area

  27. 连续两起制氧机故障的应急处理

    Emergent Treatment of Two Failures of the Oxygen Making Machine

  28. 医院采用分子筛制氧机的可行性探讨

    Feasibility Discussion of Using Molecular Sieve Oxygen Making Machine in the Hospital

  29. 真空变压吸附制氧机切换阀工艺调整原理和方法

    Regulating Principles And Methods of Valves of VPSA Oxygen Plants

  30. 制氧机开放式系统的改进

    The Improvement of the Openness Control System of Oxygen Compressor