
  • 网络Restriction mechanism;control mechanism
  1. 商业性担保机构:①缺乏制约机制。

    Commercial security institutions : ① the lack of control mechanism .

  2. 制定产业结构问题对区域经济一体化的制约机制。

    Development of industrial problems on the control mechanism of regional economic integration .

  3. ICU护士长的职权与管理技巧董事职权行使的监督制约机制研究

    Authority and management skills of head nurse in intensive care unit Research on Supervision and Restriction System Against Directors Performing Their Functions and Powers

  4. ISO质量管理认证过程中的三者制约机制,在医院第二周期评审时值得借鉴。

    In the process of ISO quality control authentication , the restriction mecha-nism of three aspects worth while drawing lessons in the second period of hospital evaluating .

  5. 建立检察权内部制约机制的思考

    Reflection on Constituting the Interior Restriction Mechanism of the Procuratorial Power

  6. 第三,建立健全税收权力监督制约机制,提高税务部门执法水平;

    Third , regulate tax authority by establishing sound guarantee system .

  7. 检察权的外部监督制约机制研究

    A Study upon the External Supervision Mechanism of the Procuratorial Power

  8. 五龙金矿脉岩对金矿体的制约机制

    Restraining mechanism of veins in Wulong gold deposit on Au orebodies

  9. 第三、健全信贷管理体制,建立风险制约机制。

    Third , to establish a better credit management mechanism .

  10. 加强农业投资立法,强化监督制约机制;

    To strengthen the legislation for agricultural investment and the supervision mechanism .

  11. 行政权力监督制约机制探析

    Exploring the Mechanism in Supervising and Restricting the Executive Power

  12. 建立健全对国有企业管理者的监督制约机制

    Establish and Perfect System to Supervise and Restrict Managers in State-owned Enterprises

  13. 制约机制:领导干部道德素质提升的重要保障

    Restriction mechanism : important guarantee that leading cadre 's ethical quality promotes

  14. 2调整护士工作程序,形成运用的制约机制;

    Adjusting the nurse job program , forming the operating restrict mechanism ;

  15. 上市公司过度投资行为制约机制实证研究

    Research on the Restrict Mechanism for Over-investment in the Corporations

  16. 物流与环境之间的双向制约机制研究

    Study of the Reciprocal Restricting Mechanism between Logistics and Environment

  17. 三是健全监督制约机制;

    Third , supervisor and restrict mechanism should be strengthened ;

  18. 必须完善、强化责任追究制度;必须建立、完善监督制约机制;

    We should perfect and enhance the responsibility investigation system ;

  19. 权力监督制约机制创新研究

    On the innovation of the power supervising and restricting mechanism

  20. 完善司法机关内部司法职权的法律制约机制

    Perfect the Legal Restricting System of the Judicial Power in Judicial Authorities

  21. 构建现代企业制度必须有健全的激励与制约机制

    Perfect Encouraging and Restrictive Mechanism is Necessary to Establish Modern Enterprise System

  22. 检察机关逮捕权制约机制的反思与重构

    Reflection and Reconstructure of the Restricting System of Arrest of Procuratorial Organ

  23. 监督制约机制具有关键性保证作用。

    Supervisory and restrict mechanisms have a key guarantee role .

  24. 制约机制是各种客观限制条件组成的约束方式;

    Restriction mechanism consists of various objective restrictive factors ;

  25. 第三,建立对强制侦查的司法审查制约机制。

    The third , establishes the judicial review system .

  26. 完善制约机制,规范学生的借贷行为;

    Improving restrictive mechanism to regulate students ' application ;

  27. 社会主义法治理念下对我国检察权制约机制的审视

    Scanning the Restriction System of Chinese Procuratorial Power under Socialist Rule of Law

  28. 检察院内部监督制约机制框架设计

    Framework of Interior Supervision and Restriction Mechanism of Procuratorate

  29. 在内部治理结构的重构上则要建立大学内部权责划分的制约机制;

    Reconstruction from inside : establish restrict system of internal responsibility and authority ;

  30. 台湾地区公诉权制约机制及其借鉴意义

    Restriction of Public Prosecution Power in China 's Taiwan District and Its Enlightenment