
  1. 失分方式,国外球员主要为正手非受迫失误,国内球员主要为对方制胜分。

    Runs way , foreign players are mainly forehand than forced error , major domestic player winners for each other .

  2. 现年30岁的李娜一发得分率74%,制胜分21记;卡拉坦切娃制胜分六记。

    Li , 30 , won 74 % of points on her first serve and placed 21 winners to Karantantcheva 's six .

  3. 在红土场地的比赛中,中国优秀女子网球选手的非受迫性失误高于外国优秀女子网球选手,而制胜分水平却低于外国选手。

    Moreover , Chinese players are less offensive on the net technology than foreign players . 6 . In the clay court game , the Chinese elite female tennis players ' unforced errors are higher than foreign elite female tennis players ' .

  4. 球队等你赢制胜的一分呢。别让我们失望。

    The team needs you to score the winning goal . don 't let them down .