
  • 【计】refresh rate
  1. ProMotion自适应刷新率专为动态响应及匹配你的内容而设计。

    ProMotion is designed to respond dynamically and match your content .

  2. CatalystBlack是一个极富细节的世界,ProMotion自适应刷新率非常独特。

    Catalyst Black is really a rich and detailed world and ProMotion 's adaptive frame rate is really unique .

  3. ProMotion自适应刷新率,意味着像素的实时移动,没有丝毫的延迟。

    With ProMotion , it means that I 'm actually seeing the pixels move in real time . There is absolutely no lag .

  4. 这比去年高了25%,而且我们将首次把ProMotion自适应刷新率带到iPhone上。

    That 's 25 % higher than last year . And for the first time , we 're bringing ProMotion to iPhone .

  5. 全新的超视网膜XDR显示屏,支持ProMotion自适应刷新率技术,有两种尺寸选择,6.1英寸和6.7英寸。

    The new Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion comes in two great sizes , 6.1-inch and 6.7-inch .

  6. 带有ProMotion的SuperRetinaXDR显示屏,使用了自适应刷新率,这让iPhone体验起来更快、更流畅。

    The Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion uses an adaptive refresh rate that makes the iPhone experience feel faster and more fluid .

  7. 当然,ProMotion自适应刷新率也能让各类app大为受益,带来更快的输入响应、更流畅的画面和更精准的游戏操作。

    The result is an incredibly responsive experience that is fast and fluid . Of course , ProMotion is also great for apps , providing more responsive inputs , smoother graphics , and more precise gameplay .

  8. 该方法对系统的计算单元要求很低,图像刷新率快,便于DSP实现,已经在样机试验中取得了良好的效果。

    This method need less requirement for the calculation units , the refresh of the image is very fast , and easy for the implement of the DSP , it has taken well effect in test of the sample machine .

  9. 全新的摄像头系统配有三个全新的摄像头,ProRes视频,电影效果模式,全新超视网膜XDR显示屏,支持ProMotion自适应刷新率技术。

    an all-new camera system with three new cameras , ProRes video , Cinematic mode , the new Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion ,

  10. 利用我们最新的科技,这款支持ProMotion自适应刷新率的显示屏,其刷新率可以从最低10Hz到最高120Hz。

    With our latest technology , this ProMotion display can refresh from as low as 10 hertz to as high as 120 hertz .

  11. 以前也开发过类似的系统,不过存在一个很主要的问题&系统刷新率太慢,大约2至3秒才能刷新一次,这是由于PLC与PC通信速率过慢所导致的。

    Someone also designed a similar system ago , but there is a main problem that the refreshing rate of system is so slow , refreshing about 2 to 3 seconds every time . This is because the communication speed between PLC and PC is so slow .

  12. 其屏幕有着120Hz的高刷新率,而宏碁屏幕的刷新率只有60Hz。

    The screen also has a high refresh rate of 120 hertz compared to the Acer 's 60 hertz .

  13. 263的视频传输模型,研究了基于H.26L的视频传输系统中帧内刷新率和信道编码效率的参数最优化问题以获得最佳视频质量。

    Finally , referring to the H.263 video transmission system , this paper discusses the optimization of the INTRA rate and the channel code rate in the video transmission system based on H.26L to achieve the best overall performance of decoded video .

  14. 平板显示技术的蓬勃发展,人们对屏幕刷新率和图像几何失真要求越来越高,随之出现了DVI信号,由于DVI信号的差分串行特点,有很广泛的应用。

    As the flat-panel display technology vigorous development , people set a higher request to the screen refresh rate and images geometric distortion , then DVI signals present . DVI signal have a wide range of applications due to differential characteristics of serial .

  15. 刷新率数值必须介于40和120之间。

    Refresh rate value must be between 40 and 120 .

  16. 较高的刷新率要比较低的刷新率好。

    Higher refresh rates are better than lower refresh rates .

  17. 错误刷新率-当前的刷新率不在可用的列表中

    Bad Refresh Rate - Current refresh rate is not in the available list

  18. 提高虚拟场景刷新率的方法研究

    Research of Method for Improving VR Scene Refresh Rate

  19. 重点是刷新率和控制度。

    It 's about the refresh rate , it 's about the controls .

  20. 这三种特性是:屏幕大小,像素点和刷新率。

    These three characteristics are : screen size , the dot and refresh rate .

  21. 为了提高刷新率,采用地形分块法。

    Terrain division is used in simulation for the purpose of improving refresh rate .

  22. 单位为赫兹,分辨率的垂直刷新率。

    Resolution 's vertical refresh rate in Hz .

  23. 能够自动检测跟踪运动目标,并解决了运动目标检测中图像刷新率问题,极大提高了监控系统的智能化和自动化程度。

    It also solves the problem of image refreshing frequency in the detection of moving object .

  24. 提高了照相质量(夜景下更少的噪点,提高了取景器的刷新率)。

    Improvements to photo quality ( less noise in dark photos , improved viewfinder refresh rate ) .

  25. 刷新率表示显示器每秒重复显示屏幕图像的次数。

    The refresh rate indicates how many times per second the monitor cycles through the screen images .

  26. 修正了一个刷新率问题,该问题会阻止游戏在某些特定的显卡上正常启动。

    Fixed a refresh rate setting problem that prevented the game to start properly on some video cards .

  27. 这就是显示刷新率与设置刷新率为什么不匹配的原因。

    This is the display refresh rate and set the refresh rate does not match the reasons why .

  28. 当指定的分辨率支持速率的范围时,以赫兹表示的监视器的最低刷新率。

    Monitor 's minimum refresh rate in Hertz , when a range of rates is supported at the specified resolutions .

  29. 重点研究了基于信道不等差错保护的联合信源信道编码方案和基于帧内宏块刷新率(β)的联合信源信道编码方案。

    Jointing source channel coding scheme based on unequal error protected and intra MB update (β) are investigated in this paper .

  30. 如果刷新率太低,屏幕则会出现非常明显的闪烁,这通常会妨碍用户正常使用并使其感到疲劳。

    If the refresh rate is too low , the screen will flicker very clear , which usually annoys and fatigues the user .