
shuā kǎ
  • swipe;swipe a (credit or other) card through a reading device
  1. 在电话机上刷卡,然后拨号。

    Swipe your card through the phone , then dial .

  2. 他们出入办公室要刷卡。

    They use a swipe card to go in and out of their offices .

  3. 刷卡是最关键的:当你在商店购物时,卡越来越容易受到攻击。

    Swipe is the operative word : cards are increasingly vulnerable to attacks when you make purchases in a store .

  4. 一旦人们转向通过网络购物或改用刷卡支付,这些人往往会继续下去。

    Once people change to buying over the internet or paying by card , they tend to carry on .

  5. 如果你拥有一张信用卡,只要刷卡,你就可以用餐、旅行甚至买汽车。

    With a credit card , you can eat dinner , take a trip , and even buy a car by charging the cost to your account .

  6. 基于Web的刷卡式高校新生注册系统的实现

    The Implementation of Registration System for College Students Based on the Web

  7. 利用VB和Javawebservice实现刷卡考勤管理系统

    Implementation of Attendance Management System Using VB and Java Web Service

  8. 该系统较好地应用了数据库技术、网络技术、WEB技术、射频刷卡技术;

    This system makes use of techniques of database , network , WEB and radio frequency ;

  9. B你们接受信誉卡吗?如果可以的话我想刷卡。

    Do you take credit cards ? I 'd like to pay by credit card if I can .

  10. PC方软件主要实现对考勤机中刷卡信息和人员信息的数据库操作功能。

    PC side software achieves attendance credit card information and personnel information in the database operation functions .

  11. 一种全新的基于USB的刷卡系统解决方案及其通信协议模型

    A New Resolvent of Card Reader System based on USB and Its Communication Protocol Model

  12. Square有两种收费方案供选择:包月275美元,或者每次刷卡费用的2.75%。

    Square has two pricing plans for its product : it either takes $ 275 per month or 2.75 % per swipe .

  13. 虽然它可能比别人更多的有刷卡的电力丙烯酸冒口的LED,怎么样活动LED?

    While it 's more than possible for someone to have swiped the acrylic riser for the power LED , what about the Activity LED ?

  14. 在财务管理中的结账页面,当用到卡结账时,需要接入一个刷卡器来获得卡的信息,在本系统中我们用WEBService模拟刷卡。

    A card reader needs to be linked for related card information in the account settlement webpage of the financial management system . Web Service simulated card reading is used in this system .

  15. 是否接受Applepay及其他移动支付技术通常取决于收银支付终端使用的技术,比如在车站收银处,消费者可以刷卡。

    Accepting Apple Pay and some other mobile payment technologies usually relies on technology inside the payment terminals at registers , like at the stations where a consumer swipes a credit card .

  16. 然而由于非接触式IC的读写距离比较近,车辆在进出时必须停车刷卡。

    However the distance of non-contact IC card reading and writing is so much closer that vehicles must stop to check it when they are entering or leaving .

  17. 我单位以POS机刷卡的电子结算方式,代替现金结算的实践,至今三年有余,取得了良好的效果,工作效率大大提高,减少了支付结算时间,减少了支付转移差错;

    The practice to use POS instead of cash settlement has more than three years , and achieved good results .

  18. 尽管难以置信,但是很多我们银行的顾客都不知道怎样在ATM读卡机上刷卡。

    Hard to believe , but many of our customers at the bank still don 't know how to swipe their card through the ATM card reader .

  19. 系统采用RFID技术,以W77E58为核心控制器,对用户刷卡信息和密码进行认证。

    The system takes W77E58 as core controller to identify the passwords and card information .

  20. 你无需在结账柜台刷卡,而只需在与苹果签约的20万家门店内,轻松按下iPhone的home键就能完成付款。

    You forgo the hassle of swiping a credit card at the cash register for the ease of touching the iPhone 's home button at two hundred thousand locations that have signed on with Apple .

  21. 主要包括主控模块、刷卡处理模块、地感线圈模块、道闸控制模块、LED显示模块、声音信息提示模块、CAN通信模块和以太网通信模块等。

    The hardware system includes master module , credit card processing module , sense coil module , automatic barrier controlling modules , LED displaying module , voice message prompting module , CAN communication module and Ethernet communication module .

  22. 要想具有分析功能,要想具有Stand软件中内置的部分功能,以及集成刷卡功能,可是要花上5000多,甚至将近1万美元。

    When you start getting analytics , when you start getting into some of the features that we have built into the software , integrated cards swipes , you are talking more than $ 5,000 and close to $ 10,000 dollars .

  23. 针对当前现金结算存在的诸多弊端,已经有一些高校开始尝试采用POS刷卡结算代替现金结算的新型财务报销模式。

    According to the defects of current cash-balance approach , some colleges and universities attempt to employ a new approach of card based balance instead of cash based balance .

  24. 2010年,我省POS刷卡交易约占社会商品零售总额的29.2%,占比较去年增长2个百分点。

    In 2010 , Yunnan Province , the portio of the POS transaction amount accounted for over 29.2 % of social retail goods , increased 2 % if compared with last year .

  25. 这是Danny和Katy之间的对话,其中有很多有关交易中使用信用卡和开通信用卡刷卡的词汇。

    It 's a dialogue between Danny and Katy using a lot of vocabulary that we use in business to talk about credit cards and accepting them in a store .

  26. 告诉你们爸妈我在eBay拍卖可以线上付费、刷卡或付现金罗盘是哥伦布节最好的礼物山姆!

    You can tell your folks . It 's on eBay . I take PayPal . Cold hard cash works , too . And the compass makes a great gift for Columbus Day . Sam !

  27. 上位机的设计采用Visualc++和PYTHON语言编写,操作简单,PYTHON程序在后台运行,得到用户实时刷卡数据,VC上位机用来注册新用户等。

    The design of the host computer using Visual C + + and Python language to write , simple to operate , PYTHON program runs in the background to get user real-time credit card data , the VC host used to register new users and so on .

  28. 尤其是电力缴费终端产品分手持式、台式、无人值守壁挂式,有刷卡、打印、GPRS通信、IC卡读写(含PSAM、IC卡、SIM)等功能。

    In particular , the power sub-portable payment terminals , desktop , unmanned wall , there are credit card , printing , GPRS , IC-card read-write ( with PSAM , IC cards , SIM ) functions .

  29. 最后,进行了流片验证,测试结果表明,在刷卡速度为10cm/S(信号频率大约为200Hz)的情况下,芯片能够正常工作,达到了设计指标。

    The test results proved that if we moved the card at the speed of 10cm / S ( signal frequency is about 200Hz ), the chip worked wonderful and fulfilled the request of the design .

  30. 这个购物中心的特色不只是打折商品,这里精明的店主会为消费者提供完美的购物体验。这里有帮客人停车服务;VIP休息室里有舒服的沙发和香槟,另一半在刷卡购物时你可以在这里休息等候。

    The centre doesn 't just offer the discounts though - they are canny enough to make shopping an actual ' experience ' , by offering valet parking and a VIP room in which customers can wait on a comfy sofa with a glass of champagne as their other halves burn through the credit cards .