
  • 网络tone sandhi;tonal sandhi
  1. 连读变调共有两类。

    The tone sandhi is 2 types .

  2. 汉语益阳方言的连读变调

    The Tone Sandhi in Yiyang Dialect of Chinese

  3. 汉语长沙方言连读变调之优选论分析

    Tone Sandhi in Changsha Chinese : An Optimality Theoretic Account

  4. 唐山市方言两字组连读变调

    Connecting Changed Tone of Two Words in Tangshan City Dialect

  5. 连读变调习得偏误的优选论分析

    The Optimality Theoretic Analysis of Errors in Tone Sandhi Acquisition

  6. 梅县客家方言单字调和连读变调实验分析

    A Experimental Analysis of the tone and Tone Sandhi of Meixian Hakka

  7. 台湾方言连读变调的句法环境,第一章。

    The syntactic environments of tone sandhi in taiwanese , chapter one .

  8. 临夏方言中心区双音节连读变调的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Two-syllable Tone in Linxia center of the state Dialect

  9. 三声调方言康乐话的两字组连读变调

    Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Kangle Dialect as a Three-Tones Dialect , Gansu Province

  10. 河南武陟方言的降升式连读变调及其成因初探

    Studies on Fall-Rise Sandhi Tone in Wuzhi Dialect of Henan Province and Its Origin

  11. 20世纪汉语连读变调研究回望

    Retrospection of the Tone Sandhi in the Chinese Language of the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  12. 连读变调与声调知觉

    Tone sandhi and tone perception

  13. 读一读,连一连(英文)轻声与有些连读变调、声调组合会出现较多的交叉音位现象;

    Read and match the neutral tone , the liaison and the tone combination may cause intersecting phonemes ;

  14. 本文试对黄县方言的二字组连读变调进行试验和音系分析。

    This thesis presents an experimental and phonological analysis of Tone Sandhi in disyllabic sequence in Huangxian County Dialect .

  15. 在三字连读变调部分,主要介绍了专有式三字连读和普通式三字连读的变调情况。

    In the part of three-syllable tone sandhi , the author introduces the special and ordinary three-syllable tone sandhi .

  16. 详细的数据统计显示,20世纪汉语连读变调的研究有长足进展。

    Detailed statistics show that research on tone sandhi in the Chinese language of the 20th century has made steady progress .

  17. 常州市高中生方言词语使用情况调查闽语福安方言连读变调之优选论分析

    Investigation on Usage of Dialect Words among High School Students in Changzhou Tone Sandhi in Fu'an Dialect : An Optimality Theoretic Account

  18. 本文描写了康乐方言两字组连读变调情况,讨论了变调的规律和轻声的性质。

    Kangle dialect is a three-tones dialect , this paper describes its disyllabic tone sandhi , and discusses its sandhi rules and neutral tones'nature .

  19. 本文的假设是天津话的连读变调已经发生变化,变化的原因是普通话的影响。

    The hypothesis of this paper is that sandhi rules in Tianjin dialect has changed and the changes are due to the influence of Putonghua .

  20. 广东饶平上饶客家话的两字连读变调基于生态安全格局的新农村规划探索&以广东省饶平县新丰镇洞泉村为例

    The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Hakka of the Shangrao Region in Raoping County , Guangdong Province Discussion on New Rural Planning Based on Ecological Safety Pattern

  21. 广泛分布在美国东部崎岖不平的地区。广东饶平上饶客家话的两字连读变调

    Widely distributed in rugged ground of eastern United States . The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Hakka of the Shangrao Region in Raoping County , Guangdong Province

  22. 现代汉语的双音节词语连读变调以字调为书面标示形式,影响了学习者视觉认读与听觉接受的一致。

    Modern Chinese double - syllable word courses attempt to transfer marker for the written form , which influences the unanimity of learners ' visual reading and hearing .

  23. 语音特征上,右玉方言自身连读变调比较简单,叠字的变调更简单,我们单列出来做了简单阐述。

    Phonetic features Youyu dialect itself even read relatively simple , therefore tone sandhi of fold the word is also simple , we briefly elaborated singled out to do .

  24. 最后预测,今后两字组连读变调的发展与变化将会影响其他字组连读变调的发展与变化。

    At last writer predicts that the tone sandhi of disyllabic compounding patters will influence the development and change of the tone sandhi on other compounding patters in future .

  25. 实验二考察不同母语背景、同等汉语水平的第二语言学习者对包括三声连读变调在内的所有连调组的发音状况,并对所出现的强势偏误进行分析。

    The experiment 2 examine the pronunciation of all 16 tone-combinations by the second language learners of the same level but different mother-tongue background , and analyze the recorded errors .

  26. 本文讨论万荣方言两字组连读变调和轻声,兼谈山西方言重轻式两字组轻声调值的类型。

    The paper discusses bi-syllabic tone sandhi and neutral tone of Wanrong dialect in Shanxi province , and introduces the patterns of " stressed-unstressed " bi-syllabic tone sandhi of Shanxi dialects .

  27. 本文以唐山市区方言连读变调为描写、讨论的对象,是在实地调查唐山方言并联系普通话及其他有关方言材料的基础上写成的。

    This paper , taking the Tone Sandhi of Tangshan Dialect as subject matter , bases on the natural language resources from Tangshan dialect and quote from Putonghua and relevant dialect material .

  28. 文章通过对唐山方言连读变调的描写、分析和比较,可以使读者对唐山方言连读变调的主要特征有一个深入了解,也为以后的方言研究奠定基础。

    The description and analysis of the Tone Sandhi of Tangshan Dialect can make the readers have a profound understanding of its features and provide the data for the futher study of it .

  29. 本论文基于前人的研究,尝试借助优选论来讨论分析银川方言中连续变调的现象及其音系规则,从而揭示出连读变调的音系机制。

    This thesis , based on previous studies , attempts to explore the phonological motivation for tone sandhi in Yinchuan dialect , and systematically analyzes sandhi rules in light of Optimality Theory ( OT ) .

  30. 结果表明标记性制约条件低调既适用于连读变调又适用于三字组轻声音高的音系分析,因此两者之间有密切相关。

    The phonological analysis shows that the same markedness constraint holds true both in tone sandhi and neutral tones in trisyllabic sequence , which supports the hypothesis that tone sandhi and neutral tones are correlated with each other . Three .