
lián suǒ yí chuán
  • linkage inheritance
  1. 陆地棉亚红株突变性状的连锁遗传规律分析

    Analysis on linkage inheritance of sub-red plant mutant from upland cotton

  2. 连锁遗传和基因定位的研究进展

    Research progress of linkage inheritance and gene mapping

  3. X连锁遗传高度近视的初步染色体定位

    Preliminary study on chromosome location of X-linked high myopia

  4. 其中X染色体连锁遗传是最常见的遗传方式。

    X linked inheritance is the most common .

  5. 在家族中,致病基因可以常染色体显性、常染色体隐性或X连锁遗传的方式传递。

    In families , The inheritance patterns are autosomal dominant , autosomal recessive or X-linked recessive .

  6. 目前,已有超过200种单基因遗传性疾病被认为是由X染色体连锁遗传引起的,这些疾病只影响男性胎儿。

    At present , more than 200 diseases which have been identified are X-linked , these diseases only affect male fetuses .

  7. 目的建立一种非创伤性的取材和快速胎儿性别诊断方法,并应用于X连锁遗传病的产前诊断。

    Objective To find a way of sampling without any wound and quick diagnosis of fetal sex and its application in X-linked recessive inheritance .

  8. 目的应用分子生物学方法判定经家系分析初步认定为X连锁遗传的高度近视家系的遗传方式。

    Objective Using molecular biological method to determine the inherited modal of a family which was considered as X-linked high myopia by pedigree analysis .

  9. 用实验手段分离X和Y染色体精子或富集特定性别染色体精子.对于预防性连锁遗传病具有潜在应用价值。

    Separation of X-bearing human sperm from Y-bearing sperm or enrichment of special sex sperm for the gender preselection is potentially valuable for the prevention of X-linked diseases .

  10. 我们初步建立的这种获得胎儿游离DNA的方法具有可靠性,胎儿游离DNA可以用于性连锁遗传病和单基因疾病的产前诊断。

    The technique established in the study was reliable and the free fetal DNA can be used as the sample of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis for detecting sex-linked disorders and single gene disorders .

  11. 结论母亲血浆DNA中SRY基因定量检测是一种高度敏感性和比较可靠的胎儿性别鉴定技术,为性连锁遗传病提供一种无创性产前诊断方法。

    Conclusion Detection of fetal DNA from maternal plasma is a sensitive and reliable technique in non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of sex-linked inherited diseases .

  12. 应用X-Y同源基因对性连锁遗传病进行产前性别诊断

    Prenatal diagnosis of sex determination for sex-linked genetic disorder by using X-Y homologous gene

  13. 而性连锁遗传中,Y连锁伴性遗传和X连锁遗传,与实际调查不符,可排除这种遗传方式。

    Autosomal recessive inheritance was difficult to be predicted because few family samples remained and Y-lined inheritance were not in accordance with the actual investigation , so sex-linked inheritance could be excluded .

  14. 作物的许多性状为数量性状,数量性状基因座(QTL)定位的理论依据是Morgan的连锁遗传规律;

    Most agronomic traits are quantitative traits . Mapping of quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) is based on Morgan linked inheritance principle .

  15. 结论X染色体扫描的结果支持本家系为X连锁遗传方式,与家系分析结论相符。

    Conclusions According to the results of X chromosome scanning the inherited modal of this family can be accepted as X-lined inheritance and this is in accord with the result of pedigree analysis .

  16. RP具有高度的遗传异质性和临床异质性,有散发、常染色体显性、常染色体隐性、X连锁遗传和双基因遗传等多种遗传方式。

    High degree of genetic and clinical heterogeneity makes RP very complex . The mode of heritance can include autosomal dominant , autosomal recessive , X-linked , digenic and sporadic .

  17. 这些模型包括农艺性状遗传模型、种子品质性状遗传模型、动物性连锁遗传模型、QTL基因定位的遗传模型等。

    The new models include agronomy trait models , seed quality models , animal models with sex linked effects , and models for QTL mapping .

  18. 结论:应用X-Y同源引物和SRY基因引物复合扩增,可用于临床上性连锁遗传病的产前性别诊断,方法可靠准确。

    It will be suitable for clinical prenatal diagnosis of sex-linked genetic disorder by using PCR with x-y homologous primers .

  19. 其中3个转化系T1代gus基因和bar基因能够以孟德尔方式3:1连锁遗传,说明这2个基因整合在大豆基因组的同一位点。

    Three of the four transgenic soybean lines were stably inherited in a Mendelian fashion with co-segregation of both transgenes in a 3:1 segregation ratio in the T1 progeny , indicating that both transgenes were integrated into the same locus of the soybean genome .

  20. 除草剂抗性检测、点杂交和Southern杂交分析表明,在多数转基因植株中cryIA(b)基因和bar基因共整合,且呈孟德尔单位点显性基因连锁遗传。

    Basta resistance identification , dot blot and southern blot hybridization analysis demonstrate that the cryIA ( b ) gene and bar gene are co-integrated into the maize genome DNA in most of transgenic plants , and are delivered to the progeny according to Mendel 's single gene segregation .

  21. 与Xa-g不等位,呈连锁遗传,重组值为28.7%。

    This recessive gene is linked to the resistant gene Xa-g in Zenith with recombination value of 28.7 % .

  22. Y-连锁遗传性耳聋:中国一大家系的听力学表型特征

    The Audiologic aspects in Chinese Y-linked hereditary hearing impairment pedigree

  23. 抗瘟性与光敏不育性是连锁遗传的,交换值接近40.90。

    Crossover value of the linkage was about 40.90 .

  24. 发现家蚕茧荧光色的遗传是一种部分性连锁遗传。

    The cocoon fluorescent colour was inherited in a partial sex - linkage type .

  25. 黄瓜复雌花等6对基因间连锁遗传关系的研究

    Linkage Inheritance among 6 Genes in Cucumber

  26. Y连锁遗传的通径分析

    Path Analysis for Y - linkage Inheritance

  27. 在人类中,关于隐性性状性连锁遗传的一个著名例子是血友病。

    One of the best-known examples of a sex-linked recessive character in man is haemophilia .

  28. 大豆对4个大豆花叶病毒株系的抗性及其连锁遗传研究

    A Study of the Inheritance and Linkage of Resistance to Four Strains of Soybean Mosaic Virus in Soybeans

  29. 目的:探讨利用母血胎儿有核红细胞进行性连锁遗传病产前诊断的可行性;

    Objective : to discuss the possibility of prenatal diagnosis of X-linked genetic disease with fetal cells in maternal blood .

  30. 目的进行Y-连锁遗传性耳聋(DFNY1)家系的听力学表型特征分析。

    Objective The purpose of this research was to analyze the audiologic aspects in Chinese Y-linked hereditary hearing impairment pedigree .