
lián jiē zǐ
  • Linker;connexon;connexion
  1. 理论上双基因治疗策略要远比单基因治疗策略有效和彻底得多,但最关键的问题是缺少一种理想的连接子,使其能够有效地表达双基因。

    In theory , a dual genes combination strategy simultaneously targeting multiple defective genes would be more effective and complete than single-gene strategy . But the most critical issue is the lack of an ideal connexon , which can express dual genes effectively .

  2. 利用PCR分别扩增MG7单抗的重链及轻链可变区基因,并通过&DNA连接子将二者连接起来形成MG7单链抗体基因;

    The variable fragments of heavy and light chain were separately amplified and assembled into ScFvs with a specially constructed DNA linker by PCR .

  3. Vent聚合酶的使用,延伸产物捕获及连接子标记选择策略的采用,大大提高了连接介导聚合酶链反应的敏感性。

    The application of vent DNA polymerase and strategies of extension products capture and linker tag selection greatly improves the sensitivity of ligation mediated PCR .

  4. 一中国家系Weber-Cockayne单纯性大疱性表皮松解症角蛋白5连接子12结构域的新变异

    A new mutation in the linker 12 domain of keratin 5 in a Chinese family with Weber-Cockayne epidermolysis bullosa simplex

  5. SACM引入了连接子概念,与构件具有同等地位的连接子用于显式地描述构件之问交互协作等关系。

    SACM brings in the concept of connector , endows it with the equivalent position as component and utilizes this concept to explicitly describe such inter-component relationship as interaction and collaboration .

  6. 提出了具有连接子结构的固定界面模态综合法。

    Completeness of cross modal synthesis method for multiarch dams ;

  7. 结构振动分析中的连接子结构

    The connecting substructures in the analysis of structural vibrations

  8. 连接子结构与子结构模态综合法

    Link Substructure and Modal Synthesis for Substructuring

  9. 服务信道连接器被用来连接子系统中的消费者请求和提供者服务。

    Service channel connectors are used to connect consumer requisitions to provider services in a subsystem .

  10. 在中间件中支持用户自定义连接子

    Supporting User-Defined Connector in Middleware

  11. 对于连接子部分,还需要用进程符号来描述交互事件的时序控制逻辑;

    For connector , we need to describe the sequence control logic of interactive events by process notation ;

  12. 方法:四种药物通过酯化、酰胺反应由不同的连接子合成酰胺类和混合键类互联体前药。

    Methods : Amide and mix-type bonds compounds were synthesized by conjugated the amino groups and acid groups with hydroxyl or acid links .

  13. 最后通过连接子结构刚度矩阵建立的平衡方程求解相应的刚度参数。

    The stiffness parameters could be calculated from the solution of an equilibrium equation , through the stiffness matrix of the joint substructure .

  14. 系统由五个子系统构成:个人用户端子系统、二级学院端子系统、职能处室端子系统、管理决策端子系统和服务器连接子系统。

    The system consists of five subsystems : individual user subsystem 、 secondary colleges subsystem 、 fuctional offices subsystem 、 management decisions subsystem and server connectivity subsystem .

  15. 作为软件体系结构的重要贡献之一,连接子显式地描述了构件之间的交互。

    The idea of a connector , which explicitly describes the interactions among components , is one of the important contributions of the research on software architecture .

  16. 采用具有线性和非线性连接子结构的自由界面模态综合法,建立整车系统声固耦合非线性动力学模型。

    A nonlinear dynamic model for complete vehicle as an acoustic-structure interaction system is established by using free-interface component modal synthesis for substructures with linear and nonlinear link .

  17. 本文立足于软件体系结构精化领域,提出了一种新的算法,分别用于体系结构构件和连接子的精化,并使用C++语言实现了该算法。

    We prompt a new kind of algorithm used to refine components and connectors of architecture respectively . We implement this algorithm by C + + programming language .

  18. 该模型采用组件+连接子抽象中间件软件结构,使用面向方面的内核实体封装自适应逻辑,通过内核自省机制和事件机制驱动中间件自适应行为。

    The model divides the middleware structure into components and connectors and uses aspect-oriented technology to encapsulate adaptation logic . The middleware adaptive behavior is driven by kernel introspection and event interaction mechanism .

  19. 在连接子层设计实现过程中,采用了一种连接池的设计思想,该技术有效提高了系统的性能效率。最后,本文通过两个实验对访问层的两个主要设计目标分别进行了验证。

    This paper employes Connection pool to design and implement Connection Sub-layer which dramatically improves the efficiency . Finally , we carry out experiments to verify the decoupling capability and performance of Access Layer .

  20. 连接子的引入使得构件之间的交互协作在构件模型中真正成为独立于构件之外的一阶建模实体,从而为交互协作的描述、分析和验证提供了较好的支持。

    Consequently , the introduction of connector makes a first-class modeling entity independent of component out of inter-component interaction and collaboration so as to afford better support to the description , analysis and verification of interaction and collaboration .

  21. 利用子结构法建立的组合结构有限元模型和不完备的组合结构的测试频响函数,导出了连接子结构参数识别方法。

    A method for identifying joint properties of structures is presented by combining the experimentally obtained incomplete frequency response functions ( FRFs ) with the substructure mathematical model , which is normally a finite element idealization excluding undetermined joint properties .

  22. 本文以一个实例来说明如何在父窗口中连接子窗口,并且当父窗口数据改变时,子窗口数据亦随之改变,使父子窗口数据达到一致性。

    This text proves with an instance how to join sub window among father window , and when the father window data change , the sub window data change thereupon , the window data of father and son reach consistency .

  23. 在对数据库访问层发展现状以及相关技术研究分析之后,本文按照分层的思想将数据库访问层划分为访问模式子层和连接子层。

    This paper makes thorough research on the existing work on the Database Access Layer and analysis of the related technologies . And then we divide the Layer into Access Mmode Sub-layer and Connection Sub-layer in accordance with hierarchical thinking .

  24. 从软件体系结构层次开始,设计与开发软件系统,工作的重点从类的编程与继承转向了构件、连接子等第一类实体的规约与组装上。

    From the beginning level of software architecture , design and development of software systems , the focus programming and inheritance from the class turned components , connectivity sub-entities such as the first category on the statute and the assembly .

  25. 有连接和子串的rope的深度比它们所拥有的最深节点的深度大1。

    The depth of concatenation and substring ropes is one more than the depth of the deepest node they enclose .

  26. 当存取用于连接或子查询的多个表时,DB2(R)通用数据库(DB2UDB)能够识别要连接的数据是否位于相同数据库分区上。

    DB2 recognizes , when accessing more than one table for a join or a subquery , that the data to be joined is located at the same database partition .

  27. DB2IntelligentMiner的有用功能之一是能够在这个网络中寻找强连接的子图。

    One of several useful features of DB2 Intelligent Miner is that it finds strongly connected sub-graphs within this network .

  28. 中间层可以连接SCSI子系统的较高层和较低层。

    The mid layer fundamentally acts as a go-between for the upper and lower levels of the SCSI subsystem .

  29. 于是DB2就可以在存储数据的数据库分区上执行连接或子查询,而不必在数据库分区之间移动数据。

    DB2 can then choose to perform the join or subquery at the database partition where the data is stored , instead of having to move data between database partitions .

  30. 它们分别给Gnutella协议附加上一个连接管理子协议。

    Each of them adds a kind of Link Administration Protocol to Gnutella Protocol .