
  • 网络Selective toxicity
  1. 本实验研究了线粒体特异荧光染料Rhodamine123(Rh-123)对HeLa细胞的选择性毒性作用。

    The selective toxicity of the mitochondria-specific cationic fluorescent dye rhodamine 123 ( Rh-123 ) on HeLa cells in culture was studied .

  2. Rh-123对体外肿瘤细胞选择性毒性作用

    Selective toxicity of rhodamine 123 on carcinoma cell in vitro

  3. 提示KA对脊髓神经元的选择性毒性作用;

    The results indicated that KA is a selective neurotoxin for spinal cord neurons .

  4. 为此本实验进行了相关研究,以寻找鱼藤酮多巴胺能神经元选择性毒性作用机制,藉以探讨多巴胺代谢功能障碍所致多巴胺内源性毒性在PD发病机制中的作用。

    Therefore , we carried out some researches in this area , to further investigate the mechanism of rotenone model of PD and to explore the action of dopamine metabolism dysfunction in endogenous dopamine toxicity in PD .

  5. 在制备得到纯对映体标样后,研究了它们在体外模型和体内模型上产生对映体选择性毒性差异,并探讨了产生立体选择性毒性差异的机理。

    After preparation of pure isomers , we also investigated the enantioselective toxicity of these two type pesticides in vitro and in vivo model .

  6. 让人兴奋的是他们发现一个相对安全的老药对癌症干细胞具有选择性毒性。

    " The exciting thing was that they found an old and relatively safe compound and showed that it had a property that was selectively toxic to cancer stem cells ," said Dr.

  7. 结果表明,HBs/CD3双特异性抗体具有双向识别LAK细胞和2.2.15细胞的特性,特异地促进LAK细胞与靶细胞结合,发挥选择性细胞毒性作用。

    It was concluded that HBsAb could specially combine LAK cells with 2.2.15 cells and selectively increase cytotoxicity of LAK cells .

  8. 就链格孢属(Alternaria)真菌中产生的9种寄主选择性植物毒性、作用机理及应用研究等方面进行综述和评论。

    The toxicity to plants , mechanism and application of nine host-specific toxins from Alternaria alternata are summarized in this paper .

  9. BF是典型的Ⅰ型拟除虫菊酯之一,以前的研究表明BF具有对映选择性,细胞毒性,免疫毒性和内分泌干扰效应。

    Previous studies showed that BF has the effect of enantioselectivity , cytotoxicity , immunotoxicity and endocrine disrupting .

  10. 通过引起不同程度的氧化损伤、干扰细胞内多条凋亡信号通路、产生选择性的细胞毒性,联苯菊酯对映异构体能引起立体选择性的免疫毒性。

    The two enantiomers could induce enantioselective immunotoxicity through generation of oxidative stress , disturbance of different apoptosis signaling pathways and causing cytotoxicity to monocytes .

  11. 由于传统细胞毒类抗肿瘤药物存在选择性低,毒性大等缺点,目前抗肿瘤药物研究正从传统的细胞毒类药物转移到基于肿瘤发生机制的靶向抗肿瘤药物。

    As the traditional cytotoxic anticancer drugs usually have low selectivity , severe toxicity and other side effects , the anticancer drug developments are currently transferring from cytotoxic to targeted agents based on the mechanisms of tumorigenesis .

  12. 我们把改善患者机体与肿瘤关系的物质称为生物反应调节剂,生物反应调节剂与传统的细胞毒类药物不同,具有选择性强,毒性低,副作用小,而且一般无剂量依赖性等特点。

    The materials which can improve the relationship between patient and tumor is called biological response modifier , and with high selectivity , low toxicity and small side effects and generally no dose-dependent characteristics , biological response modifiers are different from conventional cytotoxic drugs .

  13. 溴化铜和氯化铜作为卤化剂具有较高的选择性,可以在芳基烷基酮α-位专一卤化,与其他卤化剂相比有选择性高,毒性小,操作简便,环境污染小的优点。

    Compared with other halogenating agents , cupric halides have many advantages such as high-selectivity , low-toxicity , easy-operation and low-pollution .