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cì yǎn
  • offending to the eye;unpleasant to look at;dazzle;fulsome
刺眼 [cì yǎn]
  • [dazzle] 光线过强,使眼睛感到不舒服

  • 亮得刺眼

  • (1) [fulsome]∶违反礼节标准或社会惯例而使人感到不顺眼;不文雅

  • 她这身打扮在人群中显得很刺眼

  • (2) [dazzling]∶使睁不开眼

  • 刺眼的亮点

刺眼[cì yǎn]
  1. 雪的反光很刺眼。

    The light reflecting off the snow was dazzling .

  2. 如果LED亮度和波长不一致,做成大屏幕LED彩色显示屏后,会使观众产生斑点或刺眼的感觉,严重影响LED显示屏的质量,因此必须对LED单管进行分选。

    It will affect quality and induce dazzling sight in large color-display if LED 's wavelength and light intensity are not measured , so we must achieve automatic separation of LED .

  3. 这些太阳镜是为减少刺眼的强光而设计的。

    These sunglasses are designed to reduce glare .

  4. 伊萨的白色沙滩帽在刺眼的阳光下闪闪发亮。

    Issa 's white beach hat gleamed in the harsh lights

  5. 灯光有点太刺眼了。你可以把灯关掉。

    The light 's a bit too harsh . You can turn it off

  6. 她眯起了眼睛,好像是觉得阳光太刺眼。

    She had screwed up her eyes , as if she found the sunshine too bright

  7. 突然,刺眼的强光照亮了整个房间。

    Suddenly the room filled with intense light

  8. 过了一会儿,他的眼睛才适应了刺眼的阳光。

    It was a few moments before his eyes became adjusted to the bright glare of the sun .

  9. 在刺眼的光线下看书会伤害眼睛。

    To read in the glaring light hurts your eyes .

  10. 灯发出刺眼的光。

    The lamp gave out a harsh light .

  11. 婴孩的帽子遮住阳光,使之不刺眼。

    The baby 's bonnet keeps the sun out of her eyes .

  12. 太阳真刺眼,我睁不开眼!3

    The sun is so harsh . I can 't open my eyes !

  13. 这工厂很刺眼。

    The factory is an obtrusive eyesore .

  14. 太阳光很刺眼。

    The sunlight is very harsh .

  15. 这些气味呛鼻刺眼的东西富含纤维素、矿物质、维生素C和维生素B6。

    These pungent bulbs are rich in fiber , minerals , and vitamins C and B6 .

  16. QisDesign设计的水母灯:“三向触环式调节器可以轻松调节灯光亮度。由于LED体积很小,因此就能把灯泡藏于灯具中央,同时却又不至于刺眼。”

    Aurelia Lamp by Qis Design . " A three-way " touch ring " dimmer enables easy luminosity adjustment . Thanks to LED 's small size it is possible to hide the bulb in the center and avoid glare . "

  17. 西格正在负责一项研究遮星板(starshade)概念的NASA研究。这种遮星板将漂浮在太空望远镜前方,遮挡恒星发出的光,这样就能看见它比较暗淡的行星了,就像司机拉下遮阳板挡住刺眼的阳光那样。

    Dr. Seager is heading a NASA study investigating the concept of a starshade , which would float in front of a space telescope and block light from a star so that its much fainter planets would be visible , the way a driver flips down a shade to block the glare of the sun .

  18. 白花花的卫生纸在青翠的灌木上显得特别刺眼。

    The white tissue was especially dazzling on the green shrubs .

  19. 不能省略任何刺眼的纹路,不能掩饰任何讨厌的丑处。

    Omit no harsh line , smooth away no displeasing irregularity .

  20. 我看着太阳,它非常的明亮刺眼。

    I am seeing the sun , it is very bight .

  21. 太阳光很刺眼,我们一时什么也看不见。

    We were momentarily blinded by the light of the sun .

  22. 我遮住眼睛以避开刺眼的阳光。

    I shaded my eyes from the glare of the sun .

  23. 邻居们觉得那扇破窗是个刺眼之物。

    The broken window was an eye-sore to the neighbors .

  24. 他写下的,这些人看着如此刺眼。

    What he wrote down , the whole crowd goes so loud .

  25. 当我的眼睛为刺眼的霓虹灯闪烁所迷时。

    My eyes were stabbled by the flash of a neon light .

  26. 阳光真刺眼那只是一部分

    This sun hurts my eyes . It 's part of it .

  27. 这就是中国非常刺眼的经济不平衡。

    This is China 's most glaring economic imbalance .

  28. “可惜”这字眼太刺眼。

    ' What a pity'these words hurt my eyes .

  29. 太阳那能用看的,好刺眼!

    How could we have looked directly at the sun , I thought .

  30. 那座新的多层停车场实在是刺眼之物。

    That new multi-storey carpark is a real eye-sore .