
kè yìn
  • Engraving;have (wrinkles);mint-mark;stamp mark;engrave a seal;engrave on one's mind;cut and mimeograph
刻印 [kè yìn]
  • (1) [cut and mimeograph]∶刻写和油印

  • 刻印宣传品

  • (2) [have (wrinkles)]∶有[皱纹]

  • 脸上刻印着几道深深的皱纹

  • (3) [engrave on one's mind]∶牢记

  • 他的话深深刻印在人们的心头

  • (4) [engrave a seal]∶雕刻印章

刻印[kè yìn]
  1. 蚀刻画、铜版画、平版画以及雕刻构成了他书画刻印的作品

    The etchings , drypoints , lithographs , and engravings together formed his graphic work .

  2. 一种YAG掩模式激光刻印机的研制

    Study on a type of YAG laser mask marking instrument

  3. ArF浸没式光刻技术研究及光刻仿真辅助设计软件开发波导多层只读光卡及其软刻印制作方法研究

    Study of ArF Immersion Lithography and Development of Optical Lithography Simulator ; Waveguide Multiplayer Optical Card ROM and its Soft Lithography Fabrication

  4. 我们共有的回忆将深深刻印在我内心深处。

    Our memories will live forever , deep in my heart .

  5. 多年的生活经历和风风雨雨在他脸上留下了深深的刻印。

    His face was deeply etched by life and weather .

  6. 门上方的文字是用英文刻印的。

    The inscription above the door was in English .

  7. 波导多层只读光卡及其软刻印制作方法研究

    Waveguide Multiplayer Optical Card ROM and its Soft Lithography Fabrication A Mini-Electrolytic Engraving Device

  8. 出厂前填写的内容清晰,是去不掉的刻印。

    The contents filled before leaving the factory shall be clear and irremovable countermarks .

  9. 小心地刻印或压印上编号。

    Carefully imprint or punch in the number .

  10. 这,是很久很久以前的刻印了吧?

    Maybe this is my lasting deep impression ?

  11. 近代教科书记载了近代学术的发展,刻印了中国学术从传统向近代过渡的吐故纳新历程。

    Thirdly , modern textbooks recorded history of academic development from tradition to modern times .

  12. 印章的管理涉及范畴:刻印、使用、废止、更换。

    Chop rules include : the countermark , use , abolishment and replacement of chops .

  13. 文人话本形成了苏州、杭州两个创作、刻印中心,成为吴越文化独特载体。

    Therefore , the script became the unique carrier of the culture of Wu and Yue .

  14. 针对钢瓶刻印机的刻印特点和《气瓶安全监察规程》中相关规定提出了一种校正算法。

    A sixth order correction method for eigenvalue problems of Hlemholtz equations with variable coefficients is introduced .

  15. 随着出版业的商品化,大批通俗小说集被书坊刻印出版。

    With the commercializing of publication , plenty of the collections of popular novels had been printed by bookshops .

  16. 可数月后,我仍清楚地记得当时自己就站在那里,注视着,倾听着,把一切都刻印在脑海中。

    But months later I still remember just standing there , watching , listening , taking it all in .

  17. 它们实是在书商刻印评本和文人评本双重影响下产生的“综合型评本”。

    These three works were the integrated comments which had been influenced by the commercial comments and the literary comments .

  18. 刻印出的标识清晰、美观、规范,满足现有市场对便携式气动打印系统的需求。

    The marks made by it are clear , beautiful and standard , which meet the requirement of the market .

  19. 以拥有14片鳞片的鱼为图样的古老水位标示和刻印在今天重庆的白鹤桥被发现。

    Ancient watermarks in the form of 14 - scaled fish and inscriptions have been found in White Crane Ridge in today 's Chongqing .

  20. 其次,讨论了原子透镜在原子显微镜、原子探针、原子刻印、光栅制作等领域中的应用前景。

    Then some potential applications of atomic lens in the atomic microscopy , atomic microprobe , atom lithography as well as fabrication of grating are discussed .

  21. 各占相应朝代刻印本的100%、100%、97%和54%。三、手抄和刻印的方式出版了各类图书。

    Contemporary printed each 100 % , 100 % , 97 % and 54 % Third , handwritten and printed with the way the publication of various books .

  22. 然而,雷锋精神没有死,他的名字一直挂在人们的口头上,他的形象一直刻印在人们的心目中。

    However , the Lei Feng spirit is not dead , his name has been linked in people 's words , his image has been etched in people 's minds .

  23. 为汉语人群学习满语而编纂的满汉合璧字辞书通行于清代.并被多次刻印,形成诸多版本。

    During the whole Qing dynasty , after being printed many times , lexicographical books compiled for Chinese people to learn Manchu language with both Manchu and Chinese have many versions .

  24. 相信许多人内心深处仍然刻印著桃乐丝的故事,因为她那奇妙旅程代表的正是我们儿时的幻想与美梦,而奈良美智的作品表现的也是同样的回忆。

    For many , the story of Dorothy is engrained in our minds because our imaginary childhood daydreams are represented by her chronicles , which are equally manifested in Nara 's sculpture .

  25. 采用折射率高的薄波片作为芯层材料、折射率低的透明硅橡胶作为包层材料,利用软刻印方法将信息复制在硅橡胶表面,制作出10层光卡。

    The WMOC ROM a low-index and transparent silicon rubber as the cladding layer material , and takes the advantage of soft lithography method to copy information to its surface at the same time .

  26. 抽签被刻印的数字珠仔将放到被朝下放各一指定位置,以便对手在游戏未结束时看出你的号码或轻易地被透露。

    The number chip being drawn will then be placed on the score ball faced down so that people cannot see what your numbers are and can be easily be revealed when the game finished .

  27. 到本月为止,消费者可在该品牌网站上根据个人喜好定制此款鞋子,可自由选择色彩搭配和面料,还可选择将姓名的首字母交叉刻印在鞋底上。

    As of this month , they can be customized to one 's liking on the brand 's website with a choice of color combinations and materials , and the option to monogram the soles .

  28. 其刻印书籍达160余种,其中除了个人的著述外,也包括一些较为稀见的书籍,涉及的范围包括经学、史学、游艺、小学、版本目录以及家集等;

    The books he published are up to 160 kinds , including his personal writings and some comparatively rare books , the contents involved include Confucian classics , historiography , recreation , edition catalogue and so on .

  29. 书院是我国传统的民间教育机构,元代书院不仅从事教学活动,而且还从事出版活动,雕版刻印了不少高质量的书籍。

    ShuYuan is a traditional folk educational institution in china 's history , Not only did the ShuYuan in Yuan Dynasty engage in teaching activity but also engaged in publishing activity , it printed many high-quality books .

  30. 将波导多层存储与光卡存储技术相结合,提出了一种波导多层光卡存储器的结构方案和软刻印制作方法。

    Combining the technologies of the waveguide multilayer storage and the memory card , we put forward a new technology of waveguide multilayer optical card ( WMOC ) read only memory ( ROM ) and its fabrication method .