
  1. 工艺中同时存在三种刻蚀作用:准分子激光直接刻蚀作用,KOH电化学刻蚀作用,以及准分子激光与电化学的耦合刻蚀作用。

    This section discusses three etching actions in the process : excimer laser direct etching , KOH electrochemical etching and the coupling etching of the excimer laser and electrochemistry .

  2. P.ch对尼龙6纤维也有刻蚀作用。

    Furthermore , P.ch can slightly etched nylon-6 fiber .

  3. 短脉冲紫外激光对陶瓷的刻蚀作用

    Short - Pulse Ultraviolet Laser Ablation of Ceramic

  4. 实验结果表明:经不同气氛条件的等离子体处理后,羊毛纤维表面发生了不同程度的物理与化学刻蚀作用。

    The results proved that the characteristic of wool fiber changed greatly with plasma treatment .

  5. 远程氩等离子体可以在一定程度上抑制电子、离子的刻蚀作用,强化自由基反应,使材料表面获得更好的改性效果。

    Moreover , remote plasma treatment can enhance radical reaction and inhibit electrons and ions etching reaction .

  6. 在耦合作用中,溶液中激光加工的力学效应对材料的刻蚀作用很大。

    In the coupling effects , mechanical effect of laser micromachining in liquid has great effect on material etching .

  7. 通过提高氢气稀释度,利用原子氢在成膜过程中起的刻蚀作用,可以稳定结晶相并去除杂相;

    By increasing the H2 dilution ratio , it is found that atomic hydrogen can selectively etch amorphous phase and stabilize crystalline phase .

  8. 小的直流自偏压会略微提高沉积速率;但随着直流自偏压的增强,离子轰击效应及刻蚀作用加强,薄膜的沉积速率下降。

    The deposition rate is slightly increased when a low dc self-bias is applied , and reduced with the self-bias increasing due to strengthened ion bombardment .

  9. 经研究发现:(1)随着光照时间的增加,自组装单分子膜的刻蚀作用逐渐增强,从而导致接触角逐渐减小,表面能逐渐增大。

    The result revealed that : ( 1 ) Along with the illumination time increasing , the etching strengthened gradually , which resulted in the decreasing of contact angle and the increasing of surface energy .

  10. 低能离子对番茄果皮刻蚀与穿透作用的研究

    Study on etching and penetrating of low energy ions into tomato peel

  11. 电化学处理碳纤维以提高复合材料界面性能的机理至少包括薄弱外层的去除和对纤维表面的刻蚀两种作用,在混合作用中,对纤维表面刻蚀作用占据主导地位。

    The mechanism of electrolytic treatment improving interface properties of the composite includes at least two effects with weaker outer layer remove and surface etching , and etching effect is dominant in this simultaneous process .

  12. 发射光谱法研究CaO对等离子体刻蚀废气的吸收作用

    The Absorption of CaO to Waste Gas from Plasma Etching by Emission Spectrometry

  13. 采用高H2等离子体刻蚀弱的、扭曲的、非晶Si-C及Si-Si和Si-H等键时,由于H等离子体对纳米SiC晶粒与非晶态键的差异刻蚀作用,产生自组织生长,发生晶化。

    When etching weakly and distorted amorphous Si Si , C C and Si H bonding by high H 2 plasma the differential etch function of H plasma to nanocrystalline SiC and amorphous SiC makes the nanocrystalline SiC self-organized growth , hence the nc SiC films were crystallized .