
  • 网络Face knife;face cutter
  1. 圆弧齿线(CATT)圆柱齿轮凸、凹齿面刀盘展成半径的大小对该齿轮的啮合特性具有重大影响,本文就该齿轮的刀盘展成半径调整问题进行了分析和研究。

    The paper analyzes and discusses the problem about how to adjust the radius of a cutter head for machining the convex and concave tooth flanks of circular-arc-tooth-trace cylinder gears , which has great effect on their mesh property .

  2. 数控超声磨削陶瓷叶片型面刀位轨迹计算

    Calculation of cutter location path for NC-ultrasonic grinding of ceramic blade surface

  3. 结合铣削温度试验,推导出了前刀面刀&屑接触面输入的热流密度的函数表达式。

    Then , the mathematical expression of heat flow density on the tool-chip interface of the rake face is deduced on the basis of milling temperature experiment .

  4. 结果表明,加装位置越高、高度越大的吸力面翼刀对吸力面附近展向流动阻断能力越强;

    The results show that higher fence will block the spanwise flow better ;

  5. 吸力面翼刀对压气机叶栅内二次流的影响

    Effect of using blade boundary layer fences on the secondary flow in compressor cascade

  6. 低割面阴刀(由下往上割)新割胶技术综述及初探

    A Summary and First Exploration of Inclined Upward Tapping on Low Part of Rubber

  7. 等距型面插刀的加工及其误差分析

    The machine work of the slotting tool of the isometric profile cylinder and it 's errors analysis

  8. 综述了国内外橡胶树低割面阴刀割胶技术的研究结果。

    It is summarize the study on inclined upward tapping of the rubber tree in the world .

  9. 数控线切割三维直纹面直接刀补算法的研究

    A Study on the Arithmetic of Direct Tool Radius Compensation of 3D Ruled Surface in NC Wire Electric Cutting

  10. 前面那个人矮小精悍,动作敏捷,脸黑黑的,两眼溜来溜去,面如刀削。

    The first man was small and quick , dark of face , with restless eyes and sharp , strong features .

  11. 从刀/屑接触面上前刀面的温度分布曲线,可以看出刀具上温度的最高点并不在刀尖处,而是位于前刀面上距离刀尖不远的地方。

    During steady state cutting process , the maximum temperature occurs away from the tooltip rather not the tooltip can be obtained from the rake face temperature curve of the tool-chip interface .

  12. 按球头铣刀的平面刀刃曲线的定义,基于球头刀刃与特种回转面形刀体上的螺旋刃在交点处应满足一阶连续的条件,建立了球头刀刃曲线的几何模型。

    Based on Restrain of Continuity of helical cut edges , new geometric models , along with NC grinding model , of planar cutting edge and planar rake face of ball end mill are modeled .

  13. 该方法无需在掘进面拆解刀盘、建竖井或工作廊道,施工难度小,修复速度快,费用低。工作台的最大回转角度是120度。

    This method has the advantages of no need of dismantling the cutterhead at heading face place , no need of setting up vertical shaft or operation corridor , less construction difficulty , quick reparation and low cost .

  14. 目前,截面包络法数控加工螺旋面时刀触点和刀位轨迹的计算方法已取得一定成就,但缺少对现有算法和工艺的精度分析和研究。

    At present , the calculative method of cutter-contact points and cutter-path when machining helicoids with section envelope principle has been succeeded to a certain extent , but there is lack of the study and method for such arithmetic and technics .

  15. 本文应用包络原理建立了渐开圆柱面后刀面的数学模型,并从简化机床结构的角度出发,将一个参数固定。

    This paper uses the envelope principle to build the mathematical model of rear edge surface of the involute cylindrical blank , and start from the point of view of simplifying the structure of machine tool one of the parameters is set to be fixed .

  16. 针对平面编程存在的不可消除的理论误差,对截面包络法数控加工螺旋面时刀触点和刀具运动轨迹的计算方法进行研究,提出一种新的计算刀触点的最小有向距离算法。

    As the calculation method from plan theory has inevitable theory error , the calculation method of the cutter-contact points and tool-path in the helical surface manufacture has been studied , a new calculation method named " the algorithm of seeking minimal orientation-distance " has been presented .

  17. 新构形法硬齿面插齿刀及其CAD

    New configured hardened face gear pinion cutter and its CAD

  18. 镶齿三面刃铣刀刀体裂纹分析

    Cracking analysis of cutter body for insert three side milling-cutter

  19. 双圆锥前刀面插齿刀的设计

    A Design of Double Conic Top Face Gear Shaper Cutter

  20. 锥面刃磨可展直纹面与后刀面刃磨

    Cone Grinding Extended Straight-line Surface and Flank Grinding

  21. 第二章分析了刀具前刀面、后刀面和边界磨损等磨损表面的特征。

    The second chapter analyzes the characters of rack face , flank face and boundary wearing .

  22. 磨削硬齿面插齿刀波形前刀面用凸轮设计、制造方法

    Design and Manufacturing Method for Cam of Grinding Wavelike Rake Face of Cutter for Hardened Gear Cutting

  23. 介绍了主切削刃的求解方法以及非共轴螺旋面钻尖后刀面的刃磨原理;

    The solving method for main cutting edge and grinding principle for flank of non coaxial helical micro drill point is described .

  24. 还进一步建立了锥形砂轮磨削前刀面和后刀面时的刀位轨迹模型,并研究了刀位轨迹与机床坐标系的转换关系。

    Moreover , the tool paths models of wheel which grinding are builded and the post-processing technique for coordination transfer is studied .

  25. 因此,进行了感应加热对刀具前刀面和后刀面热损伤的研究。

    Hence , the thermal damage layers on the rake face and the major flank of tool induced by induction heating were studied by SEM .

  26. 前刀面与后刀面的刃磨加工是球面铣刀加工工艺中最复杂的加工模型,尤其是球面端刃的前后刀面的加工模型,是研究的热点问题。

    A spatial model is established firstly for blade curves based on the research of the ball-end milling cutter for machining the complex curved surface .

  27. 首先运用分层的思想和旋转法得到均布于等长叶片叶轮轮毂面上的刀位轨迹;

    Referring to hub surface , at first , the equably tool-path on the hub surface is obtained by the method of separating the layers and rotation for the impeller with the full blades .

  28. SEM分析表明,刀具的主要失效形式为后刀面磨损、前刀面月牙洼磨损和刀刃微崩,刀具磨损的主要讲理是粘结磨损和磨粒磨损。

    SEM anlyses show that the tool failure types are main flank wear , face wear and tool tip chip . The principal wear mechanisms are bonding wear and abrasive wear .

  29. 硬齿面齿轮珩齿刀制造新工艺的研究

    A new technique for making gear - honing - tool

  30. 建立了S形刃球头立铣刀内前刀面、外前刀面及螺旋后刀面、平面后刀面的数学模型。

    The mathematical model of the rake faces and major flanks of ball nose end milling cutter with S shape is set up .