
  • 网络New composite materials;advanced composite material
  1. Al2O3-TiC-Co新型复合材料的力学性能及断裂行为

    Mechanical Properties and Fracture Behavior of Al 2O 3 TiC Co Advanced Composites

  2. 非木纤维填充PVC新型复合材料的研制

    Preparation of a Novel Composite PVC Filled with Non-Wood Fiber

  3. GFRP(GlassFiberReinforcedPolymer)是玻璃纤维增强聚合物的英文缩写。它作为一种新型复合材料目前正逐步应用于土木工程领域。

    GFRP is short for Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer , which is gradually being used in the civil engineering field as a new composite material .

  4. FRP(FiberReinforcedpolymer)是一种应用在混凝土结构中的新型复合材料,具有抗腐蚀、强度高等优点,应用十分广泛。

    FRP ( Fiber Reinforced Polymer ) is a new composite material widely used in the concrete structure , which has the advantages of anti-corrosion and high strength .

  5. 活性粉末混凝土(ReactivePowderConcrete,简称RPC)是近年来受到广泛重视的一种新型复合材料,具有优良的抗压、抗弯、抗裂和耐久性能等特性。

    Reactive powder concrete has drawn considerable attention in recent years a new type of composite material with excellent compression , bending , cracking and durability and other characteristics .

  6. 聚丙烯纤维混凝土(PolypropyleneFiberReinforcedConcrete,简称PPFRC)是近年来迅速发展起来的一种优良且应用广泛的新型复合材料。

    Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete ( PPFRC ), a new composite material with excellent properties , is developed rapidly and applied extensively to civil engineering in recent years .

  7. Graphene材料在纳米微电子器件、光电子器件、自旋量子器件以及新型复合材料方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    Graphene & material has broad application prospects in nano-microelectronic devices , optoelectronic devices , spin quantum devices , as well as new composite materials .

  8. 为从根本上解决MDF中的甲醛等挥发性有机物所导致的环境污染问题,本文试图在MDF中添加有机气体捕获剂,获得具有自吸附性能的新型复合材料。

    To solute the environmental pollution caused by MDF , this paper attempts to add organic gas capture agent into MDF , get the new composite which has self-adsorption .

  9. 系统研究了该种新型复合材料的静态、动态力学性能和红外吸收性能,并与球磨机分散、偶联剂表面处理的纳米SiO2制备的LLDPE/纳米SiO2复合材料进行了对比。

    The properties such as static mechanical properties , dynamic performance and IR absorption were investigated and compared with those of LLDPE / nano SiO 2 prepared by the dispersion of ball grinders and surface treatment of coupling agents .

  10. 结果表明:从极化曲线来看,新型复合材料双极板的腐蚀电流密度大约为10-4.5A/cm2,说明这些新型复合材料双极板有一定的抗酸腐蚀性。

    The experiment results show that the corrosion current is about 10-4.5 A / cm2 from polarization curves of novel composite bipolar plates , which shows that novel composite bipolar plates are a little acid corrosion-resistant .

  11. 钢纤维混凝土(SFRC)是一种以混凝土为基体的新型复合材料,其抗碳化性能优于普通混凝土。

    The steel fiber reinforced concrete ( SFRC ), a new type of complex material using concrete as the matrix , is better than the common concrete in the capability of resistance to the carbonization .

  12. 设计并采用热压烧结的方法成功制备了TiCP/W和ZrCp/W两个系列碳化物颗粒增强钨基新型复合材料,并对其组织结构、室温力学性能及高温力学性能进行了系统研究。

    TiCp / W and ZrCp / W composites were designed and prepared by vacuum hot-pressing . The microstructure , room and elevated temperature mechanical properties of the composites were studied in detail .

  13. 功能梯度材料(FGM)是近二十年来材料科学领域出现的一种新型复合材料,在航空航天、生物医学、核工业等领域有着广阔的应用前景。

    Functionally graded material ( FGM ) is a new type of composite materials arisen in material science field in recent twenty years , and has wider application foreground in many fields such as spaceflight , biomedicine , and nuclear industry .

  14. 采用激光粒度分布仪结合扫描电镜对SP-1、SP-2及SP-C新型复合材料离子交换树脂粒度性能进行了研究测定。

    The property and particle size of SP-1 , SP-2 and SP-C new complex ion exchange resin is studied and tested with laser particle size analyzer and SEM .

  15. 高导热、可加工AlN/BN复相陶瓷是一种极具应用前景的新型复合材料,可作为微电子领域、微波传输设备以及高温腐蚀环境中应用的理想材料。

    AlN / BN ceramics composite with high thermal conductivity and machinability is a new promising composite in extensive application fields . They are perfect materials that could be used in such fields as microelectronics , microwave transmission devices and those in high temperature corrosion .

  16. HFRP筋是有两种或两种以上的连续增强纤维通过协调匹配,取长补短,产生协调混杂效应而制成的一种新型复合材料筋。

    HFRP band is two or morethan two kinds of continuous fiber reinforced by matching each other , produce coordination , coordination of hybrid effect and made of a new type of composite rebars .

  17. 为了加快这种新型复合材料的推广和应用,本论文系统研究了MBWK织物增强复合材料的结构、面内力学性能,并探讨了该类复合材料在防弹领域的应用。

    In order to quicken and broaden the applications , this paper systematically studied the loop structure , in-plane mechanical and ballistic properties of MBWK reinforced composite .

  18. 功能梯度材料(FGMs)具有组份与微结构的非均匀空间变化特征,它可以被设计成力学性能和功能沿某一方向成梯度变化的新型复合材料,实现材料两侧具有不同的功能。

    With components and micro-structure spatially changing non-uniformly , functionally graded materials ( FGMs ) can be designed to some kind of new composite materials with mechanical properties and functions graded changing along a specific direction , to realize that both sides of the materials have different functions .

  19. 以一种20kW风机叶片为例,用此方法实现了新型复合材料叶片结构的极限分析和合理设计,提高了叶片的强度和刚度,有效降低了叶片的重量。

    The thus developed method has been applied to the design and analysis of a 20 kW composite wind turbine blade with an advanced structure , and favorable results with improved strength and stiffness and reduced weight have been obtained .

  20. 新型复合材料Mg/MWNTs的储放氢性能

    Hydrogen adsorption / desorption property of advanced composite Mg / MWNTs

  21. 插层-分解法制备联二脲/蒙脱土新型复合材料插层&分解法剥离高岭土

    Preparation of a nano-composite LDA / MMT by novel intercalation-decomposition process

  22. 新型复合材料合成芯导线技术综述

    A Survey of Aluminium Conductor with Reinforced Core of Composite Material

  23. 新型复合材料界面研究的现状与展望

    Status Quo and Perspective of Study on the Interface of Advanced Composites

  24. 一种新型复合材料旋翼桨尖结构形式

    A New Type of Composite Material Rotor Blade Tip Structure

  25. 有机-无机复合空心微球是一种具有特殊结构的新型复合材料。

    Organic-inorganic hybrid microcapsules are new materials with special structures .

  26. 利用木材介孔结构制备新型复合材料研究进展

    Advance in novel wood composites based on the mesoporous structures of wood

  27. 综述新型复合材料泡沫钢的国内外研究概况、工艺制备方法及发展方向。

    Foamed steel is a new type of composite material .

  28. 一种新型复合材料-粉煤灰、废塑料和农作物秸秆共混制备

    A New Composite Materials of the Flyash , Wasted Plastics and Crop Stalks

  29. 新型复合材料单向板拉伸力学性能测试新技术

    A Test Technique on Tension Performance of A New Type Compound Material Slab

  30. 架空输电线路新型复合材料合成导线的开发研究

    Development of New-type Composite Conductor for Overhead Transmission Lines