
  1. 随着计算机的快速发展,CFD理论的日趋成熟,该研究思路对未知设备或者新型流体设备的研究和开发提供了新的思路和方法。

    With the rapid development of computer and the grown up of CFD technology , the research means is very promising in researching undiscovered or new pattern fluid equipments .

  2. 地球的排气作用(degassing,outgassing,)将为我们提供规模大得难以想象的巨大新能源和新型流体矿产。

    Degassing of the Earth will provide us gigantic amount of energy and new type of fluid minerals which are unimaginable in size .

  3. 新型流体脉动传感器及其应用

    A modern sensor for pulsation of liquid and its application

  4. 1种新型流体阻力测试装置制作与研究

    Preparation and Study on a Kind of New Testing Device for Fluid Resistance

  5. 新型流体转向剂

    Study of New - style Fluid Diverting Agent

  6. 压电泵是以压电陶瓷元件作为换能器的新型流体传输装置,是一种性能优良的智能材料驱动器。

    Piezoelectric pump is a kind of new transmission fluid device driven by the piezoelectric transducer components .

  7. 本实用新型流体动压轴承装置具良好的密封及防拔效果。

    The dynamic pressure bearing device of a fluid of the utility model has a good sealing and anti-pulling effect .

  8. 它是一种新型流体动压非接触式机械密封,克服了在人字形螺旋槽端面密封中可能产生的磨粒磨损和冲刷磨损,实现了超高速、零泄漏和微磨损。

    It is a new type of hydrodynamic non-contacting face seal with unique performance of super-high speed , no-leakage and micro-wear .

  9. 应用表面物理化学、密封材料学、渗流力学等理论,在实验基础上研究了一种新型流体密封技术&3相泡沫流体密封技术。

    Based on surface physics-chemistry , mechanics of sealing materials and osmotic fluid mechanics , a new sealing technique-threephase foaming fluid was developed in laboratory .

  10. 高效液力偶合器(无滑差静液力机械偶合器),是一种与普通液力偶合器原理不同的新型流体偶合器。

    The high efficient hydraulic coupling ( non-slip static hydro-mechanical coupling ) is a new type of fluid coupling with a principle different from conventional hydraulic coupling .

  11. 冰阀是一种利用微/纳米流道内流体自身的冻结/融化相变过程来实现关断或开启作用的新型流体元件。

    As a new flow component , the ice valve was developed to close or open the liquid flow running inside a micro / nano channel based on the freeze / thawing phase change of the working fluid using a thermoelectric cooling device .

  12. 液体粘性传动(Hydro-ViscousDrive,简称HVD)是20世纪70年代中期从国外发展起来的一种新型的流体传动形式。

    Hydro-viscous drive ( HVD ) that has developed since middle 1970s from abroad is a new fluid transmission .

  13. 根据无线网络的特点,提出了一种新型的流体公平队列模型WGPS。

    According to the characteristics of wireless network , WGPS ( a new fluid fair queuing model ) is put forward .

  14. 目的以甲壳素为主要基质制成以重组人角质细胞生长因子-2(rhKGF-2)为主要活性成分的新型制剂流体膜用于治疗烧烫伤促愈合,为该新制剂的质量标准制定可行的活性成分定量测定方法。

    Objective To establish a method for the determination of active ingredient in recombinant human keratinocyte growth factor 2 ( rhKGF-2 ) in the liniment which matrix was mainly constituted by chitin , and to provide a feasible mensuration for quality control .

  15. 新型磁流体密封圈的仿真及试验研究

    Simulation and experiment study of new type magnetic fluid sealing ring

  16. 新型磁流体复合物惯性引力传感器

    New Type Inertial and Gravity Sensors with Magnetic Fluid Composites

  17. 一种新型半流体培养基用于结核分枝杆菌药敏试验的研究

    A new kind of semiliquid medium for the drug susceptibility to mycobacterium tuberculosis

  18. 膜分离法是一种新型混合流体分离技术。

    Membrane separation method is a new separation technique for mixed fluid materials .

  19. 新型粘稠流体异步可调并联双泵回抽断料装置的研制

    Research and Development of Asynchronized Adjusted Parallel Double-pump Device Used in Withdrawing and Breaking of Viscidity Liquid

  20. 建立了新型磁流体阻尼器的阻尼力模型及其减振系统的非线性数学模型。

    The damping force model of the damper and the nonlinear mathematical model of vibration reduction system are established .

  21. 本实用新型涉及流体机械,其根据固定型式,分为两部分―即联接管部件和转子可抽部件。

    The utility model relates to fluid machinery , according to the fixed form , comprising two parts namely connecting pipe members and removable rotor members .

  22. 提出了一种新型的流体推进器&单叶片推进器,通过对叶片的运动学和负载的分析,建立了该推进器的运动方程。

    A new type of liquid propeller-single-blade propeller is discovered and its dynamic equations are established by means of kinematic analysis of the blade and loads applied on the blade .

  23. 本文采用数值模拟方法,针对一种新型制取流体冰方法中的关键问题&水在油介质中的雾化特性进行了研究,取得了相应的研究结果和结论。

    This paper studies the characteristics of water atomization in oil , which is the key problem of a new fluid ice producing technology . Numerical method is used in the research , and relevant results and conclusions are obtained .

  24. 介绍一种新型输液器流体地质学&21世纪的新兴地质学科

    Introduction of a new type of fluid infusion set Fluid Geology

  25. 新型水基磁流体的制备及其生物磁热效应研究

    The preparation of novel aqueous ferrofluid and biomagnetic heat effect

  26. 一种新型的微流体测量芯片的设计

    Design for a Late Model Chip of Microfluidic Measuring

  27. 新型压电流体混合驱动精密位移机构

    New Type of Accurate-motion Mechanism with Hydro-piezoelectric Drive

  28. 稳压泵的流量确定新型压电流体混合驱动精密位移机构

    Flowrate Decision for Water Pressure Balancing Pump New Type of Accurate-motion Mechanism with Hydro-piezoelectric Drive

  29. 新型差压式流体密度在线测量技术

    A New Differential Pressure Type of Measuring Technique for the Density of the Flow On line

  30. 一种新型超临界流体萃取-高效液相色谱在线联用系统的构建

    Establishment of a New On-line Coupled Supercritical Fluid Extraction ( SFE ) with High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) System