
  • 网络Breadsticks;bread stick;Grissini
  1. 与餐厅同名的菲利普·马蒂厄(PhilippeMathieu)在为一位警官制作三明治时,不小心将面包条掉入滚烫的油锅中。

    The restaurant 's namesake , Phillipe Mathieu , was making a sandwich for a police officer when he accidentally dropped the roll into hot oil .

  2. 无所不在的松脆的、金色的面包条的价格似乎概括了生活费用上升和消费者口袋里现金短缺的现象。

    The price of the omnipresent crisp , golden loaf seemed to epitomize the rising cost of living and the shortage of cash in consumers'pockets .

  3. 他画了很多美丽而有趣的画,比如面包条,糖果,蝴蝶,斑马以及其他一些他喜欢的东西。

    He painted many beautiful and interesting pictures , such as a loaf of bread , candies , butterflied , zebras and something else that he liked .

  4. 总是等我响了结账铃后才有顾客喊着:“哎呀,我忘了拿新鲜的面包条了,我希望你别介意等我去拿一下。”

    Just as I finish ringing up an order , a customer will say , " Oops , I forgot to pick up a fresh loaf of bread . I hope you don 't mind waiting while I go get it . "

  5. 面包头一条长包面的两个硬端之一到面包房去买面包。

    One of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread .

  6. 我要面包,两条这种小鱼。

    Bread . And two of those little fish .

  7. 咱们也到超市的面包店去买条面包当早餐。

    And let 's get a loaf of bread at the bakery for breakfast .

  8. 源自旧时面包店老板的习惯,即给所订购的一打面包搭送一条面包。

    This phrase comes from bakers ' old custom of adding one extra loaf to an order of a dozen .