
  • 网络Forward Integration
  1. 最后,论文对前向一体化战略的实施与保障措施进行了阐述。

    Finally , it describes the implementation and safeguards of the forward integration strategy .

  2. 为东方公司制定了采取差异化的业务层战略,公司层战略采用前向一体化和相关多元化的战略。

    Formulate the business-level strategy : differentiation strategy , the corporate-level strategy : forward integration and relatedness diversification strategy .

  3. 论中国旅游产业组织虚拟前向一体化

    Vertical Intergration of Chinese Tourism Industrial Organisation

  4. 本文发现,当需求不足时,煤炭企业更有动机前向一体化以确保销售,如果这是有利可图的。

    Coal firms will have stronger incentive to forward integration to insure their coal sale if they are profitable when demands is scarcity .

  5. 通过以上方法的综合运用并进行系统分析,逐步确定独山子石化公司的成长方向与实施前向一体化进入的行业;

    Along with all these methods used and systemic analysis , the growth orientation and industry to enter are gradually come to a conclusion .

  6. 供应稀缺和产能过剩分别为我国铝企业后向和前向一体化创造了动机,产业链结构的不对称进一步强化了该动机。

    Scarce supplies and overcapacity created motives for backward and forward integration of aluminum industry successively , and the dissymmetry of industrial chain structure strengthened this motivation .

  7. 前向一体化:在原料转化为最终产品的过程中,企业的经营范围涉及其中一个以上的生产阶段。

    Forward integration : Refers to a firm whose activities extend over more than one subsequent stage of the production process of transforming raw materials into final goods .

  8. 提出可以采用前向一体化、后向一体化和横向一体化等企业发展战略,抓住入世带来的有利机遇,克服入世带来的不利影响。

    This article proposals that agriculture enterprises can seize the opportunities and overcome the threats which WTO bring about by adapting strategies such as forward integration , backward integration and horizontal integration .

  9. 最后确定了汉江集团新的增长战略并进行了实施:铝产业实施纵向一体化战略,即实施前向一体化,重点发展铝深加工业;

    Finally , the new growth strategies of Hanjiang group are confirmed and implemented : the aluminum industry implements vertical integration strategy , viz . forward integration , to develop aluminum processing industry mainly ;

  10. 这节约了企业的资金,更好地参与进市场竞争;而奶农也可以组建合作社,设立加工企业,进行前向一体化,深入到加工环节,在更大程度上参与产业链上的利益分配。

    This saves the enterprise funds , participate in market competition better ; dairy farmers can also form cooperatives , set up processing enterprises , conduct the processing chain by forward integration , take greater participation in the distribution of benefits in the industry chain .

  11. 二是中长期的前向一体化和多种经营战略,巩固稀土产品在传统产业的优势;通过技术创新,在高附加值稀土产品和稀土应用产品领域中居世界领先地位。

    Secondly , the further integration and the various operating strategy will be followed in the middle-term or long-term plan in order to consolidate the superiority of rare earth products in the traditional industry , and make the high value-added products rank among the leading position in the international market .