
  • 网络anterior arch
  1. 寰椎在受到无论何种方向的外力首先引起寰椎前弓骨折,如果外力足够大,持续时间足够长,将导致爆裂性骨折,如Jefferson骨折。

    The axial loading from any direction will cause the anterior arch fracture first if it is big enough . Enough big force or over long time of force will result in burst fractures , such as the Jefferson fracture .

  2. 结论:(1)前路手术显露前弓范围在21~28mm内,但不能切除前弓。

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) To expose rang for the anterior arch during 21-28mm ;

  3. 1例术中导针误穿过C1前弓皮质约3.5cm,进入咽部,未发生脊髓损伤及伤口感染并发症。

    The guide needle was cut into the pharynx due to incorrectly penetrating the C 1 anterior arch of atlas for 3.5 cm in one case but no early complications such as spinal cord injury and local infection occurred .

  4. 肋-软骨连结位于肋骨前弓的后外侧;

    The position of costochondral junction was at the posterior lateral side of rib anterior arch ;

  5. 脊髓灰质炎后遗膝关节屈曲挛缩畸形常伴有异常的股骨下端与胫骨上端前弓角。

    Knee flexion contracture deformity af - ter polio is often with abnormal anteflexion angle in lower femur and upper tibia .

  6. 在测试前弓丝和托槽用95%酒精进行擦拭,避免油脂产生润滑作用。

    Clean the wires and the bracket with 95 % alcohol before the experiment to avoid the lubrication of the greases .

  7. 结论①胰背、胰横动脉及胰前弓动脉出现率极高,但起始位置不固定;

    Conclusion ① Dorsal , transverse pancreatic artery and anterior pancreatic areade artery have a high rate of emergence , but the starting position is not fixed ;

  8. 结论:常规X线正位片加摄侧位及前弓位胸片能卓有成效地提高右肺中叶综合症的诊断准确性。

    Conclusion : Routine frontal and lateral X-ray chest film plus kyphotic position projection can effectively heighten the accuracy to diagnose the Syndrome of the right lung middle lobe .

  9. 结论(1)无论头颅位于屈曲位、中立位或后伸位,当受纵向作用力时,首先引起的是寰椎前弓的骨折;

    Conclusions ( 1 ) The axial loading will cause the anterior arch fracture first no matter what position including flexion , median position or posterior extension of the head is .

  10. Damon自锁托槽技术对下颌牙列拥挤的扩弓作用不仅体现在后牙弓,而且还体现在前牙弓;并伴随有前牙的唇倾趋势。

    The expansion of mandibular arch crowding is not only reflected in the post-arch , but also embodied in the former arch , and accompanied by the tilting of the anterior lip when crowding cases were treated with Damon self-ligating system . 4 .

  11. 理想前牙弓长度的模型预测方法

    A prediction method for the ideal intercanine arch length on the orthodontic cast

  12. 头臂动脉颈段气管前方颈前静脉弓出现率为100%。

    Brachiocephalic artery Fluff cervical vein cervical trachea in front of the bow was100 % .

  13. 目的比较胃食管经食管床主动脉弓后吻合术式与传统的经胸腔主动脉弓前至弓上吻合术式对中段食管癌病人肺功能和胃排空的影响。

    Objective To compare the effects of two operation types of esophagogastrostomy ( the type behind the esophagus and aortic arches and the traditional type before and upon the aortic arches ) on pulmonary function and gastric excretory time in patients with mid - esophageal cancer .

  14. 方法:对103例寰椎前、后弓进行了解剖学观测。

    Methods : The anterior and posterior arch of atlas were measured in103 atlas .

  15. 结果表明治疗后比治疗前,牙弓、基骨的宽度增加,统计学分析有显著性差异。

    Results show , the increment of width of basal bone and arch has statistically significant difference .

  16. 前言:目的:从生物力学角度探讨外翻足前足横弓跖骨头下压力的改变情况。

    Objective : From the biomechanical view , to probe the changes of plantar pressure under transverse arch of forefoot of hallux valgus foot .

  17. 新兵训练前、后椎弓峡部断裂发病率:训练开始前的入伍新兵,L5椎弓峡部断裂5例,发病率为5%。

    The incidence rate of spondylolysis of vertebral arch before and after training : Before training , 5 cases had spondylolysis of L5 vertebral arch , and the incidence rate was 5 % .

  18. 膝最上动脉与胫前返动脉吻合弓为蒂的膝内侧逆行岛状皮瓣修复小腿上段软组织缺损

    Medial retrograde island flap of knee repairs large soft tissue defect at the superior lower leg

  19. 额颞耳前联合断颧弓颞下入路切除中颅窝底鞍旁肿瘤临床研究

    A surgical study on resecting the parasellar tumor of middle cranial fossa via frontotemporal preauricular combination and cutting zygomatic arch

  20. 那么如何后退前牙?牙弓中有哪些间隙可以利用?其中很多学者开始关注第二磨牙后间隙。

    Which spaces can be utilized in the dental arch ? Many scholars have begun to focus on the second retromolar space .

  21. [目的]探讨膝最上动脉与胫前返动脉吻合弓为蒂的膝内侧逆行岛状皮瓣的临床适应症。

    OBJECTIVE To study the medial retrograde island flap with superior genicular artery and anterior tibia recurrent artery of the knee on clinical application .

  22. 结果发现,单颌组尖牙及前磨牙区齿槽弓明显窄于双颌组;

    The results showed that the alveolar crest arches of the one arch group were obviously narrower in the canine and the premolar regions than in those of the two arch group ;

  23. 目的为咬痕分析提供正常人前牙及前牙弓参数的依据。

    Objective To provide parameter data of normal anterior teeth and dental arch for bite mark analysis .

  24. 腓动脉终末前穿支与外踝前动脉吻合形成外踝前动脉弓。

    The lateral anterior malleolar artery anastomosed with the lowest perforating branch of the peroneal artery to form the lateral malleolar artery arch .