- the day before yesterday

[the day before yesterday] 前天,昨天的前一天
招前日宾客。--清. 侯方域《壮悔堂文集》
The day before yesterday , Gigi through the " look around " pro-marriage certificate has been good news , big happiness .
The success of frozen-thawed embryo transfer was not influenced by the number of the age of female partners , infertile duration , fertilization methods , nor serum E2 levels .
Gold futures ended Thursday at $ 1, 331.60 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange , up slightly for the day but down 16 % from a year ago .
Methods Twelve senile patients undergone selective non-cardiac surgery were selected and changes of HRV were continuously monitored by dynamic electrocardiogram ( DMS Holter 5.0 , USA ) from 23:00 intraday to 7:00 in the morning before operation .
Methods QT interval variability was calculated from a one-lead electrocardiogram in 108 patients of acute myocardial infarction admitted in coronary care unit , each was measured twice , one in admission ( acute stage ), the other prior to discharge ( stable stage ) .
The captain who wrote up the Nav1 gripe on the previous evening advised the captain on the accident flight of the malfunction prior to the latter 's departure from BFI .
My father blames them for the recent hits against his men .
Optimization of Daily Dispatch Arrangement before Day-Ahead Transaction Being Opened
On the Daily Activity Rhythm before Hibernation of Long-Eared
Eve , the production base to all citizens public solicitation programs name .
The case arose after a CCTV report accused Apple of offering discriminatory after-sales services in China .
The Shanghai Composite closed down 0.15 % to 5, 106.04 after falling more than 2 % earlier .
The day before on Asian Top10 Most popular stars ceremony , our reporter exclusively reported Mike He .
The activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin in BIF depended on the kinds of cattle and feeds before slaughter .
Shares in JPMorgan and Wells Fargo were both flat in afternoon trade , at $ 57.72 and $ 45.58 respectively .
The problems of rehabilitating the formerly Japanese-occupied areas and of reconstructing the nation from the ravages of a protracted war were staggering .
By then the markets were close to panic , falling 8 per cent yesterday on top of a similar drop the day before .
The stock regained ground yesterday but was flat by mid-afternoon trading as investors struggled to make sense of Lehman 's plans and capital needs .
The day before long the main financial stocks turned into the largest force in short , the recent active hot spots began to cool significantly .
Professor McGonagall was head of Gryffindor House , but it hadn 't stopped her from giving them a huge pile of homework the day before .
When you 've had a 2012 like me , things can only get better , she told PEOPLE on Sunday at the Golden Globe Awards .
When you are about nineteen years old there is usually a Solar Eclipse at approximately the same degree of the zodiac as your Prenatal Eclipse .
There were many contributing astrological factors in effect at the time of his death , but this was an instance which indicated that the Prenatal Eclipse Cycle had completed its work .
Israel 's Jerusalem Hilton hotel said on Wednesday it has fully and unilaterally cut ties with the Hilton chain due to a dispute between the owners and management company Hilton International .
But today it emerged the20-year-old sent a text from her phone yesterday to a friend , demanding he erase a message from her mother saying someone other than Bieber is the father .
If cop were to ultimately gain 30 % in its split , it would add a whopping $ 33 billion in value , based on its market valuation on the day before the deal was announced .
The day before , when Anita Mui was asked by the media about the news of Stareast , Anita Mui implied that she didn 't invest any money in that company , just as an unpaid director .
If the previous balance of the financed funds and bonds of subject-matter security are both zero , and no financed funds and bonds business occurred at the current day , so the records of the securities may not be required to declare the records of the securities .