
  • 网络front edge;LEADING EDGE
  1. 飞机螺旋桨的前边缘和机翼后边缘是最能够反应调光器的功能的。

    Leading edge and trailing edge means the function of the dimmer .

  2. 客运专线简支箱梁后浇翼缘板施工工法飞机螺旋桨的前边缘和机翼后边缘是最能够反应调光器的功能的。

    Construction Method of Post-pouring Flange Plate of Simple Box Girder in Passenger Dedicated Line Leading edge and trailing edge means the function of the dimmer .

  3. 材料与方法:搜集32例经手术病理证实的肾细胞癌,观察其术前边缘部的CT征象与术后病理改变对照。

    Materials and Methods : CT and pathologic findings were compared and analyzed in 32 patients with pathologically proved RCC .

  4. 硫化孕烯醇酮对前边缘皮层内侧区诱发兴奋性突触传递的作用和机制

    The Effect and Mechanism of Pregnenolone Sulfate on Evoked Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Rat Prelimbic Cortical Neurons

  5. 警觉时,耳根背部竖起,耳朵前边缘部仍然紧靠头部。

    When alert , the rear part of the set-on is raised while the front edge of the ear remains close to the head .

  6. 选择只是前躯干边缘连接到胸部外壳。

    Select just the front torso edges that connect to the chest shell .

  7. 前切尔西边缘球员达米恩.达夫,谈到他今年夏天离开切尔西时,他感到很痛苦。

    Former Chelsea wide-man Damien Duff has talked about the hurt he felt following his exit from the club this summer .

  8. 吻部中等长度而尖的,它的前外侧边缘完全地由硬骨支撑了。

    Head large ; the eyes moderately large ; the snout moderately long and pointed , its anterolateral margin completely supported by bone .

  9. 蜕皮激素的作用则相反,处理后前胸腺边缘不规则,内质网不甚发达,合成作用减弱。

    On the contrary , when MH administration was made , the edge of prothoracic gland was irregular , endoplasmic reticulum was less developed .

  10. 该病临床表现为:1~5日龄新生仔猪舌前半部边缘出现乳头状突起,突起呈细丝状,长短不等(0.01~0.08cm),不分枝。

    The disease was primarily processes papillaris , or papilloma on the lingual margin of front tongue in the neonates from 1 to 5 days of age . The processes were about 0.01 to 0.08 cm in length various size and no branching .

  11. 分析33例手术病理证实的肝细胞癌在术前MRI的边缘形态并对24例标本MRI与病理基础对照研究。

    Method Tumor border patterns on MRI of33 cases of HCC were analyzed , and MRI pathologic correlation study of24 resected HCC specimens were performed .

  12. 结果84例胫骨平台骨折中,胫骨外侧平台骨折36例,内侧平台骨折2例,平台中线前、后边缘骨折12例,单纯髁间隆突骨折7例,全平台粉碎性骨折27例。

    Showed medial plateau fractures ; 12 showed fractures in anterior and posterior edge of the plateau midline , 7 showed simple fractures in intercondylar eminence ; 27 showed comminuted fractures in full plateau .

  13. 在匹配前,通过Canny边缘检测来提取强特征点以供立体匹配。

    Before doing matching , the system extracted strong feature points using Canny edges detection .

  14. 基于小波变换的汽车前照灯图像边缘检测

    Algorithm for automobile headlamp image edge detection based on wavelet transform

  15. 中国目前有大约110家本土投资银行,海外对它们的了解仍然很少,其中多数机构在两年前还处于破产边缘。

    China has about 110 home-grown investment banks that remain little known outside the country and were mostly on the verge of bankruptcy just two years ago .

  16. 本研究将WGA-HRP注射于25只大鼠前额叶皮质的前扣带回背部、前边缘区及岛叶无颗粒皮质背部,观察其间脑和皮质下端脑的传入联系。

    WGA-HRP was injected into the dorsal part of anterior cingulate area , prelim - bic area , and dorsal agranular insular area of the prefrontal cortex in 25 rats to observe the afferent connections from the diencephalon and subcortical telencephalon .

  17. 喷涂结果表明,通过安装前、后盖静电吸附装置和调整高转速自动静电旋杯喷涂机(ESTA)的喷涂轨迹和喷涂参数,POLO轿车前、后盖边缘桔皮状况得到明显改善。

    The spraying result has explained that by installing electrostatic absorption devices on the hood and trunk and adjusting the spraying profile and spraying parameter of the ESTA machine , the orange peel on the edge of hood and trunk has been obviously improved .