
  • 网络Anterior abdomen;preabdomen;OTORO
  1. 方法收集17例急性胃肠道穿孔患者术前腹部CT检查资料,与手术结果对照。

    Methods preoperative CT data of seventeen patients with acute gastrointestinal perforation were collected and correlated with postoperative pathology .

  2. 方法:对近3年来33例进展期胃癌患者术前腹部CT检查资料和术后病理进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : CT features of33 patients with progressive gastric carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed by using postoperative and pathologic findings .

  3. 结果1~3组包膜均形成良好,3组有33%包囊移位在侧腹或前腹部,4组水凝胶消失,无包膜形成。

    Results The gel capsules were developed very well in group 1 to 3 , in group 3 , 33 % gel capsules slipped into lateral abdomen and anterior abdomen , in group 4 no gel capsule were formed .

  4. 剖腹产术:即在胎儿足月时或足月前经腹部切口自子宫剖取胎儿的手术。

    Cesarean section ( or C-section ): Surgical removal of a fetus from the uterus through an abdominal incision at or before full term .

  5. 方法:比较40例接受TOCE联合HIFU治疗的病例与同期40例接受单纯TOCE治疗的患者治疗前后数字减影血管造影表现,以及治疗当时与下次复查前采集的腹部平片结果。

    Methods : Before and after treatment with TOCE in combination with HIFU ( 40 HCC cases ) or TOCE only ( 40 HCC cases ), comparisons of digital subtraction angiographic ( DSA ) appearance and abdomen X_ray observation were made between the two groups .

  6. 2例诊断为低位小肠梗阻。1例术前考虑为腹部包块性质待查。

    Before operation , 2 cases were misdiagnosed as chronic appendicitis , 2 cases as mechanical intestinal obstruction , and 1 case as abdominal tumor .

  7. 目的探讨术前应用抗生素在腹部手术中的作用。

    Objective To study the effect of preoperative antibiotics on abdominal surgery .

  8. 术前疼痛教育对腹部手术患者术后疼痛控制的影响

    The Effect of Preoperative Education on Postoperative Pain Control

  9. 探讨关腹前曲马多对上腹部术后患者早期恢复质量的影响

    Wound Closure Tramadol Administration Improves Quality of Recovery without Increasing side Effects in the early Stage after Upper Abdominal Operation

  10. 方法婴儿肠套叠231例,均有完整的空气灌肠前立卧位腹部平片,并经空气灌肠或手术复位确诊。

    Methods 231 cases of infant indigitation were confirmed by air pressure enema reduction or operation , all performed abdomen film on erect and supine positions before air pressure enema reduction .

  11. 材料与方法:搜集10年经气压灌肠证实的肠套叠患儿212例,其中手术患儿术前均摄有腹部平片。

    Materials and Methods : Over the past 10 years , there were 212 cases of intussusception confirmed by air pressure enema . Among these , the film were taken before operation for operational infants .