
fù xiàn zhǎnɡ
  • Deputy County Chief;deputy county magistrate
  1. 容城县委副县长SongYongliang表示打击行动还将继续。

    Song Yongliang , deputy county chief of the Rongcheng County Committee , says the crackdown continues .

  2. 副县长李志仁告诉CCTV:余震继续袭击该地区,直升机和其它救援人员在帮助受困者。

    Aftershocks continued to jolt the area as firefighters and other rescuers helped free those trapped , Li Zhiren , the deputy county chief told CCTV .

  3. 总的经济影响可能并不知道几个月甚至几年,鲍勃Daddow,副县长奥克兰说。

    The total economic impact may not be known for months or even years , Bob Daddow , deputy Oakland County executive , said .

  4. 副县长最终还是同意了我的请求。

    The assistant magistrate had finally agreed to my pleading .

  5. 14名工人已确定死亡,邹平副县长潘玉兰说。

    Fourteen workers were confirmed dead , said Pan Yulan , deputy head of Zouping County .

  6. 科技副县长在合作共建中的职责和作用合作共建,资源共享&教育部外国教材信息系统的构建

    Cooperate Building , Resource Sharing & Construction of Foreign Teaching Materials Center of China Education Ministry Information System

  7. 转移时,副县长把他的行装驮在一头驴背上,带上一两个随行人员,翻山越岭而去。

    On such occasions , the assistant magistrate would pack his things on a donkey , and just take off across the mountains , with one or two of his followers .