
  • 网络Deck
  1. 发牌器将从整副牌中提供五张牌。

    The dealer will provide five cards from the deck .

  2. 然后可以查看这副牌,看看剩余多少张牌以及抽到特定牌的机率是多少。

    Then we can look in the deck to see how many cards are left and what the odds are of drawing a specific card .

  3. 把这副牌好好洗一下。

    Give the cards a good shuffle .

  4. 他的品牌成长到现在,包括男士服装和一个男女系列都涵盖的平价副牌——TbyAlexanderWang。

    it has since grown to include men 's wear and a less expensive line , T by Alexander Wang , for both men and women .

  5. 就拿她本人来说,身为蔻依和丝蔻(SeeByChloe,蔻依的副牌——编注)的创意总监,她每年要监制八个系列,包括一个度假系列和一个早秋系列。

    For example , as creative director at Chlo é and See By Chlo é , she oversees the creation of eight collections a year , including resort and prefall .

  6. 现在,我们就获得了抽取多副牌或构建多层牌盒(multideckshoe)的捷径。

    From here , it 's a short path to drawing hands of a set number of cards or building a multideck shoe .

  7. 在过去的5年中,在这个相同的地点就有4人丧生。这次的肇事车是一辆CFF(TravisPerkins)的副牌,事故发生在早晨9:30。

    In the last five years , four have been killed near the same spot in Holborn alone.The collision with a CCF lorry , a sub-brand of Travis Perkins , took place at about 9.30am .

  8. 因为这副牌是我落的。

    It 's because I 've set up the game .

  9. 大宝王子是大宝庄园之副牌酒。

    Conn é table Talbot is the second wine of Chateau Talbot .

  10. 然后构建一副牌数组来保存所有纸牌值。

    Then build a deck array to hold all the card values .

  11. 在交易以前一副牌的分派。

    The division of a deck of cards before dealing .

  12. 从一副牌中任意选出一张。

    Please chose a card at random from the deck .

  13. 史蒂夫以一手满堂红赢了这副牌。

    Steve won the poker game with a full house .

  14. 你知道没有人可以记六副牌的。

    No one can count into a six-deck shoe .

  15. 黑点或不熔物更可能出现在副牌料或后工业回收材料中。

    Specks or unmelts are more likely in off-spec or post-industrial recycled material .

  16. 请从这副牌中抽出一张。

    Please draw a card from the pack .

  17. 一副牌里四张带王后图画的牌的中的一张。

    One of four cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen .

  18. 然后他感到疲倦了。在最后的一副牌上,又输了20块钱。

    Then he grew weary , and on a last hand lost twenty more .

  19. 如果最后一副牌都放成了一叠,游戏胜利。

    The game is won if the pack is reduced to a single pile .

  20. 他所要的红桃七点居然放在上头,成了这副牌的第一张。

    The seven he needed was lying uppermost , the first card in the pack .

  21. 刚才就是这副牌救了我。

    I was saved because of this .

  22. 这副牌,就送给你。

    I give these cards to you .

  23. 两个人用一副牌玩单人纸牌。

    Two play solitaire with separate packs .

  24. 这样一手牌,最好应立即攻副牌。

    It is better , on such hands , to tackle the side suit at once .

  25. 他今天的手气平平,没想到才打了几副牌就来了打搅。

    He had played only a few hands with moderate luck when there was an interruption .

  26. 我们如何打出手上这副牌,便是在实现自身的价值。

    We take our own measure by how well we play the hand we 've got .

  27. 他给孩子们一副牌,并一次显示其中的两张牌。

    A child is given a deck of cards and shown two cards at a time .

  28. 错!要不是我那副牌臭,我是不会输的。

    Wrong . I happen to stink at poker , and I wouid have Iost the money anyway .

  29. 名称不同的同一种产品一组三张同点、一组两张同点的一副牌。

    The same product with a different name a poker hand with 3 of a kind and a pair .

  30. 一副牌里四张牌面只有一个牌点的扑克牌中的一张。你的车号牌在哪里?

    One of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face . Where 's your number plate ?