
quàn yè chǎnɡ
  • bazaar
劝业场 [quàn yè chǎng]
  • [a market selling articles of daily use] 一种销售百货的商场。也叫劝工场

  1. 外祖父是资本家,是天津劝业场有名的“皮货商”。

    My maternal grandfather is a capitalist , who is a famous " furrier " in the Tianjin bazaar .

  2. 英国研究平台MakingFutures将在壮丽修复的劝业场(始创于1906年)组织一场迷你会议并展示装置作品“工艺塔”(TrappedTower),反映工艺、持续性和变化方面的问题,设计者是BaOArchitects。

    The U.K. research platform Making Futures will also stage a miniconference in the spectacularly restored Quanyechang ( Bazaar ) from 1906 and its installation , " Trapped Tower " by BaO Architects , reflecting on questions of craft , sustainability and change .

  3. 天津劝业场商厦屋顶广告牌钢结构检测和鉴定

    Tian Jin Quan Ye Chang Market Hall Roof Advertizing Bill Board Steel Structures Inspection and Evaluation