
quàn huà
  • urge sb. to do good;persuade;collect alms
劝化 [quàn huà]
  • (1) [persuade]∶佛教指劝人为善;感化

  • (2) [collect alms]∶募化

劝化[quàn huà]
  1. 在技能说明中修正了神圣劝化,现在显示等级了。

    Fixed holy persuation not showing level in tooltip .

  2. 马钰自己也创作了大量的诗词歌赋,文以载道,劝化世人。

    Ma Yu himself also composed a lot of poems to preach and advise the people .

  3. 每逢安息日,保禄就在会堂里辩论,劝化犹太人和希腊人。

    Every sabbath he held discussions in the synagogue , trying to convince both Jews and Greeks .

  4. 保罗进会堂,放胆讲道,一连三个月,辩论神国的事,劝化众人。

    And he went into the synagogue , and spake boldly for the space of three months , disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of God .

  5. 坚守所教真实的道理,就能将纯正的教训劝化人。又能把争辩的人驳倒了。

    Keeping to the true word of the teaching , so that he may be able to give comfort by right teaching and overcome the arguments of the doubters .

  6. 在没有被劝化过来的人里面,他提到一个例子。那个人的名字叫德贝维尔,是一个年轻的暴发户,住在特兰里奇,离这儿有四十里远近。

    As an instance of the latter , he mentioned the case of a young upstart squire named d'Urberville , living some forty miles off , in the neighbourhood of Trantridge .