
  • 网络The Forbidden Kingdom;The Kung Fu King
  1. 以武侠片《功夫之王》(TheForbiddenKingdom)和《少壮屠龙阵》(YoungGuns)闻名的福斯克对这种旅行并不陌生。他说自己从小就迷恋中国文化,一直都喜爱马可·波罗的故事。

    Known for his work on " The Forbidden Kingdom , " the martial-arts film , and on the thriller " Young Guns , " he said he was captivated as a child by Chinese culture and has been fascinated with Marco Polo 's story ever since .

  2. 即使花几分钟在《功夫之王》的摄影棚,你将很快发现一些极具才华的人们。

    Spend even just a few minutes on the set of The Forbidden Kingdom , and you can 't help but run into some seriously talented people .

  3. 2007年拍摄《功夫之王》期间,他与当时只有13岁的儿子乔万尼(Giovanni)骑马横穿蒙古中部,沿着丝绸之路追溯成吉思汗的足迹。

    While shooting Forbidden Kingdom in 2007 , he and his son , Giovanni , then 13 , crossed Central Mongolia on horseback , following the Silk Road and tracing the Genghis Khan trail .

  4. 《功夫之王》电影剧组的演员在后台等待。

    Actors on the set of'The Forbidden Kingdom'wait backstage .

  5. 这里是我们要介绍的《功夫之王》中的优秀成员其中的一部分。

    Here is part one of our introduction to some of the talented crew of The Forbidden Kingdom .

  6. 将会在2008年上演的功夫之王是由美国,中国,香港及欧州的电影人才合作而成。

    The film , which will be released in2008 , was an international collaboration involving professionals from america , china , Hong kong , and europe .

  7. 该影片的中国主演刘亦菲,在2008年和成龙、李连杰也主演了《功夫之王》。

    The film features young Chinese actress Liu Yifei , who also featured in " The Forbidden Kingdom " with Jackie Chan and Jet Lee in 2008 .

  8. 美国报刊把他誉为“功夫之王”,日本人称他为“武之圣者”,香港报纸赞誉他为“当代中国武术及电影史上的奇才”。

    US newspapers described him as " Kung Fu King ", Japanese newspapers called him " Warrior Saint ", while Hong Kong newspapers praised him as " Wizard of modern Chinese Kung Fu and in the film history " .