
  • 网络Kung Fu Master;Kungfu Masters
  1. 但这地方不象他们看到的样子,而是:城市充满功夫高手。

    But folks are not what they seen : The town is full of kungfu masters .

  2. 我看得出,你是位功夫高手。

    You are a kung fu master , I can see .

  3. 他们是最厉害的功夫高手。

    And they were the greatest Kung Fu boxers .

  4. 日本狐狸是功夫高手。

    The Japanese fox was a kung-fu master .

  5. 每个人都是功夫高手是的

    Everybody was kung fu fightingWe are

  6. 我在唱出我对你这位功夫高手的崇拜啊,因为你着实令人鼓舞。

    I sing to express my aspiration for a kung fu master , because you are truly inspiring .

  7. 那我就以武术家的身份来说话,我本人就是一名功夫高手。

    Spoken with the grace of a true kung fu master , I am a kung fu master myself .

  8. 但王家卫也透露了自己的解读:在他看来,叶问与宫二之间只不过是功夫高手之间惺惺相惜的友情。

    But he did reveal that he viewed the characters ' relationship as a friendship developed from an appreciation of kung fu .

  9. 也因此接受“韩国第一功夫高手”挑战,最后韩方派首尔电视台前来中国印证真正的中国功夫后而搁浅了比武。

    Because of this , he was challenged by the " Korean top Kongfu master ", but the fight was cancelled due to the interruption of Seoul 's TV station .

  10. 这个组织让很多中国功夫高手向西方人传授功夫,为这些西方人组织研讨会等项目来感受推拿、针灸、中医、书法和茶道。

    The organization enables Chinese kung fu masters to teach martial arts to Westerners and organizes seminars and events for them to experience Chinese massage , acupuncture , traditional medicine , calligraphy and tea ceremonies .

  11. 台湾明星张震在《一代宗师》中饰演功夫高手一线天,这个角色模糊不清,在影片中只有三场戏。评论家和观众也就一线天的短暂亮相与他出现在故事中的作用展开了争论。

    Taiwan star Chang Chen plays an ambiguous kung fu expert named Razor , who appears in just three short scenes in ' The Grandmaster . ' Critics and audiences have debated the character 's brief appearance and purpose in the story .

  12. 梁朝伟凭借出演这部电影的传奇人物咏春拳宗师叶问入围最佳男主角提名,章子怡凭借出演另一位宗师的女儿功夫高手宫二入围最佳女主角提名。

    Tony Leung Chiu-wai was nominated for best actor for his portrayal of legendary wing chun kung-fu master Ip Man , while Zhang Ziyi picked up a best actress nomination for her role as Gong Er , a kung-fu expert and the daughter of another powerful martial-arts master .

  13. 如果再多花点功夫,这些科技高手还能算出比例、数、弦、弦和正切等值。

    With a bit more effort , techies could also compute ratios , inverses , sines , cosines and tangents .

  14. 复变量正余弦函数的公理化(等价)定义如果再多花点功夫,这些科技高手还能算出比例、数、弦、弦和正切等值。

    Axiomatic Definition of ( Co ) sine with Complex Variables ; With a bit more effort , techies could also compute ratios , inverses , sines , cosines and tangents .