
  • 网络power transistor;power switch;power mosfet
  1. 为使DC/DC开关电源的功率开关管及时地导通或截止,需要设计专用的输出驱动电路。

    In order to switching the power transistor on or off quickly in DC / DC switching regulator , it is necessary to design a special output driver circuit .

  2. 功率开关管采用MOSFET并联,在高频数千瓦的大功率场合,降低了开关损耗,提高了试验电源的功率密度与效率。

    Paralleling MOSFET is selected as the power switch components . Thus in the situation of high frequency and several kilowatts , the switching losses is obviously decreased , the efficiency and power density of trial power supply is increased .

  3. GAT型高速高压功率开关管最大集电极电流的仿真

    Simulation on Current Rating of GAT Type High-Speed High-Voltage Power Transistors

  4. 理论和实验分析表明,碳化硅材料的优异性能与MPS结构的优势相结合,是当今功率开关管发展的趋势。

    Both theoretical analysis and experiments demonstrate that SiC MPS is the trend of development of power switching diodes in the future .

  5. 对功率开关管器件进行了介绍,但是由于成本及条件的限制,分立元件将替代智能功率模块IPM。

    The power switch tube device is introduced , but division components will replace intelligent power module IPM because of costs and limitations .

  6. 尤其适合以IGBT作为主功率开关管的高电压、大功率功率变换,具有广泛的应用前景和巨大的经济价值。

    So this novel converter has a wide application and huge economy effect in power converting field , especially in the high voltage and high power feild where IGBT is used as the main switch .

  7. 该逆变器由Buck-Boost直流变换环节和反激变压器构成的逆变环节组成,整个拓扑仅使用三个功率开关管,四个二极管,结构简单紧凑。

    The inverter is composed of a Buck-Boost DC-DC converter and flyback invert link , and the entire topology uses only three power swatches and four diodes .

  8. 另外芯片内部还特别加入了一个优化电路,可以增大功率开关管在交流输入电压过零时的导通时间,优化输入交流电流的THD,进一步改善功率因数。

    Furthermore , to improve the power factor , a novel design can considerably minimum THD of the AC input current by increasing the switch-on time near the zero-crossings of the line voltage .

  9. 用M57962L实现了功率开关管的驱动电路。

    Drive circuits are realized based on M57962L .

  10. 芯片内部电路主要包括电源模块、带隙基准源、调光电路、过温保护电路、ESD保护电路、输出驱动逻辑电路和功率开关管等。

    The chip is mainly composed of a power supply module , a bandgap reference , brightness control circuit , thermal shutdown protection circuit , ESD protection circuit , a hysteresis-current control circuit , an output logic driving circuit and a power MOSFET .

  11. 同时采用软启动电路防止浪涌电流,保护功率开关管。

    To protect power switches , soft-starting circuit was designed to overcome the surge current .

  12. 同时设计了软启动电路,可以防止装置在合闸瞬间产生的浪涌电流,保护逆变功率开关管。

    Soft - starting circuit is designed to overcome the surge current for protecting main switches .

  13. 但常规变换器的功率开关管工作在硬开关方式,开关频率不高,开关电源的效率较低。

    But the conventional converter operates in hard switching , low switching frequency and low efficiency .

  14. 具体方法是在每相桥臂上下2个功率开关管之间串接1个耦合电感。

    A coupling inductance is added between the two IGBTs on the bridge circuit of each phase .

  15. 另外本文还设计了一套恒流源辅助装置,专门用于大功率开关管的测试。

    In addition this paper also designs a assistive device , which can easily achieve high-power switches test .

  16. 开关电源是指调整功率开关管以开关方式进行工作的稳压电源。

    Switch power source is the voltage regulation source that revision power switch is working by switch fashion .

  17. 该逆变器克服了传统逆变器的直通问题,功率开关管和功率二极管可分别得到最优设计。

    This topology overcomes the shoot-through problem in conventional inverters , and can realized optimum design of all power device .

  18. 软开关技术能够有效改善功率开关管的工作环境,降低开关损耗,提高变换器的效率。

    Soft switching technique could improve the circumstance of the power switch , reduce the losses and increase the efficiency of the converter .

  19. 该方法考虑了变换器的寄生元件,由理想功率开关管、理想二极管和理想变压器组成的理想开关部分用受控电流源和电压源替代。

    The ideal switching part consisted of ideal switches , ideal diodes , and an ideal transformer is modeled by dependent current and voltage sources .

  20. 开关频率的提高,造成了不可避免的电磁干扰问题,同时功率开关管的损耗也增加了。

    With the enhancement of frequency , Electro-Magnetic Interference ( EMI ) problem produces , the dissipation of the main power switch increases as well .

  21. 针对大功率开关管开关频率存在的限制,本文提出了几种提高电流跟踪精度的改进方法,取得了良好的效果。

    Against the frequency restriction of the high power electronic switches , the paper proposed several improved methods to increase tracking accuracy of the current .

  22. 通用的两电平和三电平逆变技术受功率开关管额定参数的限制,不宜应用于高电压大功率场合。

    The common two-level and three-level inverters technique is usually not applied in high-voltage and high-power situations , due to the restriction of rated parameter of switch .

  23. 针对逆变桥功率开关管短路、开路及霍尔传感器缺相等故障进行了仿真,得到了相应的特征波形。

    The faults including short circuit , open circuit in power transistors and phasefault in Hall sensors are simulated and performance waveforms relevant to different faults are obtained .

  24. 本文研究的三电平双向逆变器可以有效地降低功率开关管上的电压应力,延长开关管的使用寿命。

    This thesis studies that three level bi-directional inverter can effectively reduce the power switch tube voltage stress , and extend the service life of the switch tube .

  25. 在不影响输出波形质量的前提下,以达到便于工程实现、减小功率开关管损耗、消除低次谐波的目的。

    Without affecting the quality of the output voltage waveform , in order to achieve purpose for easy engineering implementation , reducing power switch loss and elimination of low-harmonic .

  26. 倍频式感应加热电源负载输出频率为功率开关管工作频率的二倍,且功率开关器件工作时具有软开关特性,在需要高频应用的场合很有意义。

    Since its output frequency is as twice as the device frequency and it has the merit of soft-switching characteristic , multiple-frequency induction heater is widely used in high frequency application .

  27. 而且,在变压器漏阻和开关电容之间的寄生振荡导致功率开关管两端的高振荡电压切断功率开关管。

    An addition , the high surge voltage across the power switches is always caused by the parasitic oscillation between the transformer leakage inductance and switch capacitance to break the power switches .

  28. 由于通过脉冲实现电路的箝位作用,有效地降低了功率开关管所承受的电压,提高了脉冲电源的可靠性和使用寿命。

    The clamping action of the pulse realizing circuit can effectively relieve the voltage applied on the power switch transistor so that the reliability and service life of the pulse power unit are increased .

  29. 由于半桥式电路比全桥式电路少用两只功率开关管和驱动厚膜集成电路,在几千瓦到十几千瓦的输出功率范围内已越来越多地得到采用。

    Half-bridge circuit economizes two power switches and two thick-film drive integrated circuits compared with full-bridge circuit , so the application of half-bridge circuit is increasing when the output power range is from kilowatts to tens kilowatts .

  30. 如何改善功率开关管的工作环境,降低功率开关管在开通和关断瞬间的电压和电流应力,一直以来是人们研究的热点。

    How to improve the operation circumstance of the switch , how to decrease the current and voltage stress of the main switch during turn on and turn off transient , become one of the focus people study .