
  • 网络Rectifier Diode;diode;rectifier
  1. 汽车硅整流二极管△UF的探讨

    Discussion on △ U_F of Automobile Silicon Rectifier Diode

  2. 整流二极管△UF参数的测试及应用

    Testing and Application of △ U_F of Rectifier Diode

  3. 短漂移区肖特基-p-i-n混合整流二极管(MPS)的电学特性研究

    Study of the electrical characteristics of merged p-i-n / Schottky ( MPS ) diode with short drift region

  4. 整流二极管实现ZCS,其电压应力仅为输出电压;

    The voltage stress on rectifier diodes can be minimized to the output voltage .

  5. 介绍汽车硅整流二极管△UF的由来,详细阐述实验中影响△UF值的各项因素及降低△UF的方法。

    The origin of △ UF of automobile silicon rectifier diode is introduced here . The factors to affect △ UF in experiments and the way to reduce △ UF are also expounded .

  6. 为了减小电磁干扰,本文对整流二极管的反向恢复问题进行了研究,给出了尖峰抑制器的设计方法,解决了二极管上电压、电流的尖峰和振荡问题。3B染色体上有控制分蘖数性状的新基因。

    To reduce the EMI , reverse reset of the diode are studied , and design way about spike-killers and saturable inductors witch can suppress voltage and current spikes are showed .

  7. 阐述了高中频电阻焊机的形式、发展,特别是对超大电流FRD快恢复整流二极管的需求。

    This paper mainly discusses the formation and development of high frequency resistance welding machines , especially mentions the demand for large current fast recovery diode .

  8. IGBT(MOSFET或BJT)的零电压开关和整流二极管的零电流开关能够降低逆变器和整流器中的损耗。

    Zero-Voltage Switching ( ZVS ) of the IGBT ( MOSFET or BJT ) and Zero-Current Switching ( ZCS ) of the rectifier diode can reduce the switching losses in both the inverter and the rectifier .

  9. 采用1块具有双输出端的第三代电流传输器(DOCCⅢ)及4个整流二极管开发了两个微弱浮地精密全波整流器:一个适合处理微弱浮地电压信号;

    Two faint floating precision all-wave rectifiers are realized by using a third-generation current conveyor with dual outputs ( DOCC ⅲ) and four rectification diodes .

  10. 采用整流二极管降压,使灯泡在脉动电压为50Hz的状态下工作,可延长灯泡寿命十余倍。

    Rectifying diode to step down the voltage and making the bulbs in corridor work in 50 Hz pulsant voltage , we can lengthen the life-span of the bulbs to more than ten times .

  11. 根据所设计的变换器电路参数,搭建基于Saber仿真软件的开环仿真模型,分析并验证推挽正激变换器电路工作状态,着重验证了CDD缓冲电路抑制整流二极管电压尖峰的效果。

    According to the design parameters of converter circuit , structures the SABER-based open-loop simulation model , gives an analysis and verifies the working status of the push-pull forward converter circuit , focusing on the verification of the effect of CDD buffer circuit to restrain rectifier diode peak voltage .

  12. 应用EDRIC可靠性模型对彩电配套用塑封整流二极管进行了增长分析,讨论了该器件的失效模式、失效机理及增长对策,使该器件的可靠性得到了较大的增长。

    EDRIC reliability growth model was applied to the growth analysis of plastic encapsulated rectifier diodes used in color TV . Failure mode , failure cause and growth countermeasure were discussed to increase reliability growth of devices .

  13. 使用硼铝二氧化硅乳胶源研制出反向快恢复整流二极管,其反向恢复时间trr≤5μs,反向耐压>1000V。介绍了该器件的结构特点及扩散工艺。

    Using colloid SiO 2 source with boron and aluminum , the fast reverse recovery diode was made . Its t rr is shorter than 5 μ s and the inverse voltage is higher than 1000 V. The structure features and diffusive techniques are described in the paper .

  14. 测试方法对表针整流二极管电参数水平的重要性

    Importance of Testing Methods for Characterizing Electrical Parameter Level of Diode

  15. 车用雪崩整流二极管反向重复峰值浪涌电流的测试

    Test of Repetitive Peak Reverse Surge Current of Auto Avalanche Rectifiers Diode

  16. 无刷励磁系统中旋转整流二极管的工作状态监视

    Status-monitoring of rotary diodes used in brushless exciting system

  17. 缩短HER整流二极管反向恢复时间的实验研究

    Research on Shortening the trr Time of HER Diode

  18. 通过半波整流二极管中的电流问题

    Some discussions about current through half-wave recti - diode

  19. 肖特基二极管与快恢复整流二极管之比较

    The comparison of SBD and Fast Recovery Rectifiers

  20. 更重要的还与测试方法有关,本文论述了测试方法如何影响整流二极管的电参数水平。

    This thesis discusses how the testing methods affect electrical parameter of the rectifier diode .

  21. 城轨1500V24脉波整流二极管配置分析

    An Analysis on Configuration of 1500 V 24 Pulses Rectifier Diode Used in Urban Rail Transit

  22. 减小了输出整流二极管的最大耐压;

    Reduced maximum output rectifier voltage ;

  23. 整流二极管快,软恢复。

    Rectifier diode fast , soft-recovery .

  24. 由于半桥的特殊结构能够将变压器原边电压减半,输出整流二极管上承受的最大电压也将因此大大减小,从而优化了输出整流器件的设计和选择,同时也为减小变流器的传导损耗创造了条件。

    Due to the halved transformer primary voltage , the rectifier diode voltage stresses are reduced distinctly .

  25. 次级电路是由四只整流二极管、两只主开关管及两个续流和能量回馈支路组成的。续流和能量回馈支路的存在解决了高频链逆变器存在的固有电压过冲问题。

    Because of the existence of two energy feedback shunt circuits the inherent voltage surge problem is solved .

  26. 同时分析了其零电压开关条件、副边占空比丢失以及整流二极管的换流情况。

    Meanwhile the duty cycle loss of secondary side and the change of current of the commutate diode are analyzed .

  27. 副边整流二极管的电压应力和传统的硬开关电路一样小;

    The voltage stress of the secondary rectifier diode is kept as small as that of hard - switching converter .

  28. 该电路具有结构简单,实现软开关效果好,开关管和整流二极管的工作应力小,效率高,工作可靠等优点。

    The converter is characterized by simple structure , ZVS , low switch voltage stress , high efficiency and high reliability .

  29. 传统交错并联双管正激组合变换器应用于高电压输出场合时存在变换器次级电压偏高、高频整流二极管电压应力大的问题。

    The traditional interleaved two transistor forward converter exists high voltage stress of freewheeling diode when applied in high output voltage condition .

  30. 一种单相电度表节能电子开关,由两只整流二极管和一只双向可控硅组成。

    The utility model discloses an electricity saving electronic switch for single-phase watt-hour meters , comprising two rectifying diodes and a bidirectional thyristor .