
  • 网络integration platform
  1. 基于SOA的物流园区业务系统整合平台研究与设计

    Study and Design of Logistics Park Business System Integration Platform Based on SOA

  2. 基于SOA的武警部队业务软件整合平台研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Armed Police Force Business Integration Platform Based on SOA

  3. 智能公话系统中WebServices整合平台研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Web Services Integrated Platform in Intelligent Public Telephone System

  4. XML在某商业银行渠道整合平台的应用

    The Application of XML in Channel Integrated Platform of a Bank

  5. WebServices整合平台可以动态实时地实现各种数字增值业务的整合。

    Web services integrated platform can dynamically integrate different kinds of digital value-added services at real time .

  6. 最后对GPS数据整合平台的应用情况及存在的不足进行分析。

    Lastly , the article refers to the current application of GPS data integration platforms and their insufficiencies .

  7. 基于SOA图书馆数字资源整合平台关键技术的研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Key Techniques of Library 's Digital Resource Integration Platform Based on SOA

  8. 基于SOA的异构BOM动态整合平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Platform of Dynamic Integrating Heterogeneous BOM Based on SOA

  9. 在简要介绍智能公话系统结构的基础上,阐述了WebServices整合平台的结构、设计、实现和性能分析。

    After a short introduction of the architecture of the Intelligent Telephone System , the structure , design , implementation and performance of the Web Services integrated platform was discussed .

  10. 根据智能公话系统访问数字增值业务的需要,提出一种利用WebServices技术和CORBA技术等实现的整合平台。

    According to the need of the Intelligent Telephone System to access digital value-added services , an integrated platform that was based on technologies such as Web Services and CORBA was proposed .

  11. ESB软件主要应用于企业的电子商务平台、数据整合平台等综合信息平台的数据整合建设。

    ESB software is mainly applied for the comprehensive information platform constructions such as Electronic Business Platform of Company and data integration platform .

  12. 然后,对数据整合平台的建立、BI展示方法进行了研究与总结,为安徽电力行业商务智能软件的建立提供一些方法与思路。

    After studying the data merging platform and BI displaying , some methods and thinkings are made for Anhui electric industry ' intellective software building .

  13. 简单介绍了数字沈阳的背景,提出了数字沈阳公共交互平台的物理结构,并说明了各个模块的功能,其中重点介绍了数字接入平台、WebServices整合平台和模拟语音平台。

    This article simply introduces the background of Digital Shenyang and puts forward physical architecture of Digital Shenyang public interactive platform and explains the function of every module . At the same time , this paper weightily presents digital access platform , Web Services integration platform and simulation voice platform .

  14. 创建了软件体系中的E-R-P信息管理模型,用其指导信息资源整合平台的构建。

    Proposing the E-R-P information management model in software system , guiding the instruction of the information resource integration platform .

  15. 作为宝钢企业整合平台的试点项目,PSCS系统的成功实施为钢铁行业供应链系统的开发设计提供了参考示范。

    As an experimental project of enterprise information intergration , the successful implementation of PSCS system has provided a good example of design and development of the supply chain of steel enterprises .

  16. PowerPoint作为简单、易学的非编程多媒体课件整合平台,如果根据课件的需要挖掘它的特殊功能,实现与复杂多媒体工具相比拟的按扭交互、热区交互、沿路径运动、控制多媒体播放等功能。

    As a simple and easily learned non-programming multimedia courseware composing stage , the special usages of PowerPoint could be discovered so that it can have the functions of complex multimedia software such as button response , hotspot response , path motion and control multimedia play etc.

  17. 接下来,本文详细介绍了基于此模型的湖南移动企业信息平台的实现,从而验证了基于WBDS的企业应用系统整合平台的可行性与实用性。

    Then we describe the achievement of the Hunan Mobile Enterprise Information platform based on this model , which proves the feasibility , flexibility and extensibility of the architecture .

  18. 在此基础上,对WBDS层次体系结构进行了重点分析与研究,提出了基于WBDS的企业应用系统整合平台,并设计了此系统的整体结构和功能模块。

    Based on this , we put the point on WBDS and present the enterprise application integration model based on WBDS . We designed architecture and components of the system .

  19. 个性化服务中的信息资源重组与整合平台构建

    Platform Construction of Information Resource Reorganization and Integration for Personalized Service

  20. 研究结果实现了高速公路紧急救援系统的整合平台。

    The results show that the integrated platform can be achieved .

  21. 电力市场信息系统结构与应用整合平台

    Platform research on electricity market information system structure and Application Integration

  22. 审计电子政务资源整合平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of Resource Conformity Platform in E-government of Audit

  23. 论信息服务中的信息资源整合平台建设

    Construction of Information Resource Platform in the User-oriented Information Service

  24. 基于虚拟数据中心的气田信息整合平台研究

    Research on Information Integration Platform for Gas Field Based on Virtual Data Center

  25. 第三章对如何建设信息资源整合平台进行了分析。

    Chapter 3 : Analyze how to create the integration platform of information resource .

  26. 面向用户的自建信息资源整合平台建设

    Construction of the User-oriented Self-established Resource Integration Platform

  27. 基于开放式系统整合平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Open System Integration Platform

  28. 网络管理整合平台的研究

    Research of the Integrated Network Management Platform

  29. 提出信息整合平台的总体架构,分析了各个模块的功能。

    Provides the architecture of information integration platform , analyses the functions of those modules .

  30. 并且通过整合平台的实际应用说明了该应用体系具有较高的适应性。

    The practical application of the integration platform illustrates the application system has a high adaptability .