
  • 网络address latch;ALE;Latch Address;external address latch
  1. 其主程序先完成系统初始化,再根据相应模式和档位,通过ISA总线输出数据信号并传送到地址锁存器及模拟开关。

    After the initialization , according to the corresponding modes and position , the main progress sent data signals to address latch and simulate switch through ISA bus .

  2. 在模拟器测控系统中,把单片机系统定义为包括:主频振荡器、看门狗和EEPROM、RS232接口、CPU、数据总线驱动器和地址总线锁存器。

    In monitoring and control system of the simulator , the SCM system is defined as including : frequency oscillator , watchdog and EEPROM , RS232 interface , the CPU data bus and address bus driver latch .