
  • 网络whole face
  1. 她重来没说过,她理想中精彩的周五晚上包含了用化妆品画满整脸,

    she 's never mentioned that her idea of a great Friday night consists of painting her face full of makeup ,

  2. 如果你至少看过一集《泽西海岸》,你就会知道里面所有的女孩都会对带着整脸的妆睡觉&或至少昏迷而感到愧疚。

    If you 've watched even a single episode of Jersey Shore , you know that all the girls are also guilty of falling asleep or at least passing out with a full face of makeup on .

  3. 杰·古尔德(JayGould),那个时代最令人畏惧的金融家,蓄着几乎覆盖整张脸的大胡子,导致他那高深莫测的表情愈发难以读解。

    Jay Gould , the most feared financier of the era , grew a beard that concealed most of his face , making an already inscrutable countenance even more difficult to read .

  4. 画侧面从某种角度说比画整张脸容易。

    Drawing profiles is somehow easier than drawing the full face .

  5. 他怒火冲天,整张脸都气红了。

    His rage was such , that his whole face turned red .

  6. 头上的发髻让她的,整张脸就像一个伞菌。

    The knobs framed her face like dark toadstools .

  7. 整张脸上眼睛最重要。

    The eyes dominated the whole face .

  8. 无论是开心还是悲伤,都会展现在他的整张脸上。

    When a person is happy or sad , it shows on his entire face .

  9. 一看你他整张脸都亮了,尤其是分别数日的情况下。

    His face lights up as soon as he sees you , especially after many days .

  10. 他只吃了一口,随即疼得整张脸扭曲起来。

    He took only a single bite of the frozen treat , and his face twisted into a terrible grimace .

  11. 如果你整张脸都浮肿,那就用毛巾浸过冰水敷在脸上消肿。

    If your entire face is puffy , dip a washcloth in ice water and pat that against your skin .

  12. 当整张脸拉伸开时,嘴巴的曲线最终翻转过来,同时往下移动。

    The mouth finally reverses its curve and starts to move south as the whole face moves into a stretch .

  13. 她(劳拉)说双方对各自的固有印象都是破碎的&尤其在沙特阿拉伯,那的妇女整张脸都蒙着。

    She said stereotypes were broken on both sides-especially in Saudi Arabia , where she met women who were fully veiled .

  14. 例如,当一个人自然微笑时,整张脸都会有反应:下巴/脸颊会动,眼睛和前额会向下等。

    For example ; when someone smiles naturally their whole face is involved : jaw / cheek movement , eyes and forehead push down , etc.

  15. 头一个是英国,一名皮肤黝黑深褐发色的年轻女子穿着简单的白色背心和牛仔裤,整张脸都上了妆。

    Starting in the UK , a young tanned brunette poses in a simple white tank top and jeans with a full face of make-up .

  16. 当一个人撒谎时,他的面部表情会局限在嘴巴处(像高兴、欣喜、悲伤和敬畏),而不是整张脸。

    Expressions are limited to mouth movements when someone is faking emotions ( like happy , surprised , sad , awe ,) instead of the whole face .

  17. 他穿着一件破烂不堪的军大衣,头上斜扣着一顶帽子,几乎遮住了整张脸。

    He had on a long trench coat that was almost in shreds and a hat topped his head , pulled down so you could not see his face .

  18. 因为这项研究2月12日在《当代生物学》上发表的文章提过,人们整张脸都会流露出他们的感情。

    That 's because the scientists who published their findings in the journal Current Biology on February 12th , believe that humans show their emotions on their entire face .

  19. 她面色惨白,倔强的下巴非常显眼,整张脸需要些装饰才能稍微添些生气&就像她母亲说的,鼻子上多几个疣也好。

    She looked pale , her chin jutting out in defiance and her whole face needing something like warts on her nose , her mother told her to make it remotely interesting .

  20. 流脓的脓包会慢慢长满患者的整张脸,头发也会渐渐掉光。最糟糕的是,最后患者的皮肉都会被腐蚀掉,只剩下骨头。

    Weeping pustules would explode across people 's faces , hair would fall out and - in the worst cases - the flesh would be eaten away right down to the bone .

  21. 僵尸狂热似乎是始于此前在迈阿密发生的一起袭击事件,即年仅31岁的鲁迪尤金在几乎啃食完一个流浪汉的整张脸的过程中被警察击毙。

    The zombie craze seemed to start with an attack in Miami , when Rudy Eugene , 31 , was killed by cops while in the process of eating almost the entirety of a homeless man 's face off .

  22. 综合我的整张脸,我不觉得是完美的,但是这就是我啦,所以我很满足我现在的样子。

    But I do have a complex about my face . I just don 't think that it 's perfect but I feel that 's what gives me my identity , so I 'm satisfied the way I am .

  23. “僵尸狂热”始于周六迈阿密的食人案。31岁的鲁迪•尤金在啃食一名无家可归的男子的脸部时被警察击毙,受害者罗纳德•普普整张脸几乎全被啃掉,但奇迹般地活了下来。

    The zombie craze seemed to start with an attack in Miami on Saturday , when Rudy Eugene , 31 , was killed by cops while in the process of eating almost the entirety of a homeless man 's face off .

  24. 他说可以整好我的脸。

    He says he can fix my face .

  25. 这是我整晚在她脸上看到的第一个表情。

    It was the first sign of emotion I saw from her all night .

  26. 另一个微博用户评论说:“即使你整了容,脸变小了,他仍会找其他理由和你离婚。”

    Said another Weibo user : " Even if you had gone for facial surgery and made your face smaller , he would still have found other reasons to divorce you . "

  27. 用完在黑市购买的一整瓶硅胶后,她竟然改用食用油向脸上注射,整张脸严重肿胀,惨不忍睹。

    After injecting an entire bottle of black market silicone into her face , Hang resorted to using cooking oil that left her face severely swollen and scarred .