
  • 网络Function Cost
  1. 材料选择的功能成本优化方法

    Methods of Optimizing Function Cost in Material Selection

  2. 基于功能成本的概念,提出一种按权值将装备价值分配到功能属性的方法,方便并(?)学地计算废旧装备的残留附加值大小。

    Based on the concept of function cost , a method of distributing the value to function property by weight is put forward .

  3. 价值工程(ValueEngineering简称VE)是一种通过对产品或其它VE对象进行功能成本分析,力图以最低的寿命周期费用,实现必要的功能,借以提高产品或服务价值的技术经济方法。

    Value Engineering ( VE ) is a technological economic method by which the product or other VE objects are analyzed of their own functions and costs , and the required functions must be achieved at the lowest costs of life-span-cycle aiming at the improvement of product or service value .

  4. 器件微小型化导致每单元功能成本的下降以及性能的改善。

    Device miniaturization results in reduced unit cost per function and in improved performance .

  5. 运用功能成本分析法降低建筑工程材料成本

    To reduce material cost of building engineering according to the principle of function-cost analysis

  6. 基于功能成本分析挣值管理的施工项目成本控制研究

    A Study of Cost Control in Construction Project Based on Function-cost Analysis Earned Value Management

  7. 而逻辑产品没有载体,本文在分析逻辑产品特点的基础上,研究其功能成本分析问题。

    But logistic products have no carrier , the paper analyses characteristics of logistic products and study on its Function-Cost Analysis .

  8. 文摘:为了求得机械产品功能成本的最佳配合,就要重视产品的价值设计。

    Abstract : value design must be paid more attention to achive the best match between mechanical product function and cost .

  9. 传统VE的功能成本分析是针对物理产品的,物理产品的功能以零部件为载体,为寻找零部件的替代品,需要建立零部件成本和功能分摊矩阵。

    Traditional VE Function-Cost Analysis is toward physical product . The function of physical product is carried by its components . To search substitutes of components , it 's necessary to construct cost of components matrix and function proportion matrix .

  10. 本文阐述了质量成本科目的内涵,并对质量成本与质量策划时的质量功能成本概念作了清晰界定,最后,对传统质量成本优化模型的缺陷进行了剖析。

    The article describes the intension of quality cost subject , then it gives a distinct definition between quality cost and quality function cost in quality planning . At last , it analyses the defects of optimal model of traditional quality cost .

  11. 按是否使用网络层和(或)传送层,可构成四种适用的现场总线,并根据功能成本和性能比,选用传送层四层体系结构比较适宜。

    There are four types of field bus depend on whether the network layer and / or the transport layer being used or not . By comparing the functions and the costs as well as effectiveness , the architecture using four layers including the transport layer is more adequate .

  12. 多功能低成本的集成电路/高精度频率测试仪,即IC/F测试仪有许多实际的应用。本文叙述了该测试仪的基本功能、电路原理和测量方法。

    This paper has described the basic functions 、 circuit principle and detecting method of IC / F detector , the multi-function detector of IC and frequency which has many practical uses .

  13. 新型商业终端设计:创新的采用32位MCU,结合嵌入式实时操作系统(RTOS)的设计方案,兼具功能和成本的双重优势。

    Design of new POS : MCU of 32 bits , combined with embedded real-time operation system ( RTOS ) is the main design plan . It has virtue of strong functions and low cost .

  14. 接下来,将会介绍一些流行的IDE,展示一些IDE图片,并将解释它们所支持的功能及其成本。

    From here , we look at some popular IDEs . We 'll show some pictures of what they look like ; and explain what they support , and how much they cost , if anything .

  15. 因此,添加新功能的成本将反映财务状况。

    Thus , the cost for additions mirrors the financial metaphor .

  16. 最后运用价值工程对各功能、成本指标进行价值分析。

    Last analyze the function indicators and the cost indicators with value engineering .

  17. 论企业柔性价值的功能,成本与价值

    A study on enterprise function , cost and value

  18. 工业价值工程是以提高研究对象的价值为目的的,价值工程理论可以用于研究企业的国际市场营销活动,提高企业经营活动中所提供的产品功能与成本的比值。

    The value engineering is study to enhance the value of industrial activities .

  19. 中国森林碳汇功能的成本效益分析

    The BrAC analysis of the ability to pool carbon by forest in China

  20. 逻辑产品功能-成本分析初探

    Elementary Study on Function-Cost Analysis of Logistic Product

  21. 知道新功能的成本。

    Know the cost of new features .

  22. 通过对功能和成本两方面综合分析,确定出综合效果较好的方案。

    By comprehensive analysis of the function and cost , it can confirm a better construction design .

  23. 一个产品同时具有计量及用电监控两个功能,成本大大降低。

    The product simultaneously has the functions of metering and power-consuming monitoring , thereby greatly reducing cost .

  24. 本文采用价值分析的方法,对火焰切割的功能与成本的合理结合问题进行了研究。

    In the paper , it has been discussed to combine the function with cost in gas flame cutting rationally .

  25. 产品功能和成本的最佳配比,是消费者和生产商所共同追求的理想状态。

    The optimal match ratio between product function and cost is the ideal state that the consumers and producers pursue .

  26. 本文通过对缠绕玻璃钢地下管道功能、成本的分析,说明如何把价值分析应用到复合材料的技术工作中。

    This paper introduces the application of value analysis in composites by analysing of FW FRP pipe 's function and production costs .

  27. 它可直接将业务需求和给定IT活动的调整相关联,从而帮助确定对现有系统功能的成本的增加。

    It helps justify cost enhancements to existing system functionality by directly associating business needs and justification to a given IT initiative .

  28. 价值工程是一种以价值概念为核心,以功能和成本分析为基础的经济分析技术。

    Value Engineering is an economic analysis technology which regarded value as the core and based on the function and cost analyzing .

  29. 服务消费者一定会获利,因为通过利用组合服务的组合应用降低了整体购买应用功能的成本。

    Consumers of services stand to gain because of the lower cost overall for procuring application capabilities via compound applications through compound services .

  30. 业务维度还包括IT策略,负责处理IT功能的成本和灵活性、业务敏捷性和服务水平协议。

    The Business dimension also includes IT strategy and addresses the cost and flexibility of IT capabilities , business agility and service-level agreements .