
jiā ɡōnɡ shēnɡ chǎn qǐ yè
  • processing enterprise
  1. 这会使数控加工生产企业的经济效益大幅度降低。

    This will reduce the benefits of CNC enterprise .

  2. 工厂占地面积8500平方米,是一家专业从事装饰玻璃加工生产的企业。

    Factory covers an area of8500 square meters , is a professional engaged in the production of decorative glass processing enterprises .

  3. 精益思想产生于现实需要,因为现实中,不只是加工生产型企业,整个制造业都面临着浪费的困境,而这些浪费是不会产生增值的。

    Lean thinking comes from the need of reality that the whole manufacturing industry has been facing the difficult situation caused by waste .

  4. 是专业从事硬质合金制品及深度加工的生产性企业。

    Carbide is specialized in deep-processing products and the production of enterprises .

  5. 我公司成立于2006年,是专业从事各类精密铸造和机械加工产品的生产企业。

    Jingcheng was founded in2006.It is a professional manufacturing enterprise for investment casting and machined products .

  6. 对服饰提出的要求,同时接收有兴趣进行各种服饰设计的图纸,交由服饰总设计部门进行取舍给予加工完善转交生产企业。

    Pair of dress of the request , and receive interested in all clothing design drawings , total design department to dress a choice gives processing sound to production enterprise .

  7. 本公司是一家专业生产PVC热缩包装材料及其周边相关配套产品加工于一体的生产企业。

    This is a company specializing in the production of PVC packaging materials and the surrounding thermal related ancillary products processing enterprises in the integration of production .

  8. 是一家专业从事竹炭及其制品的研究、开发、及竹炭制品代加工的生产贸易型企业。

    Is a professional bamboo charcoal and its products , research , development , products and bamboo charcoal production and processing trade enterprises .

  9. 现实意义:白银期货主要是为我国白银加工、制造、生产企业规避现货市场上的价格风险而出现的。

    Reality significance : the emergence of silver futures is mainly for our silver processing , manufacturing , production companies circumvent the spot market price arising risks .