
  • Garfield;Garfield The Movie;GARFIELD AND FRIENDS
  1. 美国电影《加菲猫1》中幽默语解读&合作原则的违反和幽默的产生

    Analysis of Humor in the American Movie Garfield 1 & Violating of the Cooperative Principle and Creation of Humor

  2. 但是,如果《暴躁猫大电影》(GrumpyCat:theMovie)的制作者是以加菲猫电影的成功(成功?值得怀疑)为基础的话,影迷们也许要小心了。

    There may be trouble ahead for filmgoers if the makers of Grumpy Cat : the Movie are basing their project on the dubious success of the Garfield films , however .

  3. 20世纪80年代早期,加菲猫被搬上荧屏,而且他还在两部3D动画电影中登场。

    He was brought to television in the early 1980s , and he also appeared in two CGI feature films .

  4. 加菲猫,汤姆,来见见你们新的竞争者:机器猫。

    Garfield , Tom , meet your new competitor , Doraemon .

  5. 这部电影的主角是两只加菲猫。

    The two Garfield cats are the heroes of this film .

  6. 但是加菲猫也有他自己的观点。

    But Garfield also has his own point of view .

  7. 加菲猫是只自私又懒惰的超级大胖猫。

    Garfield is a selfish , lazy , and incredibly fat cat .

  8. 加菲猫,我爱这个贫瘠的沙滩。

    Boy : I love a deserted beach , Garfield .

  9. 天呐,你真是加菲猫。

    Oh , my God , you 're the Garfield .

  10. 加菲猫太可爱了,我很快就被它迷住了。

    Garfield is so cute ! I fell quickly under its spell .

  11. 加菲猫是以作者已故祖父的名字命名的。

    Garfield was named after his creator 's late grandfather .

  12. 漫画连载《加菲猫》在超过2500家报刊上同时发表过,

    Garfield , now syndicated in over 2500 newspapers ,

  13. 另一位用户写道:'加菲猫是男性。

    Another user wrote : ' Garfield is male .

  14. 现在,加菲猫是世界最受欢迎的卡通人物之一。

    Garfield is now one of the most popular cartoon characters in the world .

  15. 加菲猫像许多人一样讨厌星期一、节食和健身!

    Garfield hates Mondays , diets and working out just like many humans do !

  16. 加菲猫:而你,卢卡,你正好进化反了。

    Garfield : And you , Luca , the wrong side of the evolutionary curve .

  17. 到1981年,加菲猫的人气使他登上了850家报刊。

    By 1981 , Garfield 's popularity was such that he appeared in 850 papers .

  18. 凯蒂猫,加菲猫和史努比已经成为全世界很多成年人的新宠。

    Hello Kitty , Garfield , and Snoopy have many adult fans around the world .

  19. 《加菲猫》在影院公映只有一个目的:逗乐。

    Garfield : the movie hit theaters with one goal in mind : cracking wise .

  20. 有人偷走欧弟,而且要靠加菲猫去把救回来。

    Someone steals odie , and it 's up to Garfield to get him back .

  21. 幽默漫画:和为全球人所热爱的加菲猫一起开怀大笑!

    Comics : Have a laugh with the most popular cat in the world , Garfield !

  22. 加菲猫:又一次,我的生命被烤宽面条拯救了。

    Garfield : Once again , my life has been saved by the miracle of lasagna .

  23. 加菲猫、欧弟和新伙伴马克思呆在房间的角落。

    Garfield , Odie and the new buddy Max are in the corner of the house .

  24. 为什麽加菲猫这麽受欢迎?

    Why is Garfield so popular ?

  25. 加菲猫的创造者吉姆·戴维斯

    Jim Davis , Creator of Garfield

  26. 加菲猫的主人是一个名叫乔恩的少年,他还有个快乐,

    Garfield is owned by a young man named Jon Arbuckle who also owned a happy ,

  27. 且看加菲猫和的朋友如何追踪欧弟以及偷走的坏人。

    Watch as Garfield and his friends track down Odie and the bad guy who took him .

  28. 1988~1995年,在哥伦比亚广播公司播出的“加菲猫和朋友们”星期天节目也大受欢迎。

    as well as his own Saturday morning program Garfield And Friends / CBS / 1988 ~ 1995

  29. 奇怪的是,在戴维斯开始创作加菲猫的时候,他并没有养猫,直到现在,也是这样,

    Oddly , Davis did not have cats when he started Garfield and still does not today ,

  30. 戴维斯的童年生活和加菲猫的主人乔恩·阿布库有相似之处,

    Davis ' childhood on a farm parallels the life of Garfield 's owner , Jon Arbuckle ,