
  • 网络Canadian Education;education in Canada
  1. 加拿大教育制度允不允许将公立学校分成重点中学和非重点中学?

    Does Canadian Education Law allow or not allow to divide the public schools to the normal and key schools ?

  2. 作为加拿大教育组织的一员,我无比荣幸地向大家介绍我们安全完善的公共教育体系。

    Well developed public education , as a member of Canadian education organization I can 't miss this explanation to describe Canada .

  3. 瑞士出现了重大突破,加拿大教育与科技相结合!

    A breakthrough in Switzerland ! Teaching with technology in Canada !

  4. 加拿大教育中国办公室是中国最大的提供教育服务的机构之一。

    CEC China is one of China 's largest education service providers .

  5. 卡格女士作为加拿大教育代表团成员,在2006年访问了北京的学校。

    Mrs Coggles visited schools in Beijing in2006 as part of a Canadian educational delegation .

  6. 加拿大教育促进发展组织

    Canadian Organization for Development through Education

  7. 加拿大教育局在公立和私立高中为学生提供多种多样的中学课程。

    Canada offers many fantastic educational opportunities for students in both public and private high school programs .

  8. 他的哲学是,把基础汉语加入到孩子们的加拿大教育中,综合起来将培养出更全面、更负责的公民。

    His philosophy was that by moderating the children 's Canadian education with fundamental Chinese , the equation would result in well-rounded , responsible citizens .

  9. 所有大学都是政府运营的,加拿大教育部负责大学课程的设置,

    All the universities are owned by the government , so there is the Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities

  10. 加拿大国际教育局(CanadianBureauforInternationalEducation)的高等教育数据显示,该国对印度学生的吸引力早在英国退欧或特朗普当选总统之前就已经在累积。

    Higher education figures from the Canadian Bureau for International Education indicate that the country 's attraction among Indian students had been building long before either Brexit or President Trump 's election .

  11. 加拿大注册教育储蓄计划(RESP)简介&大学教育的资金准备

    Canada RESP Briefing & Fund Preparation for College Education

  12. 论文采用贝克尔(Baker)的分析框架,从背景、输入、过程、输出四个变量着手,分析并介绍了加拿大双语教育的实践经验和研究成果。

    Based on the Baker 's analysis model , this thesis introduces and analyses the practical experiences and , research findings in Canada , concentrating the variables as context , input , process and output .

  13. 20世纪80年代以来加拿大基础教育课程改革述评

    Comments on Canada Curriculum Reform in Basic Education since the 1980s

  14. 加拿大教师教育大学化的传统与变革

    Tradition and Transition in the University-orientation of Teacher Education in Canada

  15. 加拿大高等教育的量变、质变及其特征

    Quantitative , qualitative changes and characteristics of Canadian higher education

  16. 加拿大高等教育&挑战与趋势

    Higher Education in Canada : Challenges and Tendency of Development

  17. 加拿大双语教育与中国双语教学的异同对比

    A Contrastive Study on the Canadian and Chinese Bilingual Education

  18. 加拿大职业教育对我国高职教育的启示

    Insights into the Vocational Education in Canada to Our Higher Vocational Education

  19. 多元文化背景下的加拿大公民教育研究

    A Study of Canadian Citizenship Education Against the Multicultural Context

  20. 从约克大学看加拿大高等教育

    From York University to see the Canadian Higher Education

  21. 加拿大技术教育课程述评

    A Review on Curriculum of Canadian Technological Education

  22. 加拿大特殊教育立法与实践

    Legislation and Implementation of Special Education in Canada

  23. 加拿大基础教育的构建与督导

    On Construction and Supervision of Canadian Foundational Education

  24. 外来媒体再现激发文化认同危机&加拿大传媒教育运动的启示

    Foreign Media Representation and Cultural Identity Crisis & Lessons from Canadian Media Literacy Movement

  25. 加拿大公民教育探究

    A Probe into the Citizenship Education in Canada

  26. 今日加拿大小学教育的特点

    The Characteristics of Current Canadian Primary School Education

  27. 加拿大特殊教育研究

    The Research on Canadian Special Education

  28. 多元文化境遇中的公民资格观与公民教育观&加拿大公民教育实践探析

    Citizenship and Citizenship Education in the Multi-cultural Context : Research on Practice of Citizenship Education in Canada

  29. 不过,只是在最近几年有关法律的研究才成为加拿大大学教育的一门学科。

    However , only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities .

  30. 第二章介绍了加拿大高等教育的三个特色,即大学自治,产学合作教育和国际化。

    The second chapter introduces the 3 features of Canadian higher education , namely , university autonomy , cooperative education and internationalization .