
  • 网络garth;Gas;Gaston;Las Vegas
  1. 粉丝们最喜欢的装扮是《反斗智多星》里的“加斯”、碧昂斯、《星球大战》里的“汉·索洛”和Netflix公司暑期巨制《怪奇物语》中的“十一”。

    Fan favorites include Garth from " Wayne 's World , " Beyonce , Han Solo from " Star Wars , " and Eleven from the Netflix summer hit " Stranger Things . "

  2. 城市是理念的竞技场(威廉H.加斯)

    The city is a circus of the senses ( William H. Gass )

  3. 她打算去拉斯韦加斯的赌场碰碰运气。

    She was going to try her luck at the Las Vegas casinos .

  4. 这吸引了成群结队的游客到拉斯韦加斯来。

    This attracts hordes of tourists to Las Vegas .

  5. 他无法抵挡赌牌的诱惑,便提取了他们的存款前往拉斯韦加斯。

    Unable to resist the siren call of the cards , he withdrew their savings and headed for Las Vegas

  6. 因为地震之后会有余震,所以我决定开车到内华达州的拉斯韦加斯,到我朋友那住几天。#p#分页标题#e#

    Since aftershocks follow the larger earthquakes I decided8 to drive to Las Vegas , Nevada to visit a friend for a few days .

  7. “在开罗,我曾见到过建造中就倒塌的楼房,以及全部未完成的建筑”(威廉H。加斯)

    " In Cairo I have seen buildings which were falling down as they were being put up , buildings whose incompletion was complete "( William H.Gass )

  8. 当金钱要购买美丽时它将会买到一种谦恭的庸俗艺术(威廉H.加斯)

    When money tries to buy beauty it tends to purchase a kind of courteous kitsch ( William H. Gass )

  9. 到2015年,平均每天需要80万千瓦的电力才能保证拉斯韦加斯市的能源供应,这远远超出了胡佛水坝(HooverDam)的供电能力。

    To keep Las Vegas powered will require a daily average of 8,000 megawatts of electricity by 2015 , way beyond the output of the Hoover Dam .

  10. 拉姆鲍特、霍尔姆斯和萨尔茨贝克拒绝推测是否新的H1N1病毒是在养猪场或者具体是在格兰加斯卡罗尔公司的设施内演变的。

    Rambaut , Holmes and Salzberg declined to speculate on whether the new H1N1 virus evolved on a hog farm or specifically in the Granjas Carroll facility .

  11. 换句话说,如果说在上周末,一个(准)私营部门解决方案正在酝酿之中,那么保尔森和纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)行长蒂莫西•加斯内(TimothyGeithner)找错了求助对象。

    Put differently , if a ( quasi ) private sector solution was in the offing this past weekend , then Mr Paulson and Timothy Geithner , president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , invited the wrong financiers .

  12. 澳门持有牌照的赌场运营商有6家,其中包括美国上市的永利度假村(WynnResorts)和拉斯韦加斯金沙集团。在一份葡萄牙语报纸报道了上述传言之后,两家公司股价分别下跌4.3%和11%。

    Shares in US-listed Wynn Resorts and Las Vegas Sands , two of the six licensed casino operators in Macao , fell 4.3 and 11 per cent , respectively , the day after a Portuguese newspaper reported the rumour .

  13. 崔妮:我在拉斯韦加斯有一阵子了。

    Trinny : I 've been in Vegas for a while .

  14. 他的儿子名叫加斯,被发现因枪伤死于家中。

    His son Gus was found dead from a gunshot wound .

  15. 第三届拉斯韦加斯-亚洲博览会在美国举行

    3 ~ ( rd ) Las Vegas-Asia Exposition was held in America

  16. 我和西拉斯韦加斯大学的一些人聊过。

    I was able to speak with someone at wlvu .

  17. 试析巴余加斯·略萨生存意识产生的原因

    On the Cause of Mario Vargas Llosa 's Survival Consciousness

  18. 萨拉德里加斯记得他们在迈阿密小屋子里度过的快乐时光。

    Saladrigas remembers happy times in their little Miami house .

  19. 我和加斯一起去找她的。

    I never seen her before Gus and I talked with her .

  20. 贝克夫妇乘坐喷气机去拉斯韦加斯过周末。

    The Bakers jet to Las Vegas for the weekend .

  21. 你手机里有一张上周在维加斯拍的照片

    a picture on your phone that you took last weekend in Vegas

  22. 在白天,拉斯韦加斯是世界上最差劲的城市。

    By day , lag Vegas is the crummiest town on earth .

  23. 我们渴望去看看拉斯韦加斯和它众多的迷人之处。

    We were eager to see Las Vegas and all its many attractions .

  24. 加斯在我留言机上留言要会我。

    I got a message to meet Gus here .

  25. 如果你想要刺激,那没有比拉斯韦加斯更好的地方了。

    If you want excitement , there 's no place like Las vegas .

  26. 你没有找到他因为他去了拉斯韦加斯。

    You haven 't found him yet because he split for Las vegas .

  27. 你去过拉斯韦加斯吗?

    Have you ever been to : as veaas ?

  28. 他们的霍加斯出版社经营从地下室房间到塔维斯托克广场。

    Their Hogarth Press had operated from the basement room in Tavistock Square .

  29. 他们在拉斯韦加斯也干这个?

    Do they do this in vegas , too ?

  30. 你们都将获得三天两夜拉维斯加斯之�

    You both gonna get the three day two nights stay in Vegas .