
  • 网络initial fee;franchise fee;up-front franchise fee;participation fee
  1. 不收取加盟费,不收取培训费,不收管理年费,不收取其它杂费用。

    Initial fee is not charged Do not collect training fees , do not charge annual management fee is not charged other miscellaneous fees .

  2. 答:加盟费会因城市的等级而有所区别。

    A : The initial fees would depend on the city category .

  3. 本公司不需要加盟费!

    This company does not need to ally the expense !

  4. 与行销理论相反,资产所有权观点提出了加盟费和特许权使用费之间的一种正比关系。

    Contray to the agency theory , our property rights approach provides a positive relationship between royalties and fees .

  5. 那之后,人们付给克劳科先生加盟费,使用麦当劳的名字和菜单,开办自己的餐馆。

    After that , people paid Ray Kroc to open their own restaurants using the McDonald 's name and menu .

  6. 在美国知名品牌表现出色的领域,如快餐和酒店连锁,主要成本落在当地合作伙伴的账簿上,美国跨国公司从加盟费中受益。

    In areas where prominent US brands stand out-fast food and hotel chains-the major costs are on the books of local partners while US multinationals benefit from franchise fees .

  7. 当业界了解我的”寻找“公司时,有几十家公司找我要给我数百万美金加盟费。

    When word got out that I was " looking ," I was approached by dozens of companies and offered millions of dollars in bonus " sign up " fees .