
jiā jī
  • aggradation;accretion
加积[jiā jī]
  1. 顶板分流河道沉积作用以垂向加积作用为主,岩体演化具有较好的继承性;

    In coal-seam roof , distributary channel sedimentations mostly are vertical accretion , and the continuity of sand body evolvement is well .

  2. 大洋板块俯冲有俯冲加积和俯冲侵蚀两种不同的构造作用,它可在不同的时间-空间相互转化。

    The subduction of oceanic plates has two tectonic actions of subduction accretion and subduction erosion , which ar interconvertible in different time and space .

  3. 高位体系域表现为加积&进积沉积特征。

    Highstand system tracts are characterized by acceleration progradation sedimentation .

  4. 加积中学1981&1990年学生近视递增情况调查

    An investigation of near-sight in Jiaji middle school between 1981 and 1990

  5. 有沉积作用就有穿时(侧向加积);

    Where there is sedimentation there will be diachroneity ( lateral accumulation );

  6. 进积/加积地层单元的叠加样式。

    Stacking patterns of progradational / aggradational stratigraphic units .

  7. 扬子板块俯冲的构造加积楔

    Accretionary Wedge of the Subduction of the Yangtze Plate

  8. 西北降尘通量的高值区是由于尘暴降尘的加积作用。

    Northwest dustfall flux is due to the high value area of dust storms increasing in dust deposition .

  9. 这11个Ⅲ级层序内部主要由进积及加积式准层序组构成,在垂向上可以进一步划分出低位体系域、湖侵体系域和高位体系域。

    Vertically it can further be divided into low level system , lacustrine flooding system and high level system .

  10. 雄隆食品工业有限公司位于风景秀丽的海南省琼海市加积镇万泉河畔,总占地面积50亩。

    Is located in the scenic Qionghai City , Hainan Province aggradation Wanquanhe Shores town , with a total area of50 acres .

  11. 4)沿岸砂堤相&拍岸浪的冲流把海滩沙推向高处堆积而成;(2)滩脊(坝)沟糟体系形成后,主要在上冲流加积作用下向岸迁移;

    After being formed , ridge ( bar ) and runnel system migrates landward mainly under the accretion of an uprush current ;

  12. 长湾贝壳堤是由多次风暴加积而成,形成贝壳堤的风暴增水高度接近或高于历史最高记录。

    The chenier is built up by a number of storms , the surge of which is higher or close to the historical record .

  13. 第四纪加积型红土是在中国南方红土分布区开展第四纪环境变化研究的良好载体。

    Quaternary aggradation red earth is a good carrier on the study of Quaternary environmental varied in southern China where is the red earth distribution .

  14. 受沉积物供给速率、可容空间增长速率及盆缘断裂产状等因素控制可划分出退积型、加积型、前积型、陡坡型和缓坡型5种扇三角洲类型。

    Controlled by sediment flux rate , available accommodation expansion rate and basin-bounded fault , fan deltaic depositional system style can be generally divided into five types , i.

  15. 第四纪加积型红土与黄土的风成相似性探讨一种由粘土逐层沉积而成的沉积岩。

    Aeolian-genesis comparability of aggraded red earth in south China with loess in north China ; a sedimentary rock formed by the deposition of successive layers of clay .

  16. 断裂北侧的白云鄂博群以发育蛇绿混杂岩-叠瓦状冲断层-紧闭同斜褶皱为特征,具有古板块俯冲形成的加积杂岩特征。

    The Bayan Obo Group in the northern region is characterized by development of ophiolite m é lange , imbricate thrust and tightly synclinal fold , corresponding to accretionary complex scrapped off during plate subduction .

  17. 晚中新世陆坡峡谷表现出明显的定向迁移特征,在地震剖面上表现为峡谷内部充填的侧向加积体只发育于峡谷的西侧,东部表现为明显的侵蚀特征。

    In the late Miocene , the slope canyon show significant unidirectional migration features . On seismic profiles , lateral accretion packages only developed on the west flank , while the canyons show erosional characteristics on the east .

  18. 从海平面变化的影响来看,持续的海侵所造成的碳酸盐岩加积作用会促进缓坡向台地的转化,并对沉积相带的分布具有明显的影响。

    The impact of sea level change from the point of view , the continuing transgression caused by deposition of carbonate plus ramp to the platform will facilitate the transformation . Distribution of sedimentary facies and obvious impact .

  19. 建立起垂向加积砂体的水平井产能预测模型,其结果与经验方法估算的值相吻合,单井产量较直井提高2-4倍。

    The productivity prediction model of horizontal well for vertical deposited sand is set up , and the results go well with that of the estimation of empirical method , and the yield of single well improves 2-4 times than that of vertical well 's.

  20. 湖区水位的上升与湖底淤高,势必会引起淮河中游发展溯源加积和洪水位的上升。

    And since then , the water level in the lake and the height of the lake bottom have risen constantly , which have led to the development of the headward accumulation and the meander bend in the lower reaches of the middle course of the Huaihe River .

  21. 加筋风积沙挡墙工作机理的离心模型试验

    Centrifuge Modeling Test to Working Mechanism of Reinforced Aeolian Sand Retaining Wall

  22. 扩展基础加筋风积砂地基室内模型试验研究

    Study of indoor model test of spread foundation on the reinforced aeolian sand subgrade

  23. 加筋风积砂地基承载力试验研究及计算分析

    Model testing study and calculating analysis of bearing capacity on the reinforced aeolian sands ground

  24. 此外,在进行加筋风积沙挡墙的内部稳定性验算时,应注意加筋材料被拔出的可能性。

    Moreover , possibility of pulling out geosynthetics should be noticed in checking interior stability of reinforced aeolian sand retaining wall .

  25. 测定了各种布筋方式下加筋风积砂土的极限破坏荷载,分析了加筋土的变形以及应力扩散情况。复合土钉墙的承载机理和变形分析

    The bearing capacity , the deformation , and the stress of aeolian s and s , are determined . Study on the Bearing Capacity and Deformation of the Composite Soil Nailed Wall

  26. 为沙漠地区土工合成材料加筋风积砂土工程提供一些依据和参考。烧去原来的漆,用填料填满木缝,再用砂纸擦光。

    Results of the investigation can be used as easy reference for reinforcement engineering in desert areas . Burn off the old paint , fill any cracks in the woodwork , and rub down well with sandpaper .

  27. 关于弱■-加细空间的积空间

    On Products of Weak - refinable Spaces

  28. 通过室内模型试验,对未加筋的风积砂土和15种布筋方式下的加筋风积砂地基承载力进行了试验研究。

    Through the indoor model tests , the bearing capacity of reinforced aeolian sands with fifteen reinforcing plans and aeolian sands without reinforcement is studied .

  29. 小弯角、三段直线加曲线过渡的积迭线型式降低叶栅总压损失达20%以上,是一种较为理想的设计方案。

    The loss reducing was higher than 20 % in the cascade with the lower curved angle and the special stacking line shape , namely three lines with the curve joint .

  30. 采用能够完全满足模型相似律的离心模型试验方法,基于整体刚性面板加筋土挡墙结构,研究加筋风积沙挡墙的变形、加筋材料的应变分布等加筋风积沙挡墙的工作机理。

    Centrifuge modeling test method satisfying with modeling similar law thoroughly was used . Based on reinforced soil retaining wall structure of whole rigid panel , deformation of reinforced aeolian sand retaining wall , strain distribution of geosynthetics and working mechanism of reinforced aeolian sand retaining wall were researched .