
  • 网络motor development;Physical Well-being and Motor Development;PhysicalWell-beingandMotorDevelopment
  1. 失明的孩子在动作发展的这一方面往往比不失明的孩子更加被动。

    Blind children tend to be more passive in this area of motor development than sighted children .

  2. 山东省3~10岁儿童动作发展研究

    Children gross motor development from ages 3 to 10 in Shandong

  3. 竞技武术太极拳自选套路难度动作发展现状研究

    A Study of the Development of Optional Skills in Tai Chi

  4. 女子高低杠动作发展趋势的研究

    Study on the Development Trend of Female High-Low Bar Movements

  5. 动作发展学的研究方法与研究方向初探

    Preliminary discussion of research methods and orientation of discipline of motor development

  6. 幼儿动作发展与动作抑制研究

    Motor development and inhibition in 4 - 6 year - old children

  7. 竞技健美操规则的改变对其难度动作发展的影响

    Influences of changes of competitive gymnastics regulations on development of difficult movements

  8. 大肌肉动作发展位移分测试性别差异之研究

    Research on sex difference of locomotion subtest of test of gross motor development

  9. 儿童时期生长迅速,是大肌肉动作发展的关键时期。

    The critical period of gross motor development is childhood when the children grow rapidly .

  10. 儿童动作发展是发展心理学一个十分重要的课题。

    The development of children 's movement is a very important topic in development psychology .

  11. 雅典奥运会后世界吊环整套动作发展趋势的研究

    Study On The Development Trend Of Sets Of Movements In Flying Rings After Athens Olympic Games

  12. 对动作发展学的涵义、动作发展学的研究方法以及发展方向进行初步探讨。

    The meaning , research methods and development orientation of discipline of motor development were preliminarily discussed .

  13. 前手翻在自由体操前空翻类动作发展方面具有较大的潜力。

    Forward handspring has great potentialities in its development among the forward somersault movements in floor exercises .

  14. 主要阐述了人类动作发展,尤其是大肌肉群动作技能测试(TGMD2)的主要内容及其重要作用。

    This paper explains development of human movement especially for main content and important function of big muscle group .

  15. 目的了解婴幼儿动作发展现况,研究抚育环境对婴幼儿动作发育的影响。

    To investigate status of infant motor development , and to study the impact of rich of poor fostering environment on infant motor development .

  16. 结果显示,自理能力培养对中大班幼儿的精细动作发展有促进作用,其中,对中班幼儿的促进作用更为显著。

    The results indicate that cultivation of self-care ability promotes the development of fine motion of middle and higher class children , especially the former .

  17. 以程菲跳和第38届世界体操锦标赛跳马决赛运动员为主要对象,研究了世界女子跳马动作发展的主要特点。

    Taking the " Cheng Fei " and final match of vaulting horse in 38th Artistic Gymnastics World Championships as main research subject , this paper studies the developing character of world woman vaulting horse .

  18. 动作发展贯穿人类一生,他和认知发展、情绪情感发展以及身体的发展并称为人类一生的四个发展领域,他们之间相互作用,相互影响。

    Motor development throughout human life he , emotional and cognitive development and the development of physical and emotional development is called four development areas of human life , interaction between them , influence each other .

  19. 本文通过对难度动作发展方向和技术特征的分析,提出提高难度动作魅力的针对性训练方法,对提高我国竞技健美操整体水平具有现实的指导意义。

    Through analyzing the trend and technical character of difficult movement , the paper puts forward the special training to improve the charm of difficult movement , and provides realistic significance to promote the whole level of Chinese sports aerobatics .

  20. 对人类个体发展,特别是对儿童早期发展阶段(婴幼儿期)来说,动作发展比书面语言等符号化领域更基本,也更重要。

    For individual development of human beings , especially for the early development stage ( infancy ) of children , movement development is more fundamental and also more important than the development in symbolized areas such as written language and the like .

  21. 从新规则看健美操难度动作的发展

    Development of Acrobatic Difficult Actions from the New Regulation Point of View

  22. 一系列相连续的事件动作或发展。

    A connected series of events or actions or developments .

  23. 其次,培养婴幼儿精细动作的发展应与日常生活联系在一起。

    Secondly , the development of infant fine movement should be linked with the daily life .

  24. 从第10届全运会看我国男子跳马难新动作的发展趋势

    Current Situation of Man 's Vaulting Horse and Developing Direction of New Difficulty Movement in China

  25. 中外优秀运动员双杠整套动作的发展与比较研究

    Development and Comparative Study on Excellent Athletes ' Completing the Movements of A Set of Parallel Bars

  26. 从1997-2008年国际竞技健美操竞赛规则的变化看难度动作的发展

    Development of Difficulty Movement by the Change of Rules of International Competitive Aerobics Gymnastics from 1997 to 2008

  27. 从第9、10届世界健美操锦标赛看难度动作的发展趋势

    Analysis of the Development Trend of the Difficulty of Action from the 9th , 10th Session of the World Aerobics Championship

  28. 由于测试条件和样本量的限制,小学生田径类基础动作技能发展水平测试量表的制定具有一定的局限性,是否能够大范围应用还有待进一步验证和探究。

    As limitations of the test conditions and sample qualities , the test scale has certain limitations , whether can be applied needs further verification and research .

  29. 研究了近三届体操世锦赛单杠决赛中飞行动作的发展状况及其与成绩的关系。

    This paper studies the development of flight element in horizontal bar in the final in the recent world gymnastics championship and its relations with the results .

  30. 挑选工具分解、合物品的玩具,可以训练孩子的手眼协调能力,对手部精细动作的发展有帮助。

    Choosing toys that involve the actions of putting together or taking apart can help develop a child 's hand and eye coordination as well as his fine motor skills .