
  1. 一个去健身房但因为怕举不动而从不试着举更重的人,他永远都无法再练壮他的肌肉。

    A gym-goer who never tries lifting heavier weights because he 's afraid he won 't be able to lift them will never grow his muscles .

  2. 大米草冠层通过影响底床剪切应力τb和水流紊动而对悬浮泥沙浓度、细颗粒泥沙絮凝体沉降速率产生作用。

    The canopy exerts a strong influence on the concentration , settling velocity of the flocs and deposition rate of the cohesive suspended sediment through effects on bed shear stress and turbulence of flow within the canopy .

  3. H∞控制理论是分析和设计不确定系统的一种强有力的工具,主要解决对象建模中的误差和在一定范围内因模型摄动而引起控制品质恶化的控制难题。

    H ∞ control theory is a kind of powerful tool of analyzing and designing uncertain system , which can solve mainly control problems of control quality worsening due to the error of object modeling and model perturbation within a certain range .

  4. 所根据的资料是利用TQ-6型电子计算机,计及大行星摄动而求得的在这三千多年中的运动轨道。

    This discussion is based upon the result of calculation of the motion of Halley 's comet , taking into account the perturbations of the nine major planets in the past three thousand odd years .

  5. 勒布朗有时会站着不动而不是轮换防守。

    LeBron at times stood still instead of rotating on defense .

  6. 橡皮子弹旨在使人不能动而不杀死人。

    Rubber bullets are intended to incapacitate people rather than kill them .

  7. 当人嘴唇动而不出声时,看上去很滑稽。

    It looks funny when people mouth but without sounds .

  8. 微分器误动而引起调节系统摆动的原因分析

    Differentiator Mistakenly Acts Causing Turbine 's Speed-Governing System Swing

  9. 你不可能在原地不动而持久地表现出色。

    You cannot perform very well for very long with your shoes nailed to the floor .

  10. 然而,传统的磁链估计器的精度会因定子或转子电阻的摄动而降低。

    However , the accuracy of traditional flux estimators will be degraded due to perturbations of stator or rotor resistance .

  11. 在这部论文里,他提出了一款卫星模型:可以在太空中保持静止不动而不是一味从高空在运行。

    In it , he proposed a satellite that would remain motionless in the air , rather than passing by overhead .

  12. 祂非从人的结合而来,祂成为那无罪的,因受神的灵感动而怀于马利亚肚内。

    He came the sinless One , generated in Mary 's womb not by a human union but by God 's Spirit .

  13. 挟沙水流中的泥沙颗粒因水流紊动而悬浮,同时受重力作用而下沉。

    Sediment particles is suspended in the sediment-laden flow because of the flow turbulence , and settle down due to gravity action .

  14. 我惦念的是夏季,是以为太阳光会伫立不动而未来总在老远的那种幻觉。

    What I miss is summertime , the illusion that the sun is standing still and the future is keeping its distance .

  15. 毫无疑问,经过练习,我最终能够学会笔不动而纸动来写字。

    With practice , no doubt , I could in time learn to write by holding the pen still while the paper moved .

  16. 更令人吃惊的或许是那些由于总在一个地方坐很久不动而长出下垂的双下巴的女人的数量。

    What is perhaps more surprising is the number of women with saggy jowls because they are sitting in one position for so long .

  17. 双奇偶三维观测系统是在单奇偶观测系统的基础上,通过炮线间炮点的相互错动而形成的。

    On the basis of single even-odd geometry , the double even-odd geometry can be formed by alternating the shot position between the shot line .

  18. 即使我的行动不会带来快乐与成功,但是动而失败总比坐而待毙好。

    If my action will not bring happiness and success , but the move failed and the ride is better than a good question to death .

  19. 因而,可以有效地防止由于潮流转移引起后备保护误动而造成断路器连锁跳闸事故,保证了电力系统的稳定运行。

    Therefore , it can effectively prevent the concatenate circuit breaker tripped accidents caused by tide transfer , and guarantee the stable operation of the electric system .

  20. 含气泡液体流动的雷诺应力主要是由气泡存在及液体湍动而引起的,它们分别在层流和湍流流动中占主导地位。

    Reynolds stresses in liquid flow with bubbles are made up of two parts : a part induced by bubble displacement and a part produced by liquid turbulence .

  21. 为消除温度变化引起的参数摄动而产生系统误差,在阶梯波调制方式中引入了第二闭环回路的方案。

    In order to restrain system error caused by parameter perturbation due to ambient temperature changing , a second losed loop is introduced in step wave phase modulation .

  22. 如果用一把小刀刻划这两种矿物就可发现,方解石可被小刀刻动而石英却不能。

    If you use a pocketknife to cut or scratch these two minerals , you will find that the pocketknife can scratch calcite and can not scratch quartz .

  23. 针对由于运行、维护不当等多种原因造成变压器本体瓦斯保护误动而导致的变压器跳闸问题,进行了全面、深入的分析,从安装、投运、检修、运行、检验等方面提出了治理措施。

    Based on comprehensive and deep analysis for preventing transformer from trip initiated by false action of Buchholz rely that is improperly operated and maintained or by other causes , a series of measures are proposed from the aspects of installation , commissioning , maintenance , operation and examination .

  24. 橡树屹立不动,而芦苇必须俯倒在地,风雨更加狂暴了,那树尖钻入云霄、炫耀夸口的橡树,那跟深入浓荫下土壤内,茁壮的橡树,最终被呼啸的风连根拔起来了。

    The oak stood firm ; the reed down to the earth must bend . On raged the storm still fiercer than before Till , roaring , from his root it tore , The tree that close to heaven his towering summit flaunted12 and in the realm of shade his sturdy foot had planted .

  25. 但它体积小,利用可见光而不是X射线,还有CT扫描时患者不动,而X光机旋转。

    In a CT-scan , the patient is immobile while the X-ray machine rotates .

  26. 特例一为TimeMoving隐喻,在该隐喻中,观察者静止不动,而时间以物体的形式存在并朝观察者方向移动。

    One is Time Moving metaphor ( Case 1 ) in which the observer is fixed , and times are entities moving with their fronts toward the observer .

  27. 铁人三项世界锦标赛(IronmanTriathlonWorldChampionship)的两位冠军得主就因为心脏病需要动手术而被迫退役。

    Cardiac conditions that required surgery have forced into retirement two winners of the Ironman Triathlon World Championship .

  28. 压电陶瓷(leadzirconatetitanate,PZT)以其特有的传感和作动功能而成为近年来在土木工程界广泛研究和应用的智能材料之一。

    Piezoelectric ceramic materials , such as Lead Zirconate Titanate ( PZT ), with functions of both sensing and actuating have become one of the potential smart materials for use in structural health monitoring and control of civil structures .

  29. 测角观测误差看作为参数的微摄动,而非线性规划的灵敏性分析模型(fhp)建立在无摄动的情况下。

    The angle only data error is treated as mini disturbance of parameters and the sensitivity analysis model ( fhp ) on nonlinear programming is established in the case without disturbance .

  30. 10年随访资料显示Charité人工椎间盘具有极好的屈伸及侧方动度而没有显著的并发症,优于文献中脊柱融合的疗效。

    10-year follow-up showed that the Charit é artificial disc had excellent flexion / extension and lateral range of motion with no significant complications , which was superior to the effect of lumbar spine fusion recorded in the literatures .