
  • 网络ACT;Action game;Action
  1. 简介:在基于新的3D动画电影和电视系列《星球大战:克隆战争》的大型战斗动作游戏里体验令人激动的战争现场。

    Live dramatic battles in the mass combat action game based on the new3D animated film and TV series Star Wars : The Clone Wars !

  2. 世界战机飞行作战的MMO动作游戏在军事航空的黄金时代。

    World of Warplanes is the flight combat MMO action game set in the Golden Age of military aviation .

  3. 这一出色的游戏是有史以来最好的PC动作游戏。

    This excellent translation of is the best fighting game ever released for the PC , period .

  4. AI好的方面并没有深入体现在动作游戏中,但它已经在战略游戏中展露,体现在排列和战术的学习上。

    A good example of where AI hasn 't gone very far in action games , but is starting to show up in Strategy games , is in the use of formations and tactics .

  5. 小岛:这个mgs游戏是为了掌机的特别游戏,所以不是一个动作游戏。

    Kojima : It 's a Metal Gear Solid game that 's specifically for handheld system , so it will not be an action game .

  6. 然后证明强迫你玩动作游戏

    and showing that by forcing you to play an action game ,

  7. 不管你到底想不想玩动作游戏。

    whether you want to play that action game or not , right ?

  8. 但动作游戏很少有好的故事。

    Very few action games have good stories .

  9. 斗牛英雄是一款俯视动作游戏,游戏节奏紧张,操作简单。

    Bullfighting Hero is action bullfighting game that has unique gameplay with easy control .

  10. 是动作游戏的一个升华。

    Is an action game with a sublimation .

  11. 许多动作游戏是有故事的。

    A lot of action games have stories .

  12. 在这款动作游戏中,你是快速行动小组的队长。

    In this action game , you are the captain of the Rapid Action Team .

  13. 玩快速动作游戏有助于培养决策能力

    Playing fast-action video games helps decision-making

  14. 索尼寄希望于这款游戏来推动电视游戏突破核心玩家市场(这类玩家主要是热爱动作游戏的年轻男性),同时创造一种以自然探索为主题的新游戏类型。

    The electronics giant is hoping the game could lead to a new genre of nature-exploration games .

  15. 有些喜欢快节奏动作游戏的玩家,就不想做太多的探索。

    Someone who 's expecting a fast paced action game may not want to do lots of exploring .

  16. 如果动作游戏有不停的动作,那么在算时间内它是很有趣,但是时间长了经常就会变得非常枯燥。

    Action games that just have non stop action are fun for awhile , but often get boring .

  17. 这些玩家在过去的一年里每周都至少花5个小时在玩动作游戏。

    The gamers had all spent at least five hours a week on Action Games in the previous year .

  18. 完成和这个任务类似的任务,然后我们强迫他们玩十个小时的动作游戏。

    they do tasks like this one , we then force them to play 10 hours of action games .

  19. 不过,作为一款动作游戏,其战斗部分令人失望,特别是让你感觉安琪拉世界比火星还可怕。

    However , the combat is disappointing for an action game , especially since you feel very vulnerable in Aquaria .

  20. 还有一类动作游戏叫清版过关,例如真三国无双和李小龙。

    Another type of action game are the beat-en-ups , like Dynasty Warriors and Bruce Lee : Quest of the Dragon .

  21. 动作游戏玩家的决策速度比其他玩家最多快出25%,而正确回答问题数却和其他玩家一样多。

    The action gamers were up to25 % faster at coming to a conclusion and they answered just as many questions correctly .

  22. 一个人可以从益智游戏、动作游戏、冒险游戏以及更多的游戏中找到如此之多的选择门类。

    One can find so many categories to choose from the puzzle games , action games , adventure games and lots more .

  23. 还有很多动作游戏都着重一种游戏性,但同时也渲染其他种类的元素。

    Many action games also are predominantly focused on one kind of game play , but have elements of other kinds of play .

  24. 许多动作游戏策划是从街机游戏那发展而来的,但它们与街机游戏有着非常不同的策划理念。

    A lot of where our action game design has evolved from is from arcade games , which have a very different design philosophy .

  25. 一个发生在疯狂世界的动作游戏,主角是个化名哥特的地下特工。

    Took place in a crazy world of action games , the protagonist is a pseudonym agents on the ground floor of the Gothic .

  26. 动作游戏里,看腻了神勇威武的男性忍者形象,今天要带给各位的,是一位身材婀娜的女性忍者。

    Action games , tired of looking fabulous mighty male Ninja image , to bring you today , body is a graceful female ninjas .

  27. 即使是在动作游戏中你也能增加神秘有益的组合,逆转和悬念从而保持玩家对游戏的兴趣。

    Even in an action game you can add a healthy mix of mystery , plot reversals , and intrigue to keep the player interested .

  28. 任天堂的竞争对手索尼和微软也正在开发更容易玩的游戏,这类游戏与通常只吸引传统游戏玩家的动作游戏迥然不同。

    Its rivals , Sony and Microsoft , also are developing easier-to-play games that depart from the usual fast-action style that appeals to traditional game players .

  29. 如你所见,现在动作游戏种类很多,但大部分都面临着相同的问题。

    As you can see , there are many different kinds of action games , but a majority of them can suffer from the same problems .

  30. 每一本武术技巧有其独特的行为将会产生特殊效果,从而提高了惊人的感觉并接近水平的动作游戏。

    Each martial-arts skill has its unique actions and will produce special effects so as to enhance the striking feeling and approach the level of action games .